
Looking for riding partner


Jul 17, 2003
Golden, CO
So I've got a hall pass (from the wife) and my regular riding buddies are all busy. I am checking here to see if anyone is interested in riding a high-country-longish ride on Saturday. IF not, I go to Keystone.

I'm thinking of: Kenosha Pass to Georgia Pass...

from there... considering...

On to Breckinridge

Or on to Copper mtn.

Anyone want the sickness? I'll be on a heavier nomad.... so I'm not fast

Reply here or PM me.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 1, 2004
Not that I can ride that day, but, have you ever done Searle pass?

Done it a few times now, and actually prefer it to Kenosha. Takes off from the main fireroad from the bottom of Copper. Gets far less traffic, which is nice, especially on a weekend.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 1, 2004
Ascentrek said:
Any other opinions on Searle? Never done it... hmmmmm

or even a long version of sourdough/south st. vrain. less driving involved with this one, at least. and it ends up being a nice long day.

start from the north end, at peaceful valley. ride wouth to brainard lake rd., then cut up it just a little to take waldrop trail back over towards the west end of south st. vrain. take that all the way down. ride up the dirt road (cr96) and then hook up with sourdough again, heading back north to your car. not as huge mileage wise as some others, but it'll tire most people out.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Ascentrek said:
Any other opinions on Searle? Never done it... hmmmmm
If you want to stretch it out into a long ride you can do Serle->Kokomo->Ptarmagin Passes back to Copper. It's 30-ish miles and is *highly* recommended. Well, except that part from Camp Hale to Ptarmagin Pass which is steep jeep road. :dead: