
NE MonkeyFest 2005 Report


in a galaxy far, far away
major injuries: none seen yet
monkeys seen: plenty monkeys
cakes eaten: one monkey cake
flaming q-tips: one
self-inflicted brandings: one (pigboy)
raids by red squirrels and chipmunks: one beelion
crit ride: one. Douglas champion hammer dropper
tiki torches used as headlamps: one (note: design wind protector for tiki lamps)
pounds of bacon eaten: five at least
beers drunk: not quite all of them (we are ashamed of this)
kabobs eaten by pigboy at Sunday lunch: 50% of them
new bruise temporary tattoos: ouchie ouchie
campsites occupied by Monkeys at Burke Mt Campground: at least half

now post some pictures y'all

pigboy (posting from campsite 14 at Burke Mt Campground)


Apr 4, 2002
pigboy said:
crit ride: one. Douglas champion hammer dropper
Heh. I was trying to get the lemmings to turn some hot laps at that little dirt oval by the baseball field, but no one would take me up on it so I did it alone. Bummer. I was looking forward to throwing some elbows. :) Sorry I missed you. I hear you were on the trails when we were, but we didn't see a soul all day. No injuries, but whatever the final spectacular endo count is for the weekend, add two from my group.

Pics next week when I get back to the office, but there was not a monkey to be seen until lunch when jbp dropped by to say hi, and by the time we finished there wasn't time to swing by monkey camp. Another bummer.

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Monkeyfest for MBC and I was pretty much one day. It was nice to ride with McGRP01, Pigboy, JBP, MMcG, and MMcG's girlfriend Saturday.

We just got home and I'm kind of tired right now, so I'll just post this one pic. This is McGRP01 on Saturdays ride. The view ain't half bad. :)



Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
Your welcome JBP! And thank you for making all the plans. I rode my ass off, drank my ass off, and ate some kick ass food (that bacon was so f'n good..). Vermont just plain rocks. The weather was great. The solo ride was fun. Riding with Douglas and MG/Tig UDMA and LDMA twice. The drunken night ride went off without a hitch except for a minor back injury even though it was wet and slippery as ****. Good jorb everyone :thumb: Everybody rode great saturday and I was wicked impressed with how fast a pregnant Treesaw was! Todays ride up and down Moose Alley with Pigboy was fun. He rode the bottom half of Moose Alley without front brakes! Quite impressive! JBP riding without a healed up arm. Swimming in the river and eating 6/7 pizzas with a bunch of Monkies while quaffing copious amounts of Trout River Nitro Stout kicked it up a notch. The place is really green. If only JT and Splat could have been there... I had a great time. Thamks everyone :thumb:



talks too much
Mar 19, 2002
Claremont, CA
I had a great time meeting everyone and getting lots of riding in. I believe it was the first time I've met any other monkeys, so I was my usual talkative self :rolleyes: The riding was great and trails were endless. I think this morning's climbing might have cost me the sprint victory as I raced my buddy here back from swimming this afternoon, but it was worth it. ;) Everything went smoothly for me except for a bent shifter paddle, a slightly muddy bike and the temporary discomfort of sleeping in the back of my car (sleeping on the ground outside last night was much, much better). I hope I get to ride with you all again!

As a side note, WTF am I doing in that pic of me coming out of that turn? Stretching?

Crazy Sweeper

Jun 4, 2004
In a box
Indeed it was an awesome time. It's too bad you all missed the bob-kabobs on Sunday, not that there would have been enough to go around with pigboy there, I think he ate the skewers too.

An awesome time, that ride on Saturday was the longest and farthest I've ever rode before. It goes without saying how awesome Treesaw is, she's the ridemonkey den mother, and she's hardcore to boot. Scott was a trooper too. 20 miles on his fourth ride ever. I think he'll be a monkey by tonight. On the way home he asked if he was now allowed to have a monkey sticker on his car.

I'll post pics tonight after work, I wish treesaw could have gotten a pic of me in that hole off the side of the trail.

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
I didn't take too many pics, but here are the good ones. We had to bail Sunday morning because of all the crap we had to do (shuffle around vehicles, drop my car off, get the dog) and we still didn't get home until 4:00. MBC and I were bummed we didn't get to ride more, but we'll probably head back up in the fall.

