
My Evil Imperial review.


Jun 12, 2002
Louisville, KY
My Imperial review.

I finally got mine built up Friday, and was able to get a lot of ride time in this weekend. Saturday was a 4 hour urban ride, as I like to get acquainted with a bike in this setting first. I thought the bike would feel “tiny” in comparison to my other bikes, but it seemed to be just the right size. The first thing I noticed was that I could actually wheelie, and I did a couple of small manuals, which I have never been able to do before. I did a lot of wheelie drops, which I haven’t been doing much of, cause I haven’t had much confidence in that area lately. I didn’t have to put much input into the bike (I am used to a Bullit w/ Monster) for any tricks; the total weight is only 36 lbs, so it feels super light to me. I am also surprised the Evil bash guard didn’t shatter on a few of the hits it took today. I have bent aluminum bash guards on much lesser hits.


Time to hit the dirt. I warmed up with a short trail ride, and then went to my warm-up drop. It’s not high, only about 4 feet high to flat, but very fun. I hit it a bunch of times, with nary a problem. Bike felt very predictable.

Next, I crossed the street to a “drop park”. This little area has 3 nice size drops, all to trannies. The sizes are about 5 ft, 7 ft, 8 ft. The 5 footer went fine; I didn’t even think I used any suspension on that one. The 7 footer was interesting…I was expecting to hit really hard, but it wasn’t bad really. I used up about 4 inches on my Sherman, and for once, I didn’t hit my balls on the seat. The 2nd and 3rd attempts were even better. These drops sketch me out on my Bullit, but I was far more comfortable on the Evil.

Now I moved on, because the 8 footer isn’t really that big, but it has a sketch take off and landing, plus I’m a notorious wuss.

Anyway, did about 3 or so more miles of trails, and was really surprised that I was pretty comfortable, seeing as I am 5’ 11”. But it was doable.

Came to my first skinny log ride. Okay, I need some more work on skinnies. I am usually really good at them, better than most around here actually, but the steering is much quicker on this bike, and I would rather practice on something lower to the ground.

Okay, a few more miles and we hit what we call the “creek jumps”. These 2 huge jumps over the creek, that are at the end of a “slalomy” type down hill. Seeing as I have yet to jump this bike, I figured I would hit some smaller stuff first. But, as I got near the jumps, these 2 kids were asking me “Aren’t you the Bike Hell guy?”, “I said “Yes I am.” Kid said “with a bike like that, you could easily clear the jumps”, that was when my wife said “He needs to try something smaller first, this is only his second day on the bike”.

Well the kids gave me this, "look at the wussy on the fancy bike" look. So I decided to give it a go. I don’t want to be labeled a “fancy boy”.

Needless to say, I was scared out of my mind. I was sitting at the top of this hill thinking “am I crazy?” So I said to myself, “just try a bit@h-run, and feel it out”. Well, half way down the hill, I figured what the hell and hit it pretty fast. Did my little Wade Simmons back-n-forth trick and landed perfectly. Went ahead and gave it 2 more runs, with no problems. Still couldn’t believe how plush the bike felt.

On down the trail some more, I hit some doubles, and some various other jumps with no problems. Nothing mechanical even happened, besides having to tighten the headset a little.

I have never gotten comfortable on a bike so quickly, and I had quite a few “firsts” this weekend as well. This is by far, the best bike I have ever ridden. I have finally found something I can do everything on. I will also be doing some DH races on it this year.

The bike is built as follows…

White Imperial
Camo Manitou Sherman
Cane Creek headset
FSA bars & stem
ODI Intense lock-on grips
NYC Freeride bar caps
XT rear shift pod
Avid 8” f & r
Avid FR levers
Avid Flack jacket shift & brake cables
Thompson seat post
Sell Italia seat
Profile SS cranks
Evil bash guard
Easton “Cully” pedals
Ultegra cassette (25t)
Ultegra rear der.
Mavic Dee Max wheels(tubeless)
Michi 2.8 tires f&r
For street Hookworm 2.5 f&r

John P.

Turbo Monkey
Sep 24, 2001
Golden, CO
Holy smokes, Terry. That's one GREAT looking bike. Glad to read that you loved the Imp so much.

Talk to you soon,



Jun 12, 2002
Louisville, KY
Originally posted by .::Buetang::.
and mine will be the bestest :D

Nice terry, VERY NICE. (where are my special pics?)
You want more booby shots?


