
-- Monday's Ride Thread --


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
No riding for me this weekend. I picked up a frameset (HollowPoint w/ Float AVA) tried to swap the shocks with the RS Deluxe shock on my Mongoose. The reducers didn't fit, but other wise looks like it should be a clean swap.

That was as close to riding as I got over the weekend. Probably won't ride at all this week either... it's getting dark waaaay to early these days.

Anyone else?


beer and bikes
Feb 6, 2003
Portland, OR
No riding this past weekend for me either. I did drink heavily however. :D
Going for a group night ride tonight w/ bershire_rider, Johnnyru and some others. It will be my first night ride ever and I'm looking forward to seeing what it's all about. We're riding at a location that I've never been to before so that should make things interesting as well.

Night ride + new terrain = :dancing: Wish me luck!


Rode with Wumpus and Aubrey in Waco on Saturday. Sold some singletracks on XTs, so I had some cash the rest of the weekend. Took another dude to Waco that dictated the entire phucking trip, pretty much telling me to never take him on a trip again. :mad: What a tool. Went home and slept for 3 hours since I only slept 4 hours Friday night. We had the windows up and schit dog 3 houses down talked all phucking night. Got up from my nap and took Julie for her first night ride in 2 years. The last one really sucked for her. She had a blast this time and plans to go frequently. I rode the single speed about 11 miles, since I loaned my Jamis to an out of town friend to ride. I think I hurt my knee so I went to see Ladder 49 instead of riding. May spin on the road tonight to loosen up. Going to Waco again tomorrow night to ride with Wumpus.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 16, 2004
I did a little bit of riding. 24hoa Solo.
No excuses for me, I was crap and wasn't prepared. I did have a good time and got 80 miles under my belt despite the cramps and mechanicals.
I think I like point to point endurace races better than seeing the same singletrack over and over.


Der hund ist laut und braun
Aug 22, 2001
Bend, Oregon
This weekend was the Bend Fat Tire Tour...and tour we did. Friday morning started at 5am. We shuttled to the top of a Paulina Peak and began our ride at sunrise. The course took us 94 miles (about 70 of it singletrack), through every type of trail you could imagine. It was the most unbelievable ride. There were about 50 of us who started and I think only about 5 didn't finish.

Saturday we loosened up on a nice little 45 mile jaunt through the woods (mostly singletrack) and up and over mountains. The weather was perfect and at the finish was a big burrito and beer party. :thumb:

Sunday was harsh. We awoke to POURING rain, like so hard I couldn't stand up. We started at the top of a mountain pass at an appropriately named place, "Corbett Sno-Park". I put on every warm item of clothing I had and about 30 of us headed out on a 22 mile adventure. It was a slop fest to start with as we climbed up, and up, and up through mud. The rain subsided quickly...but only because it turned to snow! FAT flakes were falling furiously!!!!! It soon began to accumulate and I was riding through a few inches of freshies!!! The mountainsides were beautiful. By the time my hands and feet were frozen we started the DH. It was soooooo fun! It was awesome with banked turns, tight chutes, tacky dirt....WOOOOOOHOOOOO! We ended with a nice little climb out.

My ass hurts today.


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
Heidi said:
This weekend was the Bend Fat Tire Tour...and tour we did. Friday morning started at 5am. We shuttled to the top of a Paulina Peak and began our ride at sunrise. The course took us 94 miles (about 70 of it singletrack), through every type of trail you could imagine. It was the most unbelievable ride. There were about 50 of us who started and I think only about 5 didn't finish.

Saturday we loosened up on a nice little 45 mile jaunt through the woods (mostly singletrack) and up and over mountains. The weather was perfect and at the finish was a big burrito and beer party. :thumb:

Sunday was harsh. We awoke to POURING rain, like so hard I couldn't stand up. We started at the top of a mountain pass at an appropriately named place, "Corbett Sno-Park". I put on every warm item of clothing I had and about 30 of us headed out on a 22 mile adventure. It was a slop fest to start with as we climbed up, and up, and up through mud. The rain subsided quickly...but only because it turned to snow! FAT flakes were falling furiously!!!!! It soon began to accumulate and I was riding through a few inches of freshies!!! The mountainsides were beautiful. By the time my hands and feet were frozen we started the DH. It was soooooo fun! It was awesome with banked turns, tight chutes, tacky dirt....WOOOOOOHOOOOO! We ended with a nice little climb out.

My ass hurts today.
Man, if I did that much riding in one weekend, I would be dead.