Like I said, Saturday's ride was great. The weather was absolutely perfect. It was very cool to finally get to actually ride with McGRP01, JBP, and Pigboy. Pizza, nitrogen beer and ice cream REALLY hit the spot Saturday night. :thumb: It was a real bummer that Splat wasn't there, but we made sure to toast him at dinner. We were thinking about ya, Splat!

Here are my pics.....


Turbo Monkey
Dec 17, 2003
Colorado Springs
Looks like you guys all had a blast! :thumb: Too bad there's no midwest Monkeyfest. :( Maybe someone will step it up next summer and get one planned. Well...I'm off to Yellowstone. Talk to you all Friday.


Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
Had a great time at Monkeyfest!! The weather was awesome - the trails were in great shape and good times were had.

Laura had a tough time on Saturday, and I blame myself for throwing her on those trails clipless - we should have either stuck to flats and sneakers or taken tamer trails on Saturday. But she did her best and came back ready to ride again on Sunday. We had a really nice ride on Sunday as well.

Sorry that we didn't stay with the big group, but we would have just slowed you all way down on Saturday.

Beer and Pizza at Troutbrook rocked!! NITRO!!!

Laura and I went out Sunday for about 2.5 hours - and she put the flats and sneakers on and did quite well. We had a really fun ride and the scenery was awesome.

Treesaw - I'm sorry we didn't come back to the campground for cake. :( I didn't get your voicemail either. Someone said you left one for me - I couldn't get any cell phone reception up there all weekend. BUt when I got back I didn't have a message from you - so maybe you left it on someone else's phone?

Laura and I plan to head back to the Kingdom Trails sometime in the fall for more singletrack and more amazing scenery!

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
MMcG said:
Treesaw - I'm sorry we didn't come back to the campground for cake. :( I didn't get your voicemail either.
At 10:00 AM Sunday I get her VM, plus a VM from Tigg saying he was on his way to the Brewery for Saturday dinner. :rolleyes: I had my phone turned on all weekend.


beer and bikes
Feb 6, 2003
Portland, OR
MMcG said:
Laura and I plan to head back to the Kingdom Trails sometime in the fall for more singletrack and more amazing scenery!
Mark, there's a bunch of us that are thinking the same thing for late Sept./early Oct.!! :)


beer and bikes
Feb 6, 2003
Portland, OR
MtnBikerChk said:
I had a great time too. It was nice to see everyone again.

And ESP thanks for a great ride IAB, MMcG, Laura, JBP, Pigboy, Henry (I think that was PB's friend), Herb & Tig.
We missed you guys on Sunday. :(


talks too much
Mar 19, 2002
Claremont, CA
I would definitely be down for another round of monkeyfest '05. Chances that I'd actually be able to go are slim due to school and the short collegiate race season, but I'd definitely give it a try!


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
Hey, fun weekend as expected! It was great to see a bunch of the old monkey faces and a few new ones as well. I guess Tweek ran into NEGladeRider but I never saw him. I heard there were other monkeys there too. Ah well, we'll have to try to organize better next time so everyone gets some cake :D

I got home too late last night to go through my pics, but I'll hopefully get to it tonight and do a little weekend recap. Apparently the GF stacked pretty good while I was gone so I prolly have to spend some time comforting her :D


I Love Cheap Beer!
Couldn't have had a better weekend. It was good to get my wreck out of the way early so I could enjoy the rest of the ride on Saturday. :D
Nice to meet monkeys like JRogers and berkshire_rider, to get better acquainted with monkeys like Crazy Sweeper and McGRP01, and to see those like Pigboy and JBP that I usually only see yearly. Plus it's always great to be with the rest of the monkeys that I do see somewhat regularly.
Would've been nice to ride longer on Sunday with the main group, but it's tough with a 7-hour drive. The Rochester crew wany to come back on a long weekend so that we can save the driving for a Monday. :thumb:

CrazySweeper Bob: Thanks for breakfast on both days -- you definitely rule the Omelet Kingdom.
TreeSaw: As always, thanks for all the food prep and legwork! :heart:

Echo said:
... Apparently the GF stacked pretty good while I was gone ...
When did the transition to "GF" take place? :p


Feb 5, 2003
The Blackstone Valley
Work isn't any fun today. (More so than usual). I wish I was on Tody's / Ridge / Kitchel / etc.

