
My bike....


Mar 31, 2004
Denver, Colorado
My bike was stollen off my porch on december 1st... I am not living at home currently and UPS dropped off the bike on my moms porch and she was at work so someone decided to take my never used bike. I bought the Gemini from Jeff Brines and was so excited about it but now i don't know what is going to happen... I was so EXCITED... WC boxxers, all the nice stuff... but some asshole thought it would be fun to piss people off....!
Dirty ****ers!


Mar 31, 2004
Denver, Colorado
they are... my mom just needs the recipts for value from Jeff Brines before we can do anything? Does anyone know someone else that knows Jeff from the Bike Source Cannondale team? I think his name might be Brian but not to sure.


Mar 31, 2004
Denver, Colorado
yeppp....well i would not call it brand new but im still incredibly pissed!!! **** like this happens to me... even though im not even home. Hopfully the other gemini is still up for grabs and if it is... once i get the insurance money i will hopfully end up with it.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 9, 2004
South Seattle
If you can, make UPS pick up the tab. If you put it on the home owner's policy, your mom's rates will go up.
Though, you probably don't really care since you don't pay the premiums.

Anyways, go through UPS if you can
May 24, 2002
Boulder CO
Yeah, this sucks, especially cause its finals time for me so NO time for other stuff.

FYI, UPS is probably going to do NOTHING. After the package is delivered they are no longer liable. Price, your mom NEEDS TO CALL THE POLICE, file a claim and the have homeowners cover it!

I'll get that invoice to you ASAP


Mar 31, 2004
Denver, Colorado
thanks jeff... ill call my mom in about 30 min once the damn phones turn back on... i called the LBS and told them just to keep an eye out... hey and jeff. u said u had a friend with the same gemini right? if so pm me or get on AIM


Mar 31, 2004
Denver, Colorado
buildyourown said:
If you can, make UPS pick up the tab. If you put it on the home owner's policy, your mom's rates will go up.
Though, you probably don't really care since you don't pay the premiums.

Anyways, go through UPS if you can
I may not be the one paying for it but i feel the wrath of it when bills need to be payed!! :nopity:


Jul 10, 2002
on the living room rug
neversummersnow said:
Yeah, this sucks, especially cause its finals time for me so NO time for other stuff.

FYI, UPS is probably going to do NOTHING. After the package is delivered they are no longer liable. Price, your mom NEEDS TO CALL THE POLICE, file a claim and the have homeowners cover it!

I'll get that invoice to you ASAP
i had an object stolen off my porch that ups delivered. ups replaced the cost of the item, no they are not liable once they leave it on the porch but they can only leave without a signiture if you or sender has ok'd it. file a claim with the copy of the invoice and you should be good to go. just my 2cents


Mar 31, 2004
Denver, Colorado
Well if we found out about it earlyer we might of been able to track it down but its been almost a week so there is no hope now unless the theif is so stupid to take it to the LBS and try to get someone to build it up. I doubt the person that stole it even knew what quality bike they were gunna get. We waited to long and i cant get a hold of my mom to tell her ups prolly wont do anything. So now i have to wait...


Mar 31, 2004
Denver, Colorado
yeah we will... well my mommy talked to her insurance company and they are covering i think 1000 and ups is covering i think a lil more than 1000 so we are set. I have talked to Justin at Bike Source and i am almost hooked up with a new bike so i am so happy to have it before chirstmas break! Everything is working out great and when i get home im gunna look for the original one. here is a pic of it if anyone in Amarillo sees it.


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
Too bad, sweet bike. If a signature was required and they didn't get one, UPS should be responsible, but if it was specified that "no signature is required" the insurance may be your only bet. If the cannondale dude sent it "no sig required" that's not too bright...


Turbo Monkey
May 26, 2004
Jeffs bike sucked anyway, you shouda bought mine. :D

Sorry to hear that dude, keep on the insurance's ass about it, get your moneys worth out of those bastards.

EDIT: I should read whole threads before replying.
neversummersnow said:
Yeah, this sucks, especially cause its finals time for me so NO time for other stuff.

FYI, UPS is probably going to do NOTHING. After the package is delivered they are no longer liable. Price, your mom NEEDS TO CALL THE POLICE, file a claim and the have homeowners cover it!

