
MSC Website Back Online


Aug 30, 2006
We want to thank everyone for their patience these past few days, we know how frustrating it has been to try and check results and rankings less than a week out from the series finals! Our sincere apologies for the inconvenience.

It turns out the site was insecure and was hacked into, and the hosting company needed to disable the site to minimize the effects. Working with them, we were able to get things back online, but some of the results/rankings may be a little screwy right now, in addition to potentially losing some of the forum posts.

We'll be working the rest of today and tomorrow to get everything sorted out and back to normal before we head out to the Keystone Climax!

Thanks again,
Mountain States Cup Staff


Aug 30, 2006
Also, if you have any questions or concerns RE: the MSC website, please post them in the MSC forums at the following link:


This will help us keep track of anything you guys find that is wrong with the site, missing data, etc. If you have concerns about your result/ranking, please keep in mind that there was some data lost and we'll be working on getting that sorted out before this weekend's event.

Thanks again guys!

On another note... Chipotle owns.