
My rant of the day...

Special K

Feb 12, 2004
CT by way of Beantown
Hi everyone-
So I went to a vascular surgeon today as a precaution for the blood clot I got back in late October due to my broken femur from the crash at P-Kill.
My orthopedist thought I should have been on blood thinners longer and suggested that I go to this doctor.
Well, not only did he say, "You should not being riding downhill at all because you won't be as lucky next time..." but he said, "You frankly should not be riding a bike at all because of what happened to you." "Girls should not do extreme sports... if you go back on blood thinners and crash and cut yourself bad you could die!!" I, in turn, pointed out that you can break your femur by simply tripping over something while you are walking, which happened to my mom's good friend.
He told me that I need an ultrasound of my leg and that I will probably have to go back on blood thinners if the clot is still there. He asked what kind of therapy I have been getting and I said the normal PT, with ultrasound, etc. bike riding and massage. When I said massage, I thought his eyes were going to pop out of his head. (By the way, I do not go to a "run of the mill massage therapist" -- she has worked with pro cyclists before as a soigneur and is awesome!!!)
He said that could dislodge the clot, which I knew, but I also know that I am as active as possible, sometimes to the point of tears and that I have no symptoms of a clot, at least right now.
Massage of that leg helps me so much with the scar tissue, pain, etc. I know blood clots are serious business, but I guess I was so turned off by his comments I was not even listening anymore.
I know he was being ultra conservative in terms of my blood clot, but why did he have to be as rude as he was... Darn doctors.... AAHHHHHHHH!!
Ok.... I feel better now....


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
:eek: Your Dr. sounds like quite the chauvinist...women can do anything INCLUDING extreme sports. :mumble: I probably would have added something about being able to cut myself while preparing dinner for my husband and bleeding to death…but then again, that isn’t an extreme sport or anything :rolleyes: and he might consider that an acceptable activity for a woman. While I do believe it’s important to consult Dr.s and specialists, you might want to seek another opinion and I would also let your referring physician know what he said to you…might make them think twice before giving that jerk another referral.

Keep working hard toward your recovery :thumb: Certainly don’t let this guy get you down!

Velocity Girl

Sep 12, 2001
:eek: So sorry he was such a jerk! I agree with TreeSaw that you should tell you referring doctor what he said. That comment was completely out of line. Amazes me that there are still people out there that think we should all be delicate little wallflowers :mumble: Hope you find a better doc that can help you :)


Feb 16, 2005
Austin TX
Although I do believe that his comment was a little off, blood clots are serious business, not only the threat of the clot becoming dislodged and moving to another, even worse spot, like your brain, but also as you mentioned the complications that come with taking blood thinners. I think he was still acting from experience and still looking out for your own good. Props to you for taking such a hit in the first place....go big or go home!
Good luck in the process of healing :rolleyes:

Special K

Feb 12, 2004
CT by way of Beantown
So, I just got a call from the vascular surgeon I saw yesterday and he said my leg ultrasound is scheduled for next Wednesday. I asked him why it is next week, if he was so concerned about it yesterday. He said that he neglected to tell me that if something would have happened it would have happened during the last month, which is when I was off blood thinners. He said that I can have my hip flexor worked on, which is really hurting because of my walking... So much for the worry I had...
I also explained to him about biking and this not something I do say once a month or so, well at least before I broke my leg and to not make statements about something or someone's capabilities if they do not know what they are talking about... he actually seemed very receptive to what I had to say... Maybe today was better for him...


Feb 26, 2003
SD Cali
Wow, nice doc. Like a few others have mentioned, getting a second opinion might be in order. If you can, see if your insurance will cover you to see someone who specializes in sports medicine. A good sports med doctor understands an athlete's body, what drives us to compete, and can often recommend treatment that will allow you to train.

Good luck! :)

DH Diva

Jun 12, 2002

I know exactly where you are right now. I've been there. If there's one thing I learned after 5 years of DH racing and serious injuries is:

If the doctors you are seeing for treatment and rehabilitation don't support what they are treating and rehabilitating you for, (ie to continue riding mountain bikes) then you need to find doctors that do. Your main ortho sounds like he has been supportive so far. I understand that they need to warn you of any precautions that continuing to ride may cause, but telling you women should not compete in extreme sports is completely out of line. If he doesn't support your involvment in the sport, for reasons other than your physical condition, like that your a girl, he isn't a very objective doctor, and I don't trust my life and health in the hands of people like that.

The doctors also need to respect your wishes. I have had doctors telling me for 6 months that I should never do any sporting activity again that involves my hands. Well, I have a lot more years to live and their not going to be on the couch. If that means I have a jacked up hand later in life so be it, I'll adapt. Luckily my main ortho/surgeon is support of my desire to continue riding bikes. He has flat out told me he thinks it will have reprecussions later, but he respects my decision. He is also doing everything he can to make sure that I will be able to ride again.

I know that a blood clot problem is a lot more dangerous than losing the function of a hand. But when it comes down to it, whatever the ailment or injury, it's your body and your choice.

So, now that I've ranted a little myself, don't let this get you down. Keep your spirits up, it's good for healing! Be optomistic and if your not satisfied with the doctors opinion, get another one. It's worth the time and money to know for sure whats going on, and feel confident that the doctors personal beliefs about a women's place aren't influencing his assesment.

PM or call me if you need to talk. I'm still having my up and down days too! ;)


Nov 26, 2004
good ol' culpep
i think he should be put on a dh bike and forced to ride p-kill, maybe he'll ended up with the same luck as u did, by the way, sorry to hear about the injury, best of luck and good wishes with the blood cot.