I'll get that invoice to you ASAP
the police probobly wont do any thing either. if u see the guy riding it get a gun and shooot his ^&&.
your moms insurance should do the trick.

:nopity: :nuts:


Turbo Monkey
Dec 16, 2003
Pac NW
OGRipper said:
Too bad, sweet bike. If a signature was required and they didn't get one, UPS should be responsible, but if it was specified that "no signature is required" the insurance may be your only bet. If the cannondale dude sent it "no sig required" that's not too bright...
Yeah, that sux. But look on the bright side now you will get a brand new bike..which is even better. My buddy had a UPS package taken because the UPS guy wasn't too smart and left the package on the porch even though it required a signature. Well long story short..he got his $5000.00 claim covered by UPS. That's the whole point of having insurance and signature...it may cost extra but better to have it n not need it than to need it n not have it.

Good luck..sounds like it's all good and youll end up with a new rig.
May 24, 2002
Boulder CO
I am the seller.

It is the seller's responsibility to add any extra insurance or signature. The only way I'd consider myself liable in any way shape or form is if the packing was done poorly and parts where damaged that way.

Personally, I've never had a signature required for anything sent to me and depending on who's sending it I may or may not add the insurance.

All and all the situation sucks. Hopefully we'll come to some sort of acceptable solution..


Mar 27, 2004
I have delt with ups on dozens of claims when I used to work at a UPS store. Their policy is "driver discretion". If there hasnt been any problems with theft in the paticular area they will leave it on door step, on side of house, in car port, or even back door. There was a couple of instances were they left high priced items on door steps and they were stolen. UPS would usually pay all the claims, but you would have to twist their arm off. :)


Oct 27, 2003
Damn dude that sucks, Im gonna have to lock my bikes now becuase I live 2 houses away from price seliger.

And price if i drive by a dude on a jemini ill get out beat the hell out of him. Oh and you may wanna check extreme bike shop, becuase they have been getting alot of stolen bikes that the dumb asses dont know how to put together. If they know its yours or that yours was stolen theyd call the cops when they come in with it. I know it sounds crazy but when I was in there 2 weeks ago this same thing happened, and chris said it had happened like 3 times that month.
Good Luck


Mar 31, 2004
Denver, Colorado
WELL WELL WELL!!!! Yall arnt gunna beleive it!!! My trashy neighbors took it!!! haha we found it!!!! i thought there was no chance but we got IT!!!!! hahahahaha!!!!!!! The box is pretty torn up but my mom said all the parts are in there!!! i have never been so happy!!! i cant beleive it!!!


Delicate CUSTOM flower
Dec 11, 2001
Over your shoulder whispering
you have to file a police report for any insurance claim. You have to call the Sherriff's Dept. immediately. No matter who covers it they HAVE TO HAVE A POLICE REPORT! THat's the first call.


Oct 27, 2003
ha thats awesome price Im glad to know that there isn't a bike thief in our neighborhood, I was getting worried about bringing my bikes home for christmas


Turbo Monkey
Feb 3, 2002
Dude, that's sooooo sweet that you caught those farkin' a-holes!

I would press charges to the fullest extent of the law!!!


Jun 14, 2003
Amarillo, Texas
price, as a person who has not really had any expierence with this sort of stuff, but i have always wanted to have the chance, charge the ass out of them for as much as you can get, they may be neighbors, but they jacked your ride, and they should have called or left a message the day that they ''picked it up so no one would steal it'' .... all i say is keep your bike, beat the living fvck out of them and get some money in the process, to further your mountain biking adventures, oh yeah, and im glad that you got your bike back.

that is my very personal and biased, if possible, opinion.

UP WITH HOPE, DOWN WITH DOPE!!! (exceptions may occur in cases of myles rockwell and others that will not be menioned, but you know who you are!!, lol)
sorry, i've wanted to say that for a while, i'm done with my worthless remarks now...


Mar 31, 2004
Denver, Colorado
oh my john u need some help, i think wade boots is in there also just recently... the people with the real trashy yard that live across from me, yeah... they did it... my mom decided to play CSI and ask some questions and she found it over their fence.