
Make sure you know who you're e-threatening...

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I wish I was Canadian
Sep 8, 2001
Victoria, BC
Am I the only person that doesn't think this is the most awesome thing ever? Yeah he's a douche, get over it. A lot of people are retards and write stuff like that, just look at comments on Youtube videos. And yeah, he's a complete idiot, but he's got a kid and if you send these people to jail (for something imo should not be as illegal as it is) he's destined for a foster home.

He's a retard, a dick, and deserves to get a smackdown but I don't think he (and his wife) deserves years in jail and losing his kid.

Just my first impression. I'm not as stoked on this as the rest of you.

without getting into the ridiculous argument that it should be legal...this guy doesn't sound like much of a parent to put his kid at risk like that...I think the kid would be better off!...D


ass rainbow
Jul 12, 2005
without getting into the ridiculous argument that it should be legal...this guy doesn't sound like much of a parent to put his kid at risk like that...I think the kid would be better off!...D
Agreed. Also, Manimal, what are the chances that thig guy AND his wife would be thrown in jail for a length of time that would induce foster care for the kid? The chances that a court would order a custody change?

I doubt all that will come to be. IMO, he deserves what he gets.

Total Heckler

Beer and Bike Enthusiast
Apr 28, 2005
Santa Cruz, CA
I think they deserve whatever happens to them. If you have a child, don't:

1. Post pictures of your crop on myspace (or have a myspace?)
2. Threaten people (in person, the internet, whatever) you never know who you are messing with

I am sure there are a TON more things to add to this list, but really... If you have a kid, you need to always be thinking of them. Especially when it comes to doing illegal things (yeah, you might not agree with it being illegal, but it is. Until that changes, it still is. End of story). By doing things like this, you are just giving the court the choices to make for you, rather than making them yourself.

I have never smoked weed before in my life, so I don't know if it would impair my judgment enough to do the things this guy did. But if I were ever to have a kid, my families safety and well being would always come first.

This thread is awesome.


I give a shirt
Jan 17, 2006
da Burgh
(for something imo should not be as illegal as it is)
:rofl: :clapping:

is this the same as "a little pregnant"? It either is illegal or not... if it is, then you take your punishment for doing something illegal, OR, you don't do it at all!
Speeding is speeding, laws are laws, rules are rules...


binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
He's a retard, a dick, and deserves to get a smackdown but I don't think he (and his wife) deserves years in jail and losing his kid.
What if he just got busted for dealing in the normal course of things? Would that be better? Worse?

He's got a kid and has chosen to deal drugs and post pictures of the drugs in a public space. It doesn't matter if it's Manimal doing a little cyber-sleuthing or the local beat cop catching a deal-in-progress, he deserves everything he gets.

I think it's friggin' hilarious. People think they're so well insulated within this bubble of anonymity and they don't realize what a trail they leave.

Manimal, if you don't post the outcome, I am going to ban you for life :D

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
What if he just got busted for dealing in the normal course of things? Would that be better? Worse?

He's got a kid and has chosen to deal drugs and post pictures of the drugs in a public space. It doesn't matter if it's Manimal doing a little cyber-sleuthing or the local beat cop catching a deal-in-progress, he deserves everything he gets.

I think it's friggin' hilarious. People think they're so well insulated within this bubble of anonymity and they don't realize what a trail they leave.

Manimal, if you don't post the outcome, I am going to ban you for life :D


Artisanal Tweet Curator
Am I the only person that doesn't think this is the most awesome thing ever? Yeah he's a douche, get over it. A lot of people are retards and write stuff like that, just look at comments on Youtube videos. And yeah, he's a complete idiot, but he's got a kid and if you send these people to jail (for something imo should not be as illegal as it is) he's destined for a foster home.

He's a retard, a dick, and deserves to get a smackdown but I don't think he (and his wife) deserves years in jail and losing his kid.

Just my first impression. I'm not as stoked on this as the rest of you.