How many other shop owners send their customers pics of they're parts being held by said owners topless wife?

I take customer service to an all new level.:D


Glides like KY
Apr 16, 2002
¤ HCOR.net ¤
Originally posted by Jesus
You want more booby shots?


How many other shop owners send their customers pics of they're parts being held by said owners topless wife?

I take customer service to an all new level.:D
indeed, customer service has been brought to a whole new level in my book. I will no longer settle for less, buy a bike see some boobies. :D


Turbo Monkey
Jun 10, 2002
sweet write up, kick ass bike, Fancy Boy!!!!!!!!!

I had the exact feelings you have when I first got my .243 built up and I still feel that way. Drops to flat are rougher, and tight rocky rooty sections are rougher and take more skill. Other than that everything else is smoother suprsingly drops to tranny felt much smoother on the .243 than on my Stab, as well as larger gap/jumps providing they had nice trannies. Not to mention the bike hops so much easier.

hardtails rock!!!!!!!!!


Jun 12, 2002
Louisville, KY
Originally posted by Castle
sweet write up, kick ass bike, Fancy Boy!!!!!!!!!

I had the exact feelings you have when I first got my .243 built up and I still feel that way. Drops to flat are rougher, and tight rocky rooty sections are rougher and take more skill. Other than that everything else is smoother suprsingly drops to tranny felt much smoother on the .243 than on my Stab, as well as larger gap/jumps providing they had nice trannies. Not to mention the bike hops so much easier.

hardtails rock!!!!!!!!!
I agree completly.

I have seen the light!


Jun 12, 2002
Louisville, KY
Originally posted by .::Buetang::.
whats all this fancy boy ****? something you're not telling me terry??? haaaaaaay!
Years ago, i used to race road and XC (hard to believe). Anyway, when I was in that mode, I shaved my legs (another big surprise), and my daughter would call me Nancy.

Then last year me and my daughter were watching Cabin Boy, and he was called Fancy Boy over and over. Well, my daughter thought that was funny, so I was no longer Nancy. I was now...

Fancy Boy!!!

I am revealing way to much about myself.

I feel so vulnerable...


Jun 12, 2002
Louisville, KY
Originally posted by .::Buetang::.
I feel so close to your family.. boobs, nick names. :love:
To make you feel even closer, here's something for you.

About a month ago me, tgaines72 (?), Booker and my daughter were on an urban ride. Well, we come to this set of REALLY steep steps, and no one wants to go first. But Thomas (tgaines72?), decides he will give it a go. Well...after about 3 bit@h runs, my daughter says "Why don't you stop acting like a wuus and just do it".

Poor guy didn't know what to say. Just stared at me like WTF?

Gettin trashed talked to by a 12 year old girl!

I was a proud parent that day.



Feb 5, 2003
Louisville, KY
Originally posted by Jesus
To make you feel even closer, here's something for you.

About a month ago me, tgaines72 (?), Booker and my daughter were on an urban ride. Well, we come to this set of REALLY steep steps, and no one wants to go first. But Thomas (tgaines72?), decides he will give it a go. Well...after about 3 bit@h runs, my daughter says "Why don't you stop acting like a wuus and just do it".

Poor guy didn't know what to say. Just stared at me like WTF?

Gettin trashed talked to by a 12 year old girl!

I was a proud parent that day.

I love that story.:D
Originally posted by Jesus
To make you feel even closer, here's something for you.

About a month ago me, tgaines72 (?), Booker and my daughter were on an urban ride. Well, we come to this set of REALLY steep steps, and no one wants to go first. But Thomas (tgaines72?), decides he will give it a go. Well...after about 3 bit@h runs, my daughter says "Why don't you stop acting like a wuus and just do it".

Poor guy didn't know what to say. Just stared at me like WTF?

Gettin trashed talked to by a 12 year old girl!

I was a proud parent that day.


That's pretty funny.
Almost makes me want to have kids.:D


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
There will be karmic justice if you inspire Loo to have children, Jesus, mark my words. Even if you do have the coolest ride and coolest family around...beware!

(Glad to hear you're enjoying it so much...I feel similarly about my Nicolai!)



Jun 10, 2002
**** that looks good. i really dig how the white Selle saddle looks. i've never used anything other than PX saddles, so i might have to find a white selle and give it a shot.

i'm actually more comfortable on skinnies than with my previous bike...which was a rigid single speed XC bike (that is now just used for XC).

mind if i pm you with a couple questions?