
MSC#3 Angel Fire

Full Trucker

Frikkin newb!!!
Feb 26, 2003
Exit, CO
Yo guys!

A quick question to ya'll that are heading to Angel Fire... we're (the MSC staff and myself) are trying to decide if we should get t-shirts made for the event. We did shirts for the Chalk Creek Stampede (also part of the MSC) and we took a BEATING on them, pretty much because of the economy, gas prices, etc.

So let me know, whatya think? We'll do 'em if you guys want 'em and think you can afford 'em but we don't want to waste time and resources if you guys really don't care.



Jun 5, 2007

As it stands, I've bought a shirt(s) most the times that I have raced. But honestly, I doubt I'd buy any this time. Given all the reasons you sited, plus some others.

Just not something I HAVE to have. Getting the money to race is tough enough right now.

But I will show up to race, t-shirts or not :thumb:


Turbo Monkey
May 23, 2002
Where the riding is good
I'll be there.

Yo guys!

A quick question to ya'll that are heading to Angel Fire... we're (the MSC staff and myself) are trying to decide if we should get t-shirts made for the event. We did shirts for the Chalk Creek Stampede (also part of the MSC) and we took a BEATING on them, pretty much because of the economy, gas prices, etc.

So let me know, whatya think? We'll do 'em if you guys want 'em and think you can afford 'em but we don't want to waste time and resources if you guys really don't care.

Ya'll should just make a series wide t-shirt, and maybe one for the National Champs.

Dylan Dean

Oct 12, 2007
southern California
I'll be there.

Ya'll should just make a series wide t-shirt, and maybe one for the National Champs.
agreed... that's something i'll be doing w/ the Pro GRT next year when we're going to be able to do more marking & pump things up... this year is just too hard (exactly the reasons you stated)..

a series wide t-shirt would be the better idea... although in theory you could sell more shirts w/ individual shirts for the event... with the way things are now, you'll definitely lose out on the end


Turbo Monkey
Feb 25, 2004
Oh yeah, and make sure the series shirt has an xc guy on it! :rolleyes:

AngelFur is in a week and two days! I should be out riding!


Turbo Monkey
Feb 25, 2004
OH and a big "Good on ya!" for all those making the long haul out!

By the sound of it...some of you should start driving now! haha


Jul 16, 2007
I'm getting stoked for AF. I finally got a team trailer worked out; but it needs to have the VIN # verified, weighed at a truck station, registered in this state, and insurance. Lots to do, but its awesome to find some one who can borrow me a trailer for the summer:cheers:

Gotta say I'd probably skip the T-shirt too. It sucks you guys took a hit at Chalk Creek.

Full Trucker

Frikkin newb!!!
Feb 26, 2003
Exit, CO
Funny thing about everyone saying they'd be into a "series wide" t-shirt... we actually have already done that this year, and they've been available and for sale at the first two MSC races! Hats, hoodies, t-shirts, and pint glasses: http://www.racemsc.com/seriesinfo/mscseriesmerchandise.html

Guess we need to do a better job of getting the word out on that series merch, although I think that stuff has been in every email blast we've done. Hrrmmm... At any rate, thanks for the input guys, and I'll see ya'll in AF!


Turbo Monkey
Feb 25, 2004
Hmmm...yeah, I guess I noticed them at the registration trailer, but honestly, the line moved so fast I didn't see them!! ;)

Plus I never went back to the registration trailer again, so there was no chance for me to see them or purchase them. Good thing you guys are race promoters first, retail merchandisers, second! :D


Turbo Monkey
Sep 24, 2004
wine country
I'm pretty sure i'll be taking the train to ABQ and getting there at noon on Thursday. Is anyone going through there with some room?

Full Trucker

Frikkin newb!!!
Feb 26, 2003
Exit, CO
No deets yet, waiting to hear back from the crew - they just got down there today and are out marking all the tracks (XC, DH, yadda yadda yadda...)


Turbo Monkey
Mar 12, 2008
I know some of the Utah crew will be heading out there. I won't be making it, but there will be some fast Utards there.


May 12, 2008
Santa Cluas lane
hey mister MSC GUY! I was checking the schedule out today and what the heck is up with 2 hours of practice!!! You mean to tell me I have to sit around all day, practice for 2 hours and then do nothing again... come on bro I would like to be able to free ride in the very least between practice sessions.:banana: and 2 hours is VERY LIMITED. imagine if you get a flat? that could take anywhere between 30min to an hour to change out and there goes half your practice!

I loved the schedule last year! RIDE ALL DAY!! haha PLEASE BRING IT BACK!! I'll buy you a 30pk of whatever beer!!:cheers:

I'm driving all the way from SB and I would really like to ride the dream that is Angel fire for more than 2 hours per day. ;)
May 30, 2005
hey mister MSC GUY! I was checking the schedule out today and what the heck is up with 2 hours of practice!!! You mean to tell me I have to sit around all day, practice for 2 hours and then do nothing again... come on bro I would like to be able to free ride in the very least between practice sessions.:banana: and 2 hours is VERY LIMITED. imagine if you get a flat? that could take anywhere between 30min to an hour to change out and there goes half your practice!

I loved the schedule last year! RIDE ALL DAY!! haha PLEASE BRING IT BACK!! I'll buy you a 30pk of whatever beer!!:cheers:

I'm driving all the way from SB and I would really like to ride the dream that is Angel fire for more than 2 hours per day. ;)
Easy there tiger.

$15/day and are required for each day of competition and practice. Yes, we know that some resorts don't charge for race day tickets, but there was no way around this issue this year. To place it in perspective though, all categories are getting twice as much scheduled practice time than at any other NMBS venue, PLUS the whole mountain is open for you to ride every day.


