
McAfee Privacy Service

The McAfee Privacy Service lets you decide, on a site-to-site basis, whether to accept cookies. The application displays a popup to ask if you want to accept or reject a cookie. Once rejected, it does not ask again.

I would like to see a list of rejected cookies, but can't figure out how to do so. Does anyone else know?


binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002

The User Guide indicates that there is an Accepted/Rejected cookies list.

Right click the McAfee icon, point to McAfee Privacy Service, and click Options. Click Rejected Cookies. There should be a list there that you can add or subtract from, so says Page 37 of the manual.

Haven't used the software, I just know McAfee has decent user guides so I went hunting :)

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Sorry, no idea then. Last I knew McAfee had free online chat support, could try there.

Good luck in your search :clue:
After giving the .pdf a good review, the dealio seems to be this:

The application keeps its cookie info in an encrypted database and Toes not provide reporting on its contents. If, after telling it to disable cookies for a site, you want to re-enable tham, you must add the site's URL to the Accept Cookies Web Sites list on the Cookies tab.

I think that there are a grand total of three competent UI designers in the entire world.

I may wind up uninstalling the Privacy Service and just relying on SpyBot and Spyware Blaster.