
***Montag GMT***


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
mornin. apparently we're getting our first snow storm today. no more biking to work. gonna have to walk or bus. commute will go from 20 minutes to about 50. :(


Sep 8, 2009

Yesterday I spent over an hour & a half raking leaves, mowed the lawn for the last time, put away the lawn mower, took out the snow blower and got it running. It's snowing this morning and we're supposed to get a bunch in the next few days. I'M READY FOR SKI SEASON!!!!!


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014

Coming down the homestretch on my last week at the current gig. Cruise control set.

Managed to get done rounds 1 and almost 2 of mudding the new drywall. Painted a room in the basement. I am le tired.

CrabJoe StretchPants

Reincarnated Crab Walking Head Spinning Bruce Dick
Nov 30, 2003
Groton, MA
Shitty start to the week for me. Was driving to work in the freezing rain, and some asshole was tailgating the shit out of me (and I was doing about 60 in a 45 as is). They wind up passing me, and a couple miles down the road they're stopped at a red light in the middle lane. I approach the light in the right lane (taking a right turn), and stop to look over at who was driving to give them a "you're a douchebag" look. Well, apparently as I was looking over, I unknowingly took my foot off the brake and rolled into the dude in front of me. We get out, nothing looks damaged at all, I offer to give him all my info and he says no need. Jackpot I think. Continue driving to work and see him pulled over about 1/2 mile up the road. Me being me, I do the right thing and pull over to see what's up. He says he hears a loud noise now, so I give him my info. Now I'm just waiting for the bad news.

Hopefully Karma is a real thing.

Fuck me...


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Shitty start to the week for me. Was driving to work in the freezing rain, and some asshole was tailgating the shit out of me (and I was doing about 60 in a 45 as is). They wind up passing me, and a couple miles down the road they're stopped at a red light in the middle lane. I approach the light in the right lane (taking a right turn), and stop to look over at who was driving to give them a "you're a douchebag" look. Well, apparently as I was looking over, I unknowingly took my foot off the brake and rolled into the dude in front of me. We get out, nothing looks damaged at all, I offer to give him all my info and he says no need. Jackpot I think. Continue driving to work and see him pulled over about 1/2 mile up the road. Me being me, I do the right thing and pull over to see what's up. He says he hears a loud noise now, so I give him my info. Now I'm just waiting for the bad news.

Hopefully Karma is a real thing.

Fuck me...
this is when you downshift

CrabJoe StretchPants

Reincarnated Crab Walking Head Spinning Bruce Dick
Nov 30, 2003
Groton, MA
I was going to brake check them, but with the rain I figured there was a good chance I'd actually get rearended, and didn't want to deal with that on a Monday morning. Oh the irony.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
I was going to brake check them, but with the rain I figured there was a good chance I'd actually get rearended, and didn't want to deal with that on a Monday morning. Oh the irony.
brake checking is illegal in most states. that's why you downshift.

random pseudo related story: sometime last year i was driving to work on a rainy morning. some hipster in a mini got pissed and started tailgaiting me because he thought i cut him off (i did, but had also previously seen him do the same thing). he then went to pass me on the right, and i downshifted as he pulled in front of me. i had been paying attention to the traffic in front of me, and saw brakes going on 3-4 cars ahead of me. mini hipster wound up rear ending the car in front of me :rofl:


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
Howdy all!

I think I'm going to sell my snowthrower. There are too many little kids in the area with unpredictable nap patterns, and our "driveway" is all of 6 feet of concrete from the shared alley to our tiny garage. Even I can just shovel that shit. Anyone in the Denver area want to buy it from me? :D

In other news, I got these two photos (from my 2012 NZ trip) accepted to the campus library's art show:

Must print 'em up 30 x 20" and frame them now.


year old fart
Mar 19, 2002
Copenhagen, Denmark
Was out at and event and not in bed before Sunday morning at 7am. Spend all day in bed. Fun times but that is not going to happen too often. I will be a good boy this weekend and do volunteer work all weekend.

Did get a good ride in on Saturday. Went to a trial I had only ridden once and hooked met a rider in the parking lot who showed me around. Turned out he lives close to me. Small world.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Howdy all!

I think I'm going to sell my snowthrower. There are too many little kids in the area with unpredictable nap patterns, and our "driveway" is all of 6 feet of concrete from the shared alley to our tiny garage. Even I can just shovel that shit.
Getting rid of it is a good call. How big will your "new" driveway/sidewalk be?

Besides - this sort of thing doesn't happen very often... and when it does - snowblowers are often outmatched, anyways...



Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
Getting rid of it is a good call. How big will your "new" driveway/sidewalk be?

Besides - this sort of thing doesn't happen very often... and when it does - snowblowers are often outmatched, anyways...
Yeah, if I get another one it'll be a dual stage, bigger unit. This one is a single stage, thus "snowthrower" vs -blower.

New sidewalk that we'll be responsible to clear will be about 40 x 4'. New driveway will be a bit of a bear, probably 30 x 12-15' since the plot is long front to back.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Yeah, if I get another one it'll be a dual stage, bigger unit. This one is a single stage, thus "snowthrower" vs -blower.

New sidewalk that we'll be responsible to clear will be about 40 x 4'. New driveway will be a bit of a bear, probably 30 x 12-15' since the plot is long front to back.
The most important part - what direction does your driveway face?

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Interviewing candidates today for two open positions in my department. I hate people that just sit there and answer yes/no to my questions. If I have to pull information out of you, I'm not going to hire you.

Running a marathon this Sunday. I am in full freak out/obsessing/butterflies in the stomach mode. :panic:


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
It's that slushy time of year again. :rant:

It's been 'wet'-snowing all day, and it's pure slush out there. Frick.

At least I can read about the new Ibis and how awesome it is... :bonk:(yeah, I'm a bit of a fan boy... sue me!)


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Interviewing candidates today for two open positions in my department. I hate people that just sit there and answer yes/no to my questions. If I have to pull information out of you, I'm not going to hire you.

Running a marathon this Sunday. I am in full freak out/obsessing/butterflies in the stomach mode. :panic:

Kind of far out to be nervous? Just remember:


Suck it up princess, this is for fun, nothing is chasing you, this does not pay the mortgate or put food on the table, it is a hobby for rich people in a rich country. You should be fucking grateful that you can afford the extra calories this frivolous activity requires and that you have the time an energy to participate in such an event.
Last edited:


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011

I'm glad I am not the only one having a shit show of a Monday.

I woke up this morning fully committed to calling in sick to work and doing simple things from home. NOPE. As I am writing up my sick email (really am feeling like a pile of poop, along with this throbbing headache), my phone starts going off. One of the key computers here had a hard drive failure. No choice but to drag my ass into the office. Little did I know that I would be dragging my ass through a snowy commute, which just about doubled the time to get here.

Its been nonstop action since showing up. 2:00pm and I have not ate lunch, taken a break or even taken the morning poop, yet. What is this? Its horseshit I tell ya!


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
I guess today wasn't all bad. The mud flaps that I made out of a garbage can and mounted up yesterday survived their first day on the car :banana:

Stupid white stuff :(


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
I spent way too many hours in total today in Matlab, Excel, and Word (with an evening interlude where I took Mariko to her swim lesson and then did her bedtime after she insisted on "dada bedtime").

Although I violated my ground rule by bringing work home tonight and logging two more hours post-bedtime, my brain is much happier now. I wasn't at a good place to leave the project in question when I left my office this afternoon, but now a second draft of this same ongoing MR angiography paper is out to my collaborators replete with nice figures to back up my claims.

Tomorrow I can spend my academic morning doing brainless web design stuff and uploading files to my new 1and1 site now that this more meaty work is done.