
Marzocchi Air Forks - Oil Levels


Turbo Monkey
Aug 25, 2002
Hangin' with Riggs and Mertah
I have been hating my 80mm for good reason lately. I have been so low over it I have been comparing my for to coil SID forks.

When it hit me. My oil level was screwy.

Manitou forks basically cause the air to become trapped and then send it through various fancy chambers to keep the plunger from drawing air in the Mars fork. When the plunger draws air it causes a 'squishy' noise at the maximum travel. The fork does not compress properly and will not dampen correctly when this happens.

I topped up my marzocchi when I got home to the top of the threads in the reduced level to extend it and replace the valve caps. It no longer squishes at full travel and it smooth through its full cycle without air pockets. I own all of the fork that I did not know I had. (1inch of extra oil)

Maby I don't need a 100mm to take those downhills after all?

I am just popping on a second disc next friday so I will take the steep DH course again soon. I re-installed my Maxxis Mofo xc tires from summer semi-slicks to reposses the bicycle I bought today. I will report on the progress.