

Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
Once again, an AWESOME weekend with some AWESOME people. We had a great time (as usual) and got in a fair amount of riding despite the rain storms.

More on Sunday -- Millstone was fun too and a bit dryer than KT so a small group of us decided to give it a go. At this ride, there were more chicks than guys too :D I personally was having some drivetrain issues (not shifting, chain rubbing, etc)...we finally figured out what was wrong with my bike after we split in the middle of the ride. I kept having chain rub issues and we kept adjusting the der to make it better, but it kept getting worse and worse. Well, we figured out what was wrong when my crank arm fell off :shocked: Once we got it put back together and re-adjusted my der, I could shift again!!!

Good times again and thank you to everyone for my pint glass & jersey!!! The glass definitely got a workout this weekend :cheers: and I will be sure to get some riding pictures in my new jersey this week.


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
I'm very sad to have missed Monkeyfest for the first time. Looks like everyone had a great time! I will make sure we don't book any gigs that weekend next year.


Man Whore
Aug 3, 2004
Montreal, Qc
It's not that bad being a man-whore when you're your own pimp too! Bi-atch

Here's my report on AllezY.net blog: http://blogues.allezy.net/HypNoTic/index.php/2008/monkeyfest-2008

For the lazy ass, this is what you would see if you click the link above. Just look at the pictures and avoid trying to understand the French words in between. :P


Pour la 5e édition du MonkeyFest, plusieurs nouveaux visages se sont joint à nous. La délégation des Crazy Fast Canadians change d'année en année mais reste encore un élément important. Voici donc notre petit récit de la fin de semaine!

Vendredi matin, Deyv, Isabelle et HypNo ont rejoint Yelo et Melou ainsi qu'un "small contigent of monkey". On s'est tapé une belle ride. En fait, tellement belle que j'ai pas eu l'occasion de sortir la caméra une seule fois. Doh!

En fin de journée, quand la plupart des Monkey sont arrivés au tradionnel lodge, quelques personnes se sont essayées dans la tentative de pump track de KTA (qui ne fonctionne pas du tout en passant!).

Par la suite, la quasi-totalité du groupe est allé faire une night ride qui s'est terminée - incroyable - sous la pluie!

TreeSaw qui aide BadDNA a se préparer pour la night ride.

PigBoy qui se prépare pour la night ride. Quelqu'un aurait peut-être dû lui dire que le casque va de l'autre sens...

Le groupe au départ de la night ride.

Le samedi est la journée de la grosse ride du MonkeyFest. Le monde a pas brossé trop fort la veille et a encore des forces. On était une trentaine au départ. On a donc divisé le groupe en 2.

La tradionelle photo de départ du groupe A...

et le groupe B

???, MBC et KiwiMJ

KiwiMJ, Yelo et BadCrumple


Irishblue1926 (Bi-atch) ;)

Pendant que certaines personnes se tapait la complètement débile Sidewinder 2 fois de suite, d'autre était occupées à faire des power-nap.

La ride a été longue mais tout le monde avait le sourire en fin de journée

Le lodge est même équipé d'un séchoir à vélo

Entre 2 rides, petit repos bien mérité au lodge

Souper du samedi soir au Pub Outback. De gauche à droite: MudGrl, Earl, TreeSaw, ???, Deyv, JBP, ???, JRogers, Tim et le bras d'un illustre inconnu.

TreeSaw et PigBoy. Vous auriez du voir la face de la serveuse quand PigBoy a commandé un burger bien juteux et qu'elle a réalisé que c'est écrit "MEAT IS MURDER" sur son tshirt.

Samedi célébrait aussi le 10 ans + 1 jour de marriage de TreeSaw et Earl. Ca va toujours aussi bien :)


PigBoy et Isabelle

On a aussi rencontré Marie-Gabrielle et son amie Judith au pub. Ca l'air que l'orage a été fort durant la nuit au camping. Personne dans le lodge ne semblait avoir remarqué qu'il mouillait...

On a fini la soirée avec "quelques" bières

KiwiMJ qui remercie affectueusement notre brasseur préféré de nous avoir apporté 4 keg de bière et plusieurs growler

HypNo *cough* IMBA PIMP *cough*

Baboon being himself

Dimanche, un petit groupe de Crazy Fast Canadians s'est rendu à Millstone. La Deyv-mobile était "légèrement" chargée.

Millstone est une ancienne carrière et il reste quelques lacs par-ci et par-là.

Qui dit Millstone dit aussi BEAUCOUP de roches. Ca fait changement de rouler des trails techniques, raw, uncooked avec des places pour des séances de sessioning intenses!

Judith et Marie-Gab se sont joint à nous dimanche.

Isa qui va trop vite pour la caméra

Thanks TreeSaw for everything!

Le reste de mes photos est en ligne au: http://www.zygonium.com/gallery/v/AllezY/2008/MonkeyFest

Montage vidéo à venir ;)
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in a galaxy far, far away
Millstone is in Barre, VT. Barre is directly south of Montpelier. i think it was about 45 minutes of driving. maybe more.

JBP and I drove through Montpelier on the way home so that's how i know. neither of us seemed to have any energy or we might have been crazy enough to join the crew for more riding.


Mar 26, 2002
MF '08 was a great time, as expected - it was real nice to see old friends and cool there was so many new faces.

but one of these years one of you photogs need to man up and go on the stupid fast ride so theres some pics of us!
ps: we spent more time stopped then riding, so dont be suprised how easy it would be
Yeah I know, I had to wait for you all the time :clapping:


Jun 18, 2008
wooooster, MA
thanks! videos/pics never do that trail justice!
Yeah, how come when I'm going down Sidewinder it feels like I'm going faster than the speed of light crazy badass biking and on the video it looks like I'm a little toy putting along!


gets infinity MPG
Mar 18, 2007
Sutton, MA
Here is the gps info for the "social" group night ride on Friday.

Very fun ride. We started at the lodge and took Park Loop to Church Path to East Darling Hill Road. Climbed up to Sugarhouse Run to Worth it. Went down Pines to Riverwood. Out to VAST to Herb's to Town. Then Back up Churth Path to Loop back to the lodge.

Here is the gps info for the "social" group ride on Saturday.

After climbing East Darling Hill Road we all met at the parking lot at Mountain View Farm. We took Poundcake to Coronary Bypass down to Pastore Point Loop. Then we climbed up Coronary to Loop then to Bemis which was a muddy mess. Then down Tap & Die to River Run. Down Webs back on River Run to Dry Feet. Then our group split up with some taking West Branch and most others climbing up Violet's Outback and all meeting at the top of Sidewinder. I took the West Branch route then climbed up Hogback to Sidewinder. After bombing down Sidewinder the group again split with some opting for the torturous climb straight up the hill and others taking the very gradual singletrack switchback climb. I took the switchback. Then we went up and down Old Webs then back up Boarder. After crossing Darling Hill Road we bombed down a washed out VAST trail (in spots) all the way back to town. Even though there was lots of mud the ride was still amazing. The hillier trails were in great shape.

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Here is the gps info for the "social" group night ride on Friday.

Very fun ride. We started at the lodge and took Park Loop to Church Path to East Darling Hill Road. Climbed up to Sugarhouse Run to Worth it. Went down Pines to Riverwood. Out to VAST to Herb's to Town. Then Back up Churth Path to Loop back to the lodge.
That is a fun little loop for a night ride. Takes about 90 minutes round trip from the lodge at "social pace." FYI, the Garmin website won't load for me. Is that something we should be able to view or do I need to connect my GPS to my PC?


gets infinity MPG
Mar 18, 2007
Sutton, MA
Oops. Sorry, I didn't mean to link to the slideshow. I didn't customize it so you were forced to listen to that horrible music! Go here for the thumbnail view of all my pictures.

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Feb 23, 2008
Cape Cod
Not sure when or if you guys are headed up, but there is a group of 3-6 of us going to KT October 6/7/8. Staying at a cabin in Brighton State Park.


Jun 28, 2008
Toronto, ON, Canada
My first post here, been just trolling the classifieds. Saw the link on the first page and I have been thinking of checking out the kingdom trails for sometime.

Great pics - both riding and apres riding. Good to see a group people just enjoying the sport and the company. Keep up good spirits and fun times all. :D