
Losing stuff sucks...


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
So, along with a chunk of my sanity, I lost my 6 year old Ipod on the way home from teh sandbox. Yeah, it was 6 years old, and the battery was going out slowly, but there was a sh*tload of tunes on there, along with some stuff that cant/will be really hard to replace (Due to computer replacement, loss of original cd etc...). Losing stuff sucks. Now I gotta deal with the electronic nerd world and get a new one. I am staying with the Ipod, because of the music already installed on my computer, unless sometime is compatible and better...suggestions? And oh yeah, losing stuff sucks. Especially if it is something you like.

AND the band on my stupid Suunto broke...it was only 5 years old and beaten like a rented mule. WtF?


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
It could be worse. Mine was found floating in the center console of Wifey's car after it flooded. I was still shaking water out of it when I threw it away this past wknd.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
It could be worse. Mine was found floating in the center console of Wifey's car after it flooded. I was still shaking water out of it when I threw it away this past wknd.
How is that worse?

They're both gone.

JohnE: my phone fulfills my needs as an MP3 player. If you have a smartphone, you might consider using that as your primary MP3 player and buying a used junker to ride with/beat up.

Also, keeping the only copy of anything on a small, portable, easily broken or stolen device is not recommended... but you know that now :D


Apr 16, 2007
Hoboken, NJ
lost my apartment keys Sat. took them out of the side pocket of my riding short lest i be impaled and was tired after 20miles on the trail and forgot em.
they fell out out of the back of Yurosheks truck when i was rallying the piss out of it when he was in Cali (edit: driving like a grandma going to church.)
my roomate was away and not answering her phone, the chick upstairs let me out her bedroom window and down the fire-escape to my backyard where i had a hide-a key. really bummed she wasnt as hot as i hoped, and has a little yappy dog. I will still bring her a bottle of wine and hope her roomate is hotter.


In heaven there is no beer
Jun 18, 2004
that's why we drink it here
It could be worse, your ex wife could have run over your dog with your semi while it was wearing your favorite hat.

Edit: Second vote for using phone as player. Deleting a bad song on the spot is glorious.


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
joker has a blog?
he should...

after using an ipod for about a month or two...I hate it. I came from a toshiba 60gb player which had it's downfalls, but holy crap the "one button on everything" idea is stupid as sin. You can't change the song without looking at the player, or you risk changing the volume. Awesome. In steve jobs' world, humans would have only one finger, and it would control everything, as long as it was OK with him.

Rant over, there's nothing else on the market with as much capacity as the ipod. If your music collection is sub 32gb, you get more options. Too bad so sad!


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
A giant wave could have swept your family and home out to sea.
That would be horrible...this is but a minor inconvenience, hence the "Losing stuff sucks" titel, not "Oh my God what a horible thing happened today." If that was my title, my perspective-ometer would some recalibration...


Mar 21, 2005
Chinquapin fire road
From now on, every time I hear somebody complain, I will just say, "Well, at least your town didn't get shaken down with a massive earthquake, your family washed away with a tsunami, and now you are sick from radiation poisoning."


Turbo Monkey
Jun 20, 2006
In steve jobs' world, humans would have only one finger, and it would control everything, as long as it was OK with him.
One finger on one hand, still need to do hot keys with the other. :rolleyes:

Which sucks even harder if you use the mouse with your left hand, does anybody do that anymore?:think:


ass grabber
Sep 8, 2006
Central Florida
It could be worse. Mine was found floating in the center console of Wifey's car after it flooded. I was still shaking water out of it when I threw it away this past wknd.
Never trash wet electronics until you dry them out completely and test. Unless you dunked them in soda or salt water, a lot of times they are fine. I just takes weeks for the water to evaporate out of the nooks and crannies.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Never trash wet electronics until you dry them out completely and test. Unless you dunked them in soda or salt water, a lot of times they are fine. I just takes weeks for the water to evaporate out of the nooks and crannies.
Standing water for 3 days and had a previously shattered screen. Not much hope for it. I have a spare IPod anyways, which is what I was using it as anyways.

Da Peach

Outwitted by a rodent
Jul 2, 2002
North Van
I thought I lost the locknut key for my lugnuts on the car. I couldn't put my summer tire back on... I went last week to get a new set because they don't sell the keys separately. $40! What was actually pretty lucky was that the guy with the master set at the shop couldn't fit the master set socket wouldn't fit into the holes in my winter wheels. I was screwed! But as it turns out, the new set I bought happened to have the same pattern as my original set. 1 in 10 chance!

Got home from a ride yesterday to discover my old lock nuts on the dryer. Doy.


Pourly Tatteued Jeu
Mar 15, 2004
I'm homeless
Standing water for 3 days and had a previously shattered screen. Not much hope for it. I have a spare IPod anyways, which is what I was using it as anyways.
My iPod did fine after a trip through the was. The aluminum is actually dented on the back and water can pretty much pour into the little gap it creates. 3 days on a desiccant pack, and a year later I still use the thing. (rice works too) Now you don't have a spare iPod either, you HAD a spare and you're out a few hundred $$$$


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
do you have tourette's?
cant get much simpler than a ipod
exactly. it works great if you don't like things like "buttons" or "getting it done quickly or efficiently", but it's great if you like simple, turtlenecks, and mom jeans. On my toshiba, one click brought up the main menu. on the ipodge, I have to click several times to get from "now playing" back through song, album, artist, music, main page... One button turned the thing off...the ipod requires you to hold the button down in a certain angle but not when it's paused or if you recently changed the volume or other dumb sh.t. User friendly? Sure, retard friendly. Power-user friendly? No.


Feb 16, 2007
Columbia, MD
exactly. it works great if you don't like things like "buttons" or "getting it done quickly or efficiently", but it's great if you like simple, turtlenecks, and mom jeans. On my toshiba, one click brought up the main menu. on the ipodge, I have to click several times to get from "now playing" back through song, album, artist, music, main page... One button turned the thing off...the ipod requires you to hold the button down in a certain angle but not when it's paused or if you recently changed the volume or other dumb sh.t. User friendly? Sure, retard friendly. Power-user friendly? No.

What defines a power mp3 player user? :think: