
Moving to South/East bay, any good DJ or other good riding spots?


Turbo Monkey
Jul 31, 2005
San Francisco
I'm moving to the bay in a few weeks. Working in Santa Clara, living in Fremont for now. I'm trying to figure out the best places for before/after work rides. I'm aware of the mission peak trails. That looks like some decent XC. There's 408mx in SJ, so I can get my big bike fix there. Are there any dirt jumps or other decent MTB trails? Feel free to PM me if it's hush hush. I'm also not afraid to dig, I have a nice wheel barrow and shovels!

Also, where are the good road bike climbs? I can't stand doing flat riding on my road bike, I either like to go straight up or straight down, preferably on fairly empty mountain roads.
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eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
tons of good road riding with climbs. Calaveras , Sierra, Felter, Mt Hamilton rd. Quimby out of Fremont/San Jose all have hard climbs.

Pleasanton BMX Park on Stanley Blvd just east of Valley has enough jumps to make you happy