Der hund ist laut und braun
Aug 22, 2001
Bend, Oregon
Echo said:
Man, if I did that much riding in one weekend, I would be dead.
Yah, I've never done that much in one weekend. I was surprized how good I felt. I think the snow was invigorating yesterday. I've never ridden in those conditions before.


Apr 8, 2004
Flower Mound, Texas
It was so nice this weekend, I couldn't pass on a ride. I road Sunday, but a friend of mine had a flat right at the end. He made a note to himself though. Just because your running tubeless doesn't mean you shouldn't carry a tube.


JSB said:
Just because your running tubeless doesn't mean you shouldn't carry a tube.

I meet peeps all the time that think it is like you have tracks on your bike or something if you run tubeless. :confused:


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
Ian F said:
Who with? Any pics??? ;)
Hey, we found those drops, you were right, buttery smooth! That was one of my favorite trails, we did it like 3 times in a row after we found it.

I got some sweet footage of Squirrel going HUGE over that hip on Alpine, I'll get it downloaded to the computer and posted soon :thumb:


ass balancer
Aug 22, 2001
Rochester, NY
I might have rode just a bit with the rest of the jackalopes at diablo.

It never seizes to amaze me how much fun a big group of friends can have on a weekend bike trip. people: 13-15 on Sat. and 11 on Sun.
11 people all with similar riding abilities at a place like diablo. 2 days of riding, a few bumps and bruises, a couple of broken parts and nothing but smiles from all of us.


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
Heidi said:
Yah, I've never done that much in one weekend. I was surprized how good I felt. I think the snow was invigorating yesterday. I've never ridden in those conditions before.
That sounds like the topper so far..... i love riding in fresh powder when it's a few inches deep on flat or descent. But brrrrrrr!!!!
Sounds like a very cool ride for sure.
Mine was pretty typical, but getting out in the rain and pushing myself to get back 100%. Leading a ride while being in the back of the pack is a little unusual for me but it worked and i had fun. :oink:


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
Instigator said:
11 people all with similar riding abilities at a place like diablo. 2 days of riding, a few bumps and bruises, a couple of broken parts and nothing but smiles from all of us.
LOL!! You must be feeling generous today as I doubt my "similar riding abilities" :blah:


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
Oh yeah, spent the weekend rippin' up Diablo with the Jackalopes. Met another awesome chick rider named Sue and she really helped me a lot. I even caught air on Dominion (upper & lower) although it wasn't all that pretty ;)

I am SO psyched for DHing next summer...even considering a season's pass!


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
well the brown mountain death march that i took the florida guys on along with me89 was success. hellish amounts of work but trail number nine is just the most badass trail i have ever ridden. We ended the day with a trip to the dirt jumps after a day of riding in the woods. then went and ate and drank.


talks too much
Mar 19, 2002
Claremont, CA
Gotta love Diablo. I live about 40 minutes from there when not at school.

No ride today but raced DS and DH this weekend, UVM collegiate. Finished pretty well in both, 4th/9 in B DS and 9th/19 in A DH. My DH placing was impressive (for me) considering I picked the wrong tires, crashed once, got knocked off my bike twice and careened into the woods twice. DS was disappointing because I qualified 2nd and could have done better. Oh well. I mean, I was racing on my Tomac 204 on a really muddy course that was basically flat at the bottom. It was freakin freezing (snowing at the summit) and muddy as all hell but still fun.
Echo said:
Hey, we found those drops, you were right, buttery smooth! That was one of my favorite trails, we did it like 3 times in a row after we found it.

I got some sweet footage of Squirrel going HUGE over that hip on Alpine, I'll get it downloaded to the computer and posted soon :thumb:
Based on what I saw at the fest, Squirrel has a set of invisible wings.

Built some trail Sunday, then rode it. Kind of bummed because the team I was with built a great off camber slickrock section with a 90 degree turn at one end at a moderate slope and the fellow in charge had a sh1tter because we "scraped the moss off the ledge". I still haven't managed to clean the section...



bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
johnbryanpeters said:
Based on what I saw at the fest, Squirrel has a set of invisible wings.

Built some trail Sunday, then rode it. Kind of bummed because the team I was with built a great off camber slickrock section with a 90 degree turn at one end at a moderate slope and the fellow in charge had a sh1tter because we "scraped the moss off the ledge". I still haven't managed to clean the section...

NOOOOO NOT THE MOSS!!!!!!! :nope: :monkey: