


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
Hey, guys...

Been interested in trials since I got on my mtb a few years ago.

I'm more interested in learning the basics in order to improve my dh/freeriding/technical riding and to just have some fun (esp. without having to lug a bike all the way to the trails to do it.)
Maybe if I get good, I'd consider competing, but that's not my intent right now.

So what should I do? I have a Surly hardtail with a 4" Jr T and 26/24 or dual 24" wheels...and an old hardtail xc bike that's too large to press into service as a trials bike.

Where should I start bike-wise? Worth it to get a new bike like the Monty x-whatever mod? Or should I stick with 26/24", seeing as that's my usual DH/FR combo?

Or, since I'm getting to like BMX, too, can one use a BMX bike as a mod bike? They seem fairly similar...tiny 20" singlespeed bikes with tall front ends.

What moves should I begin with? Where do I progress?

I'm currently getting better at trackstanding the Surly, but that's it...I can only ride a wheelie a short ways, and manualing is defying me...(just gotta find a soft spot and strap a pillow to my ass one of these days and figure it out...) I can DH and freeride, but that's b/c I've learned to put momentum on my side. I lack the finesse needed for trials at this point.

Thanks for the help...I bet this is going to be the most-asked question here in the trials forum.



Mike Bloss, Hero
The weight difference between a Mod and a BMX is going to be drastic (probably somewhere about 10 lbs.), so will braking power and geometry.

If you're looking to ride trials to improve your skills on your DH/Freeride bike, I'd suggest staying with a stock bike. Stock and Mod bikes feel totally different and have different limitations and advantages, and I feel a stock bike is going to improve your skills more in the area that you are looking to do so.

If you are looking to piece a stock bike together, let me know. I'm more than happy to help with any questions or recommendations.


Jul 28, 2002
Vancouver BC
What separates a good trials rider and a bad trials rider is their patience. :)

Anyways, I agree with Bonk on stock being your best option. A good option for you might be to pick up a Norco Evolve. They are quite good intro trials bikes, for a great price. As you improve, and become smoother, you can move to lighter parts, and maybe a more trials specific frame if you start taking it seriously. But for beginner to novice, it's an awesome bike.

Here is the way I learned trials:

-Learn to trackstand
-Learn to bunnyhop
-Learn to rock back and forth on bike in one spot
-Learn to hop in place
-Learn to pivot (both ends)

Then I started rocking back and forth on the bike higher until I could get to the balance point on the rear tire. After practicing for a while, I learned to hop a couple times on the back tire. After working on that for some time, until I understood how to correct my balance on the rear tire and stay there for some time, I learned to use small pedal kicks to hop forward on the back tire.

At that point, trials really starts for you. You can learn to gap over things, pedal up onto backwheel on object, sidehop stuff, etc.

It's an addictive and very fun aspect of biking - and offers a great deal of self satisfaction, because you're doing things on a bike most people can't even comprehend :thumb:


Mike Bloss, Hero
Originally posted by eastcoastzigzag
i got a sweet jamis 4 sale, check the trials buy and sell thread. email w/ any ques. also it will have plazmatic brake pads.


look here for plazmatic info, www.trialsin.com
OK, I'm only going to say it one more time, DO NOT SPAM THREADS. I created the Trials Buy/Sell thread for a reason. I'm sure MikeD has already looked in there. If you item for sale is not in ther, put it in there. I'm tempted to hit the delete button, but I'm letting it go this one time.
Apr 1, 2002
Originally posted by Bonk

OK, I'm only going to say it one more time, DO NOT SPAM THREADS. I created the Trials Buy/Sell thread for a reason. I'm sure MikeD has already looked in there. If you item for sale is not in ther, put it in there. I'm tempted to hit the delete button, but I'm letting it go this one time.
-- easy big fella, it was a suggestion to the thread. he didnt say he saw the inexpensive bikes stringcheese and i r selling so i suggested mine just so he knew. delete if u like , but it was not a new thread in the wrong area, it was a suggestion. check ur pm's, im intrested in some gear u got for sale. ride on, dave


Jun 6, 2002
Golden, CO
Originally posted by Bonk

OK, I'm only going to say it one more time, DO NOT SPAM THREADS. I created the Trials Buy/Sell thread for a reason. I'm sure MikeD has already looked in there. If you item for sale is not in ther, put it in there. I'm tempted to hit the delete button, but I'm letting it go this one time.
yeah, sorry mister master ninja sir! ;)


Mike Bloss, Hero
Originally posted by eastcoastzigzag

-- easy big fella, it was a suggestion to the thread. he didnt say he saw the inexpensive bikes stringcheese and i r selling so i suggested mine just so he knew. delete if u like , but it was not a new thread in the wrong area, it was a suggestion. check ur pm's, im intrested in some gear u got for sale. ride on, dave
As a moderator, I'm just going by the rules of the site. Nothing more.


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
Hey again, all...thanks for the input.

Bonk, I certainly wasn't offended by the offers...but I realize you're going by the rules, so thanks. I just think it was appropriate for them to mention a cheap way for them to get me onto a trials bike.

Guys, I saw your bikes on buy and sell and in the Trials sticky...honestly, it was those ads that made me even think of looking at trials bikes. That said, I dunno if I'm in the market for yet ANOTHER bike just right now. I was more interested in finding out where to start with all this. I may end up getting the $70 Nashbar frame and putting a lot of the components from my old hardtail on there...it has some beefy wheels and really nice billet v-brakes with boosters. I built one of the frames up for my G/F, and it's really a cool bike...in 13", it should be great for stock trials. I'll continue to look at my options...including your bikes! (If you have any pix of the GT, I'd love to see....)

