
my new i-mac: initial impressions


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
first of all, let me say the fastest computer in my house (until now :D ) was a P3 4oo(?) something-or-other, with a crowded HD & not enough RAM, so I am not sure if I am a fair judge.

...& I havent really put it through thing ringer yet, but plan too soon. OS X was easy to get used to & I like it alot so far. as far as speed, this thing is fast I can have all of my applications open & there is virtually no lag time between switching to other programs. I played Wolfenstein last night & the graphics rocked & it was so smooth.

as soon as I load all of my auido software on it plus Final Cut Pro I will really be able to tell what she is made of.

Right now I am still loading all of my software & learning the tricks (my windows keyboard commands are no good :mumble: ).

One of the best features, IMHO, is the design. I now have my desk back & enough room to snort a big fat line of coke, roll a blunt & room for my 40 too. :evil:

I will write more once I really open her up.


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
get launchbar! www.obdev.at . it is the best keyboard shortcut out there, so to speak, since you can get at pretty much everything else through it

other ones to remember:

apple-w closes windows, apple-q closes applications
apple-h hides 'em, apple-m minimizes windows to the dock (and holding down shift while clicking the minimizing widget [orange button] makes minimizing super slow)
apple-z is undo, apple-x is cut, apple-c is copy, apple-v is paste
apple-shift-3 is screen capture, apple-shift-4 lets you draw a rectangle around the area you want to capture
and then finally you have your expose keys :thumb: .