Mar 30, 2007
Hell, AZ
Yes, I am very interested to hear about this "Course B" BS. Cat 1 riders should be able to ride the same tech and fast **** as Pro cat, just not as fast. If they can't, they shouldn't be riding in Cat 1. Why in the world would I want to race on the same course as the beg? And better suited for Pros?? In what way!?! :rant:

Same goes for the 2hr practice that we get?? So you're saying that as long as we have the pass, we can ride the course as long as it isn't practice for another category? So for the 2 hrs that I get, I get to rally on the course without the Beg and Sport. But after that, I have to worry about running them over the whole time? :crazy:


Aug 6, 2007
Longview, Washington
There are a couple guys heading down there tomorrow from here in Washington. I know a couple of the Portland guys are going down as well.
I'm anxious to see how things work out. The seperate Pro course is interesting for sure.



Feb 27, 2007
Yeah, I am also here to say that this 2 hour practice is total crap. Talk about giving the locals an advantage! You mean to tell me that I am going to drive 16 hours from Salt Lake City and only get two hours of course time per day...LAME. Let me guess, next thing you are going to tell me is that I have to purchase a USAC pro license for some un-godly amount of money, then charge me $70 to race. (oh yeah, then I have to buy a lift ticket.)

Will someone please hit me in the head with my $1500 new Boxxer to pull me out of this dream I am in? This is rediculous!


Aug 13, 2004
thousand oaks, ca
Yeah, I am also here to say that this 2 hour practice is total crap. Talk about giving the locals an advantage! You mean to tell me that I am going to drive 16 hours from Salt Lake City and only get two hours of course time per day...LAME. Let me guess, next thing you are going to tell me is that I have to purchase a USAC pro license for some un-godly amount of money, then charge me $70 to race. (oh yeah, then I have to buy a lift ticket.)

Will someone please hit me in the head with my $1500 new Boxxer to pull me out of this dream I am in? This is rediculous!
I just looked at the schedule and those are exactly my thoughts.. I'm baffled why race promoters think this is a good idea. I remember flyers that used to boast "ALL DAY PRACTICE" What happened to that?

It makes me wonder who is in charge? Definitely not a bike rider.... seriously is there going to be a racer picnic after 2 hour practice is over and there is still 9 hours daylight remaining? WTF??


Feb 27, 2007
My thoughts exactly....It's funny, that's why I enjoyed the MSC races...Of all the race organizers, they seemed to get it. All day practices, great atmosphere, fun race courses etc. Now they are slamming us with a maximum of 2 hrs of course time per day. LAME. That's not such a great way to get the riders to come back again.


Jun 5, 2007

Did you guys even read the schedule?

Friday 2 hours practice

Saturday: 2.5 hours for cat 2&3. 3 Hours for Cat 1 and Pro (not sure why cat1 and pro get and extra half hour, might be a typo)

Sunday: 2.5 hours practice

Monday: 2 hours practice, but cat 1,2,3 have to share the course due to time constraints on race day.

On ALL four days, you will be able to ride the rest of the entire mountain, and AF has added quite a bit of fun stuff over the last couple years. Yeah, lift tickets are $15 bucks, but tell me what resort you can ride at ALL DAY for a $15 lift ticket? Hmmmm?

As far as all day practice. No thanks. I haven't seen that in a while. I don't miss the days when expert/pro had to share the practice course with beginner/sport. Frankly, I couldn't do 8+hours at Angel Fire, the race course is brutal. Plenty of other fun, challenging trails there and even some nice stunts.

And you don't have to pay $70 if you register online. Get used to it. A lot of races are not even allowing onsite registration anymore (Pajarito Punishment the very next week, for example) and that will probably become the norm, as promoters try and cut expenses. Welcome to the 21st century.

As far as locals having an advantage (Beast pretty much nailed it), that is unavoidable. But they won't have an advantage as far as the course itself, because it wont' be open until official practice. Only guys riding it prior, will be the ones involve in setting it up.
Last edited:


Turbo Monkey
Feb 25, 2004

Listen, you'll get plenty of practice and plenty of time on your bike. In fact by the end of Monday, I bet you won't want to ride your bike for at least another week.

I don't want to repeat what old sckool said, cuz it's legit. 2.5hrs a day for 4 days straight doesn't sound like much, but that's enough to get to know the course extremely well and get beat up extremely well.

If you don't think doing the DH is enough, do the MTX. I guarantee that'll slow you down a bit. Still not enough? Do the SD.

Plus the mountain is open for riding all day. You may not be able to ride your track, but you can still take the lift and ride trails.

Take it easy, AF is sweet, and BFP does a great job. Have some fun and start getting excited bitches! :biggrin:



Jan 1, 2004
Centennial, Colorado
Yes, I am very interested to hear about this "Course B" BS. Cat 1 riders should be able to ride the same tech and fast **** as Pro cat, just not as fast. If they can't, they shouldn't be riding in Cat 1. Why in the world would I want to race on the same course as the beg? And better suited for Pros?? In what way!?! :rant:
Sorry dude, but as a Pro, I don't want to be sharing practice with non pro's. The only time I've ever been injured at a dh race was by coming up on someone who couldn't get up on time and forcing me off course. No offense but mixed pro practice is not ok.


Feb 27, 2007
Yeah, guys relax...Im totally stoked to be racing Angel Fire.
I have raced it for several years and will continue to do so. I guess I am just voicing my frustrations about limited practice time because I want to be able to practice and do my ususal "course inspections" in my own weird anal retentive way. It's all good, by the time I practice, walk the course and race 4X I will be more than exhausted.

Looking forward to racing and enjoying my bike again!