So, thanks once more, and please send more advice on learning if you have any. Or maybe make a sticky for us wannabes so you don't repeat yourself every week or so??



Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
hey mikeD-

if you can still find a small old GT frame for cheap like an avalanche or even zaskar, do it. they make nice feeling bikes, and you might be able to get one for short dollar.

you could also look for schwinns. i built a '98 homegrown up as a stock bike and it's nice. don't worry too much about components other than brakes. if you get maguras, i highly suggest the plazmatic pads.

happy searching!
Apr 1, 2002
if you get maguras, i highly suggest the plazmatic pads.

happy searching! [/B][/QUOTE]

--- plaz pads rule!! they will be on every trials bike i own, ever, magura's or V's.:D


May 9, 2002
Steve Irwins Bungalow
Hey Mikey,
You'll be suprised to hear I've learned a lot about trials in the past year. Everything from what tar is, to what's a good trials rear tire, to which companies bullsh!t about their top tube lengths.
I think the bottom line for you is that with minimum tweaking, most trials parts can be used on other bikes. The front wheel can go on an xc bike, the rear - a beefy FR hardtail - cranks, stem, bars, brakes, derail? All usable on other bikes. You can scrounge these parts from wherever, and if you end up not diging the trials thing, those parts can be used elsewhere and wont be a write-off.

I think you know where I'm going with this - The Frame.

Its my honest opinion that a small mtb frame is an eternal compromise. Modern trials geometry is so specific these days, its almost nothing like a regular mtb. Sure theres no denying that you can learn some valuable bike handling skills on a small mtb, maybe even hang with the guys on stock frames for a while, but the deal is, is that trials frames are freaky. How many stock mtb frames have 15.5" chainstays, roadie steep head angles, and the poorest excuse for a seat you'll ever see? Answer? None. Will you cope on a stock small mtb? probably.

You know, the best part is is that your average trials frame is stupid cheap. I havent checked prices recently, but I'm sure you'd laugh at how cheap a Norco or an Echo frame is. Granted, my frames arent in that category, but by hand built XC frames' standards, they're still cheap. My suggestion is take the plunge and go out and buy a trials specific frame.

Now as for parts pics, theres some cool little tricks. Firstly, LX silent clutch rear hubs are the go if you're on a budget. Mate them to an Alex DX32 on the back and an XC style rim on the front and you've got a trials wheelset on a budget.
Any XC front and DH tire on the back will get you started, too. Cranks and BB should be basically DH style, 22t with bashring, bars should be wide wide wide, and tough, pedals nice grippy platforms.

Anyway, I've typed for too long. Thats my 2 cents worth, coming from a basically non trials, but incrdibly well researched framebuilder type guy, I think I did okay, dont ya think? :D

The Thy Guy


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
Yah, but grizz...do you think that a trials frame will help me do this stuff on an mtb? Maybe I should stick with an MTB frame for just that reason...it's closer to what I do on a daily basis.

I dunno. Thanks for the input, tho!



Mike Bloss, Hero
Originally posted by MikeD
Yah, but grizz...do you think that a trials frame will help me do this stuff on an mtb? Maybe I should stick with an MTB frame for just that reason...it's closer to what I do on a daily basis.

I dunno. Thanks for the input, tho!

Getting a trials frame will be a tad more rewarding as it will allow you to learn trials tricks more easily and do them more easily do to the more appropriate geometry.

I see the point in your statement, but I don't think that a riding on a trials frame is going to affect you in any negative way. It will just allow you to do things more easily, learn more quickly and having your riding seem more rewarding as a result.

FSU , who I ride with was having issues with the whole patience thing riding the 14" Diamnondback frame he was on until he hopped on the Zebdi he got. After that he went from getting pissed of every ride to nearly shooting up to my level or riding and me having trouble getting him to stop riding just to take a break.


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
Bonk, that was what I figured you guys would say...:p

I was just trying to put Grizz, er, 'Thylacine,' on the spot a bit.




Aug 2, 2002
south of boston
Yah, but grizz...do you think that a trials frame will help me do this stuff on an mtb? Maybe I should stick with an MTB frame for just that reason...it's closer to what I do on a daily basis.

I dunno. Thanks for the input, tho!

i actually did the opposite! ive learned many trials tricks and things on my MTB, even with my seat all the way up where i normally ride XC with it, now i dont have many buddies to ride with and i dont like trail riding alone so im looking into buying a trials bike to further improve my skills.. hopefully once i get off the ground alittle bit ill start competing and stuff, but for now ill just practice and save my pennies.... id say just to practice on your XC bike and pick up the skills you want, there is really no need to go out and buy a whole new bike or build one just to practice for XC riding!


Jul 28, 2002
Vancouver BC
Thy Guy's advice is spot on.

You'll never enjoy trials as much on a small XC bike. The slacker head angle will make all moves feel more sluggish. Your forward foot will keep hitting the front tire and driving you nuts (definitely the worst part!). And you're gonna be cramped, making manoevering tougher.

The LX silent clutch rear hub is a great suggestion. I ran an STX before that, lasted only a month before it ripped apart. Never broke the LX SC! I just upgraded to lose weight.

Alls ya need..

trials frame
rigid fork
XC front wheel/tire
FR/DH rear wheel/tire
Trials brake pads
kona stem (or similar)
riser bar
bashring (put on any cranks, pref DH)
shorten up the chain a bit

If you choose to not continue, only the frame/fork, bashring, and pads need to be sold! The rest can be used for XC/DH/FR

(Yes, I was pretty much an echo of thy, but just recapping for him :D )