
Miles Rockwell BUSTED for growing weed....

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Jan 12, 2002
llkoolkeg said:
Why are you so in the dark about cannabis? How do you not know the simplest things about it, yet feel perfectly comfortable looking down on those who might occasionally use it. :think:
Let me ask you, why do you look down on those who doesnt not accept it?

And wether or not i know something about pot or not doesnt really matter. Its useless to me either way.

This discussion went pointless the moment you slammed me for expressing MY opinions like everyone else has expressed theirs. You and people like you call me narrowminded coz im a firm disbeliever in narcotics, and what dos that make you for trying to step down on me, broadminded?

please.. i prolly wont go back to this thread as this is pointless, so please if you feel the need, do ****talk me behind my back if that makes you feel stronger. :rolleyes:


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
grimm said:
Let me ask you, why do you look down on those who doesnt not accept it?

And wether or not i know something about pot or not doesnt really matter. Its useless to me either way.

This discussion went pointless the moment you slammed me for expressing MY opinions like everyone else has expressed theirs. You and people like you call me narrowminded coz im a firm disbeliever in narcotics, and what dos that make you for trying to step down on me, broadminded?

please.. i prolly wont go back to this thread as this is pointless, so please if you feel the need, do ****talk me behind my back if that makes you feel stronger. :rolleyes:
I don't look down on those who do not partake; in point of fact, I admire them if their reason for doing so is substantiated. A person should always be commended for keeping their mind and bodies as temples. I was simply breaking down a failed argument. If you had just said, "I don't do drugs because they are unhealthy", I would have been in agreement with you. They are unhealthy. Instead, you took a hostile tone and failed to list one legitimate reason not to smoke pot.

IMO, the "discussion went pointless" when you insulted pot smokers as if we are some sort of homogeneous group of retarded miscreants incapable of noticing your complete lack of evidentiary support. I guess we're all not quite as useless as you presuppose though, eh? I have no dislike of you or those who don't use drugs. I just dislike bullshi+, and you were erupting it in this thread. I you ask me about something, I will give you an answer and the reasons for it.

If you were insulted, I apologize. If I was really interested in "****talk me behind my back if that makes you feel stronger", I would have chosen more dangerous prey; Frederick Selous didn't make a name for himself hunting quail.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
grimm said:
Let me ask you, why do you look down on those who doesnt not accept it?
I don't road bike. But I don't look down on road bikers for their choice to indulge in what I consider to be a pretty masochistic sport.

Not partaking isn't the point. The point is that looking down on others for moderate usage of something you consider to be unhealthy is narrow minded.

Do you think that most of those who smoke pot are any different than you, or have some kind of identifying characteristic? I consider myself a smart, articulate person. I have a good job. I've got a car payment and a nice apartment. If we sat down together and had a couple beers and shot the sh*t for an hour, you wouldn't have any idea that I smoke weed. It's a recreational activity on the occasional weekend, not a crutch.

I've had a couple friends who got themselves seriously addicted to heroin. Is that a healthy life choice? Not even close. But that doesn't make them burnouts who should be locked up. They cleaned themselves up, hold down good jobs, one is now going back to college - he took a leave of absence while he cleaned up because drugs were so prevalent in the dorms.

You're very quick to lump everyone who touches illegal substances into one category..


Jan 12, 2002
people i will only say this once. you may smoke pot as much as you like, but i will have my opinions about it and your actions, just as you so freely have opinions on MY opinions and actions. if inocent people didnt get hurt in drugtrading i couldnt care less about pot or any other illegal drug/narcotic. but children, the most inocent in this discussion, are perhaps the biggest victim in all this crap. i know its cliché but its true.

and if you come with the old excuse that pot is NOT an opened door to heavier drugs then you are naive, coz as many as may stick to pot, just as many or more will go on to heavier ****..

you may think of me as as narrowminded as you possibly can, but i will not sit quiet while drug liberals and their numbers grow and grow. narcotics are banned for a very good reason.

and as for binary's comments, well have i even insinuated any of the things you feel need to defend? no. and neither have i lumped people into one category.

what i said was i dont pity potheads or junkies. now if you put yourself into those categories that i can not help, for _I_ did not say any of you were such people.

You, yourselves, have done that to yourself. Not i. so dont put words in my mouth.

And yes Binary, most likely i wouldnt know you smoked crap, but if you were my friend, and i found out, you would certainly hear my disgust over it.

also keep in mind, i have not mentioned peoples reasons for using drugs, ive only mentioned MY reasons for NOT using drugs.

thats the last thing i will type here. make of it what you want.

edit: i forgot to mention that if a heavy junkie actually puts his mind to it and WANTS out of drug addiction, and succeeds, i wont hold it against him. i nevr said that i would, i said i wouldnt pity him as a junkie. there, im done with this thread now.


My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
MMike said:
So anyway, what is the latest with Myles? Is he the gray-bar motel? The big house? The hoos-kow(sp?)? The joint? In lock down? Being beaten down by the screws?
he was second at the latest mountain states cup. He aint getting gang banged yet i guess.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 29, 2001
Boston Area
grimm said:
narcotics are banned for a very good reason.
I am curious as to what you mean by this. I read your other arguments and understand and respect that they are your opinion, but this is one statement that you do not back up. For starters, as far as pharmacological classifications go, Tetra Hydra Canibinol is NOT a narcotic. I support the banning of drugs such as Cocaine and Heroin BECAUSE THEY KILL PEOPLE!!! No one has ever died from a weed overdose. And if people are being shot over weed, it is only because it is illegal. Just think supply and demand. Alcohol has killed millions, but weed has killed no one.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 14, 2003
Denver, CO
grimm said:
narcotics are banned for a very good reason.
Definition of "narcotics" aside, this is what PBS has to say about the real reason that pot became illegal.

1900 - 20s
Mexican immigrants introduce recreational use of marijuana leaf

After the Mexican Revolution of 1910, Mexican immigrants flooded into the U.S., introducing to American culture the recreational use of marijuana. The drug became associated with the immigrants, and the fear and prejudice about the Spanish-speaking newcomers became associated with marijuana. Anti-drug campaigners warned against the encroaching "Marijuana Menace," and terrible crimes were attributed to marijuana and the Mexicans who used it.


During the Great Depression, massive unemployment increased public resentment and fear of Mexican immigrants, escalating public and governmental concern about the problem of marijuana. This instigated a flurry of research which linked the use of marijuana with violence, crime and other socially deviant behaviors, primarily committed by "racially inferior" or underclass communities. By 1931, 29 states had outlawed marijuana.
Well I guess the ultimate question to ask ourselves about Miles is what was hw doing with that much weed? If he was selling it to his boys and friends, then hey, no harm no foul. But if he was selling it in a wider circle, then there's an issue there.

Now as a health issue, let's ask ourselves another question..
Do we want to put something in our bodies that came from the earth, or something that was CHEMICALLY engineered (heroine, cocaine, meth, X)? Myself, I've read some of the things that go into that crap. No thank you sir. My weed works for me, and when I retire from the military, I'll start up again.


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
genpowell71 said:
Now as a health issue, let's ask ourselves another question..
Do we want to put something in our bodies that came from the earth, or something that was CHEMICALLY engineered (heroine, cocaine, meth, X)? Myself, I've read some of the things that go into that crap. No thank you sir.
I'll let you know in a bit. I'm depressed, but the Prozac is taking care of it, and I can't type right now because I've got a raging hard on from the Viagra...
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