
Muddbunnies are Back in the Saddle with their 2013 Calendar!


Oct 10, 2011

Back by popular demand – British Columbia’s favourite dirty girls are tearing up the terrain, January through December, in the latest edition of their soon-to-be-world-famous calendar. Professional photographer Clayton Racicot has once again expertly captured the grace, beauty and drama that is mountain biking. Twelve breathtaking months of hard bodied, hard core cyclists riding strong against the breathtaking backdrop of BC’s top mountain biking destinations are included. How’s that for incentive to order your copy immediately?

In the odd case that you aren’t yet thoroughly convinced that you need to get this one-of-a-kind home décor item for you and sixty-two of your closest friends, read on.

The Muddbunnies is hardly a group of die-hard ice cream eaters who meet up monthly for leisurely jaunts down bumpy gravel roads. Hardly. These inspired and inspiring women crave and actively pursue aggressive trails and killer hills. Every one of them will agree that a little mud, crud and blood bear witness to an extreme day in the woods. (Yes, that’s a good thing.)

If you find yourself thinking, “That’s my kind of girl!” you need this calendar. Keep thinking here, big and charitably, because the Christmas season is nearly upon us after all and this calendar is in support of the lovely ladies that make up the Muddbunnies Race Team. Lucky for you, the Bunnies are going to make your holiday shopping easy and downright pleasurable this year.

“If you can type your name, you can shop stress free at http://www.muddbunnies.com/store/Calendar/calendar.htm.”

Avoid the anxiety, hassle and financial burden that are sure to ensue if you wait until the last minute to buy for your loved ones. Every person you know will want this calendar and if they don’t, why are you friends with them?

Notable Exception: You may purchase a cuddly kitty calendar for your grandma. Everybody else wants Bunnies!

The Muddbunnies is more than a community of lovely ladies potentially in Spandex (not that there’s anything wrong with lovely ladies in Spandex), they are the real deal. Check out the facts – these women have been blazing trails since 2005 and growing ever since. They represent at races almost every weekend February through October as riders of all skill and experience levels, beginner through expert.

But wait, there’s more. The Bunnies also offer maintenance classes, host social events, volunteer in the community and provide updates to their followers regarding happenings in the mountain biking universe. Plus they sell super cute Muddbunnies apparel.

This group is serious about cycling and supporting their members in the pursuit of their sport. Hence, the annual calendar which provides financial backing for the Muddbunnies racing team. Your calendar purchase helps promote cycling opportunities in our community. And the pages are full of awesome companies that support women in this sport: Red Racer Beer, Dirty Girl Designs, Race Face, Kali Protectives, Big Mountain Bike Adventures, Loudenterprise, Shredly, Ryders Eyewear, and Sweetlines

Your 2013 Muddbunnie calendar order will be shipped immediately which means that you will receive your copies in plenty of time to wrap and deliver them to your ever-so-grateful friends.

Muddbunnie calendars will be hopping off the shelves (lame pun intended) so don’t delay, order today!

The Muddbunnies encourage and welcome female riders of all experience and skill levels to join them in getting down and dirty. Come on, ride like a girl!
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