
-- Monday's Ride Thread --


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
No riding for me this weekend - it monsooned Friday night, so more drying out has to be done for the trails to be rideable.

Spent some time over the weekend swapping parts over from my old Mongoose frame to the HollowPoint frame I picked up in a swap a couple of weeks ago. That's as close to riding as I got though.


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
Rode some urban. Got caught in the rain but it was fun. Rebuilt my brothers bike. He blew up his Fox Float and I replaced it with a Cane Creek AD-10. Basically went and tuned up everything else. Kind of surprised that his Deore stuff is holding up so well. Nothing else to report. Kind of boring around here lately......jdcamb


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
Had Friday off, went with Vno who lives mostly in Phoenix, but is in the air force and hops planes up here all the time. We went to the mountains and rode a cool trail called Fawn Ridge, which is really the downhill section of Sun Top. Fun stuff we rode up nearly to the snow line. Fresh air, evergreen forest smell, mist making the tree's glow, huge clouds movin thru the upper forests like huge wraiths. Sweet. Some gnarl fast gravity, which i really felt more confindent on with my hurt leg, and then we cruised on a small section of Skookum Flats trail in the dusk. We time it just right, it got dark as we finished, good times, gonna try bringing more monkies to that trail next weekend IF it don't get snowed in this week....
Saturday rode with Mutoli, she wanted to get some XC in so we went to Tokul. It's a place i don't know that well. There were alot of intersections that i had to stop and scratch my head to remember, only been a few times, and hadn't been there since last March or so... Had a good ride, the place has some good small rippin sections of singletrack, but their's no continuity, too much forest road riding to get to each section. Guess we're spoiled up here.
Still we got muddy, got some good exercise, and didn't get rained on, on either ride. Success.


beer and bikes
Feb 6, 2003
Portland, OR
Went for a night ride Sat. night w/ Treesaw, Squirrell and a bunch of others in our club (SMBA). It was nice when we started and about 1/2 way through it started to pour!! Slippery roots, rocks and leaves made a good portion of it a hike-a-bike for me, but a good time was had none-the-less. Cold beers and a warm fire at the end of the trail made things all better! :)


makes avatars better
Dec 25, 2003
Six Shooter Junction
Friday night rode to the park~4 miles(?), but the trails were a little muddy so i just cruised and did some urban until it got dark and then headed home.

Rode to the park Sunday and rode about a mile before I flat. Rim tape had shifted. :mumble: I only had one tube so I decided to head home instead of getting another flat and having to hike for a couple of miles.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 24, 2003
Left hand path
There was riding this weekend and it was good. Sat: Did some AWORT (After WOrk Race Training) loops. Dumb acronym, fun trails. 4:00 - way to dark, in the rain. On way back to the parking lot created a new interesting shape with my der hanger. :rolleyes:
Sun: With a for-the-most-part straightened hanger went on a ride on Pleasant Mtn. Tech as always, but with wet leaves on the moss, on off-camber granite. Sweet! :help:


Turbo Monkey
Jun 14, 2003
Denver, CO
I had a good ride on Saturday. Me and a buddy hooked up at 7 a.m. so he could be back home in time to watch the OU vs OSU game. It was a bit chilly before the sun came out, but then it warmed up nicely. Rode about 2 hours at Apex park. The trails were a bit looser than the last time I was there, but the 575 climbed awesome! I'm very happy with my new purchase, especially since I got some new Panaracer Fire 2.1's for it. I'd heard good things about those tires and I wasn't dissapointed.

Here's me coming down a short techy section


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
did a nice loop in harold parker w/ couching tiger and mrs tigress. lotsa fun twisty, rooty, rocky s-track, classic NE style. i shoulda checked the air pressure in the shock, because i seemed to have lost most of it somewhere during the ride and was using up most of the travel just w/ sag. kept banging my cranks and pedals on rocks, but when we got back to the car i pumped it up and the shock is still working fine.

saw a couple snakes which must have been confused by the warm weather. a small corn snake, about 15" long, and a good sized, ornery water snake, probably about 3' or so. nearly ran over both of them.


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
Friday night I rode the trainer for about 30 minutes while baking cookies.
Saturday went on 2 SMBA club rides. One at about 3:30pm for about an hour and a half and then a night ride with McGRP01, Squirrel and a bunch of club members...followed by food, beer and bonfire!
Sunday, I had rehearsal all day for a show I am playing and by the time I got home the trick-or-treaters were coming so I was lazy.
Hopefully going to squeeze in a ride tonight before rehearsal.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 14, 2003
Denver, CO
PonySoldier said:
About ~2 hrs at Buffalo Creek on Sunday, based on the amount of snow I just shoveled off my driveway I fear it may be the last ride there this year.
Where do you live? Near Buffalo Creek? I was up there 2 weeks ago and was wondering how much longer it would be ridable.


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
i rode buffalo creek the one time i was in denver. fun stuff, but still not as good as the other stuff i rode (red rocks/hog back, bergen, and apex). i gotta swindle another work conference out that way.


May 5, 2004
Woodland Park Colorado
I live in Bailey so Buffalo Creek is the preferred ride. Sorry for the late response but I was snowed in yesterday. Shoveled about a foot off the driveway so I fear the worst, however since I also run the dogs and hike down in there I'll keep you up to date on the trail conditions.