
mp3 player options


i heart mac
Apr 15, 2002
She mentions it doesn't have a dual processor. It doesn't need it. WP is faster then the others at a given hardware spec. A dual processor and 4G eat batteries. My sis says she leaves the 4G off on her phone because of its battery eating capabilities.
Next generation pre-4G hardware will be more efficient for the second or third revision just like with 3G. Its not real 4G either, its marketing nonsense as usual.

WP is not more efficient than Palm was.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
WP is faster then the others at a given hardware spec.
This is not really accurate.

WP, like iPhone, has all of the menus and such hardware accelerated. That means it feels faster when navigating around the phone and using the generic functionality.

WP isn't magically making the processor crunch numbers faster for a given spec. You'll still experience slowdowns when doing processor-intensive tasks and as games become more prevalent, that will showcase the slower processor as well. The Snapdragon in the current crop of Windows phones was not even the best of the generation of single core processors. Microsoft just kept tight control over the hardware the manufacturers were allowed to put in the phones, in order to have a level of control that only Apple has enjoyed so far, letting them produce a more accelerated UI.

Not taking away from WP, but to say WP is "faster" for a given spec is not correct. It's only a speedy UI.


gets infinity MPG
Mar 18, 2007
Sutton, MA
Not taking away from WP, but to say WP is "faster" for a given spec is not correct. It's only a speedy UI.
I thought that was assumed. A calculation is a calculation so the faster processor will win. The difference is in the streamlined UI making it faster in everyday functions.
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Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
Creative used to make a blue-white LCD screen with 40gb and 24hrs of battery life. Then touchscreens came along and because you can play angry birds on them, the music-only mp3 player died...I have a toshiba gigabeat s with 60gb, which was awesome, but the battery life always sucked and support for it now is non-existant. I have an iPod as well which I don't like because the screen got corrupted from being in my gym bag and presumably being knocked on a bench inside the bag...and it freezes every 20 songs and I have to try and do a hard boot but because apple is tarded there's no power button I have to struggle through remembering which button combination resets the damned thing...

My favorite that I've ever used has been my Sansa clip @4gb, bought refurb off woot. It was like 15 bucks, survives everything, is unnoticeably light, and I've charged it two or three times since buying it a year ago. I wish they would build a hard-drive version of it. It's great for running and working out, but the capacity limits it to workout music only.

I now have a smartphone and i honestly don't have any music on it at all. I use pandora (got on VZW's unlimited data) and that's pretty much it. It's too bulky to carry around on a run, but it wouldn't be bad in a pocket on the train. Battery life on my HTC thunderbolt is dismal too. My LG Dare got a week out of a charge, the HTC is lucky to go 24hr.

I don't like apple's stuff (their phones included) as they are super easy to use, but too dumbed down for my tastes. I like being able to open a search bar anywhere, get to certain menus easily, and adjust options from anywhere. The iOS is better for old people and small children. The displays are great and the touchscreens are awesome, but it's not for me. I own an iPad, iPod, and the wife has an iPhone4.


Chelsea from Seattle
Apr 28, 2007
My phone died too, and I still hadn't replaced my ipod out of lazyness/ not finding what I want, so just ordered an HTC Thunderpbolt. Seems like it should do what I want quite nicely and I got a deal on it. Looking forward to it.


used an iron once
Jan 20, 2009
I ended up cracking my Creative Zen player over my handlebars the other day as it kept recalibrating the screen so you never knew which button you were going to press.

Went to about ten shops looking for a 16Gb+ MP3 player and Apple was the only option other than slapping a card in a phone.

After a bit of research I settled on a Cowon Z2, supposedly has a good touchscreen and you can skip tracks via the buttons on the side without the screen being turned on.