And yes, Trout River Nitro Oatmeal Stout is very tasty. Next trip most likely will involve a stop at the brewery and the purchase of a growler or two to go. :cool:

Crazy Sweeper

Jun 4, 2004
In a box
I really enjoyed the barley wine.

oh BTW, I lost count but I think I made 2 dozen omelettes over the course of the weekend. Next time treesaw and I are going to eat first though, it sucks having to rush your breakfast because you were cooking everybody elses.


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
Ah yes, what can I say? It was an AWESOME weekend. Rode with some great people on both days. I still can't believe I managed to almost keep up with the fast group on our epic Saturday ride :thumb: (thanks Douglas and Jdcamb for the nice words...you're making me blush :D )

Our "fast" group rocked!!! I am used to riding with Echo, Tweek, Crashby, Sq-Earl, and Sorgie who always school me on the trails, but I have enjoyed learning from them over the years and plan to lead someday, maybe even without a headstart (headstarts aside, it was SO fun flying through the Pines knowing you all were coming up behind me and hoping I would beat you through it). It was nice to see some newer faces in our group like Berkshire_rider--I'm not sure that I have even really ridden with you before Steve, but hope to do so again soon, Douglas--ok, so I've ridden with that guy a few times before and it's always fun, jdcamb--whom I have ridden with before, but I really didn't know how to ride a bike then so it was nice to be able to almost keep up, JRogers--who , despite what he thinks, is rather fast for a DH guy ;), Crazy Sweeper--as always, providing some comic relief with his crashes & his friend Scott, who did a great job for it being his 4th ride out...did I forget anyone???

It was great to see JBP & Pigboy again and share some eats post ride on Sunday. We didn't get to see much of IAB, MBC, MMcG & Laura, but there's always next time. By the way, Happy Belated Birthday Mark...we did sing for you when we had cake. Not sure what happened with the voicemail, but someone somewhere is probably wondering who TreeSaw is LOL.

I believe my favorite trails of the weekend were Tody's (I'm smiling just thinking about it), the Pines, and Coronary...yes, I like to climb and managed to make it without Mr. ding-a-ling yelling too much :D As much as I would love to go back this fall, realistically I may not be able to ride then so I can't wait for next year!!! Hopefully next year we'll be joined by more monkeys too!!! I'll get to downloading the pics from Saturday's ride and post them up shortly.

Thanks again to everyone for another AWESOME MTB trip! I feel very privileged to have such a wonderful group of friends to ride and hang with!

It was nice meeting and riding with JRogers...maybe next time he'll let us get a word or two in :devil: Crazy Sweeper was rockin' the omletes again and there was plenty of bacon to go around...he's right though, next time we're eating first! ;)

Thanks to Tigg for sharing his site with us :thumb:

Crazy Sweeper

Jun 4, 2004
In a box
sorry to hijack but don't want to start a new thread. Any MF monkeys doing diablo this weekend? I know a few had said something about it...
Theresa and Earl,

Thank you very much for the company and for the lunch Sunday! We left stuffed and sleepy. Of course, that didn't stop us from fueling up again when we got home... :oink:

We enjoyed riding and partying with everybody and I think that I managed not to do anything untoward to the unruly left arm - I managed to ride a whole lot more than I had any reason to hope for, 21 miles Saturday and 13 Sunday.



Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
johnbryanpeters said:
Theresa and Earl,

Thank you very much for the company and for the lunch Sunday! We left stuffed and sleepy. Of course, that didn't stop us from fueling up again when we got home... :oink:

We enjoyed riding and partying with everybody and I think that I managed not to do anything untoward to the unruly left arm - I managed to ride a whole lot more than I had any reason to hope for, 21 miles Saturday and 13 Sunday.

You're very welcome. Keep in mind the invitation to come down and ride with us is always open! :thumb: