
Need a work around for web based mail


Turbo Monkey
Jul 10, 2001
Shut up and ride...
I have a contract job at a place that hardly uses computers. And the only use for computers is for email. That being said, I use my own personal notebook for doing some work. However, I cannot access any email, web based, legit or otherwise.

I got one from my school and can't access it. I can receive my personal email, however it will not send as it is blocked as well; this is using Outlook. The company in question is a conglomeration of smaller companies. They use a program called Websense.

Any help would be appreciated.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
If you need to access your email for job-related reasons, call up the I.T. department and ask them to make an exception for you - they should be able to.

If you don't need to, don't piss off the I.T. guys by trying :)

That said, you can probably use a proxy to bypass their protections to access your web mail. Many proxies will be flagged and blocked already, and many others may be flagged once they notice a bunch of traffic going to one web address... depends on how tightly they monitor the situation. You could set up a tunnel to your home machine as well, but again, they'll see a whole bunch of encrypted traffic going to one IP and may just block off the IP.

I've made a couple posts about how to set up a tunnel to your home machine, do a search... if you can't find 'em, I'll look but for now I'm going back to studying :)


Turbo Monkey
Jul 10, 2001
Shut up and ride...
Well, that the issue is I do not have ANY email access, work or otherwise. Therefore, I was attempting to have at least one email I could use. I certainly do not want to piss of the IT guys, and I am extremely anal about security myself, so I can appreciate the tightness required for a corporate wide policy. However one extreme to the other seems to be the business norm.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Well, like I said, if you need email, you need email. Call the IT department and explain the situation - they should either set you up with a temporary internal email, or they can make an exception in their rule set for you.