You're definitely not alone on this. Yeah some backlash for sh1t talking soldiers and acting like a rabid 16 year old on meth is worthy of some repercussion. But actively taking part in de parenting a kid is pretty excessive. Anyone who says the kid is better off, is an idiot without knowing where that kid will end up. I'm sure many people say the same thing about you and your kids for whatever reason.

I'd love to give the guy a scare for sure. But wrecking the household and possibly the kid's life for acting like a d1ck on the internet? That's assinine. Yes he's an idiot, yes he's foolish for revealing his own illegal activities, but what the fvck is the matter with you people? I'm sorry the internet where every douchebag now has a publicly available opinion is so significant in your life that you'd destroy someone's life. That's pathetic.

If I had a cop suit, I'd LOVE to go knocking at this guy's door and casually mention that it smells like there's a dead skunk in their crawlspace and that I'd be willing to help locate the smell since the neighbors were complaining. The point would be made......maybe he'd clean up his act......and you don't have to act like some BIGGER dickhead vigilante because you don't like something he typed.


I wish I was Canadian
Sep 8, 2001
Victoria, BC

You're definitely not alone on this. Yeah some backlash for sh1t talking soldiers and acting like a rabid 16 year old on meth is worthy of some repercussion. But actively taking part in de parenting a kid is pretty excessive. Anyone who says the kid is better off, is an idiot without knowing where that kid will end up. I'm sure many people say the same thing about you and your kids for whatever reason.

I'd love to give the guy a scare for sure. But wrecking the household and possibly the kid's life for acting like a d1ck on the internet? That's assinine. Yes he's an idiot, yes he's foolish for revealing his own illegal activities, but what the fvck is the matter with you people? I'm sorry the internet where every douchebag now has a publicly available opinion is so significant in your life that you'd destroy someone's life. That's pathetic.

If I had a cop suit, I'd LOVE to go knocking at this guy's door and casually mention that it smells like there's a dead skunk in their crawlspace and that I'd be willing to help locate the smell since the neighbors were complaining. The point would be made......maybe he'd clean up his act......and you don't have to act like some BIGGER dickhead vigilante because you don't like something he typed.
lol..I love you how place no blame on the parent...he put himself into the situation:nopity:


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Am I the only person that doesn't think this is the most awesome thing ever? Yeah he's a douche, get over it. A lot of people are retards and write stuff like that, just look at comments on Youtube videos. And yeah, he's a complete idiot, but he's got a kid and if you send these people to jail (for something imo should not be as illegal as it is) he's destined for a foster home.
I'm thinking a foster home might be a step up. :disgust1:


Mar 17, 2008
lol..I love you how place no blame on the parent...he put himself into the situation:nopity:
I thought that was hilarious, too. This moron (the one Manimal is after) created this scenario himself, through his own actions. Manimal didn't "do this to him."


Turbo Monkey
without knowing manimal...as many of you do...i'm curious what language was used in:

so i promptly went to his video page, found a vid of a monster truck rally and proceeded to, uh...encourage him to be a better person ;)

i know a lot of people respect manimal, and i've read enough posts to see he's a good guy...so this is by no means meant to point the finger. but his tone in the first interaction plays a factor in how a d*ckhead like that WILL in fact react.

as well...i've certainly seen my fair share of internet sh*theads that can attack without provokation.

just my .02


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
he put himself into the situation:nopity:
Of course he did. And Christ knows it would be nice to have one less moron like that running around. We can sit around talking about how badass it is that Manimal is going to lay the smack down on this douche bag all day and how the guy got what he deserved for breaking the law/being an asshole/being a moron/being an internet tough guy. And that's great but the situation is not great, and the fact that this dude has a child who is involved in all of this negates any baddassness this story might have had and makes it just ****ing sad.


Mar 17, 2008
Acting like a dick on the internet isn't illegal.
No, it's not. But too many people believe that, because there is a screen and a bunch of wires between them and whoever they are harassing, their actions are devoid of consequences. They aren't, and Manimal is proving that. That alone gets a :cheers: from me.

black noise

Turbo Monkey
Dec 31, 2004
Santa Cruz
I'm thinking a foster home might be a step up. :disgust1:
I'm thinking a foster home would be pretty awful considering what I've heard of them, and having his family intact would be a better idea for the future of all of them.

And no, having a kid isn't immunity from the law.

Just saying it's stupid to get someone back for being a dick on the internet like this when there are more people involved than said dick. Especially when the dad is involved in something completely nonviolent (I assume there are no gang ties or he isn't a drug lord or anything). Excuse me for not having a boner about "getting this guy good"


Mar 17, 2008
And that's great but the situation is not great, and the fact that this dude has a child who is involved in all of this negates any baddassness this story might have had and makes it just ****ing sad.
I disagree. I, personally, think this dude should get slammed harder because of the fact that he has a kid. Children emulate their parents. The parents are making poor decisions which will affect the kid later in life.


Artisanal Tweet Curator
Nobody MADE him post incriminating pictures on a public profile. I would argue regardless of where the kid might wind up it would be an improvement.
And nobody MADE manimal pursue this to the highest extent that he can.

Personally I think something like my dead skunk scenario, makes a point, gives manimal the last word, and doesn't completely screw up this guy and his family's lives.

I'm not saying don't have some fun with this moron. Just take into account the SCALE of the reaction.

I'd be right there with the majority of posters here high fiving manimal and cheering him on if his response was something more akin to what I suggested. Trust me, it would still scare the piss out of the guy and possibly cause him to rethink the situation he's put his family in. And it would be more meaningful as a decision he makes himself rather than creating another cop hater out there in the world. Guys like manimal have enough of that crap to deal with.

black noise

Turbo Monkey
Dec 31, 2004
Santa Cruz
No, it's not. But too many people believe that, because there is a screen and a bunch of wires between them and whoever they are harassing, their actions are devoid of consequences. They aren't, and Manimal is proving that. That alone gets a :cheers: from me.
Yes, and this point is best proven by breaking up a family and putting people in jail for a long time. Yeah, you tell them! You're the man!

And no disrespect to Manimal, obviously it's illegal to grow weed and it's your job to find these kind of people. I just don't think this is a very badass way to teach somebody a lesson.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
I'd be right there with the majority of posters here high fiving manimal and cheering him on if his response was something more akin to what I suggested. Trust me, it would still scare the piss out of the guy and possibly cause him to rethink the situation he's put his family in.
Except that he is a cop and took an oath to protect and serve. If he sees a crime, it's his duty to report it. I would expect NOTHING less from any other officer.

It's obviously NOT for personal use. If he had a single plant and was some random pot head, maybe I would feel different.


Mar 31, 2006
Living the dream.
Using your job to induce some pitiful personal vengence with much bigger consequences is just lame.
manimal didn't really do anything that isn't an option for any of us to do had we been in his shoes. His job may have given him the knowledge to act more decisively and more directly with the proper people but really, it's nothing a regular citizen could not have undertaken were they so inclined.

For the record, I don't smoke pot but I used to and I'm all for legalizing it for those that do enjoy an occasional toke. Until that day comes though it's still illegal, this guy got the short end of the stick when he provoked the wrong person. Nobody made him grow the plants, post the pictures or brag about it, those are choices he made for himself and now he'll have to deal with the consequences.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 20, 2006
The Ranch
Everyone seems to be jumping to the foster care solution awfully quick. The kid could end up with other family members, aunts, uncles..

Manimal found someone breaking the law and has taken action. They may not be the best circumstances as to how he found the evidence, but it was not found illegally. I commend Manimal for not turning his back and ignoring the problem because of all the people involved.

Just like we have always been told breaking the law does not just effect you.The other people that will be effected when you get caught should be considered before you make the choice to break the law.


Mar 17, 2008
Yes, and this point is best proven by breaking up a family and putting people in jail for a long time. Yeah, you tell them! You're the man!
Well, now you are venturing into conjecture and verbal diarrhea in an effort to avoid the true meat of the discussion. Good work!:clapping:
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