
New to the Oly/Tacoma area


Oct 6, 2009
Hi all, my name is Trevin and I just moved here recently. I live in Olympia and go to school in Tacoma so I'm looking forward to some good XC, DH, and FR in the area. I went to SST before the dozers got most of it and Capital Forest. I liked Capital but it didn't seem to have a lot of jumps but plenty of twists and a couple small technical sections. Maybe I just didn't hit the right trail? Can anyone shine some light on this and maybe to some other places to hit in the Olympia and Tacoma area? I'll do anything my Kona Coiler is capable of :)


Oct 11, 2009
Olympia Wa
First post here,

I live in the area and used to ride a lot of BMX/ dirt trails. After a bad injury I got out of it. In the past year I picked up a specialized enduro and have been out at capt forest (seems like more on my dirt bike but anyway). If you google capitol forest you will eventually find the friends of capt forest and they shuttle out of there quite often, but i have yet to run into they as our availability doesnt quite mesh well.

Friends of capt forest hold work parties out there and have the plase pretty cleaned up. I have found a few of there trails they maintain and they are pretty fun on a learning basis. They have also added berms, little technical sections and "small" bumps for little jib's here and there. But just as you said it, no wood sections/transitions or jumps.

On the subject of Capt forest, they have a large section section of land that is bike/walk only and the ATV's must stay off. As I used to be into dirt jumping, I obviously went back to my old trails and they are all either houses or gated land (none of which is on capt forest land). I am feeling the itch to either ride some trails or start building my own. Our other option would be getting ahold of "friends of capt forest" and either asking to join a work party or ask if we could add some wood transitions and dirt jumpts to some trails?

Ive got one friend I ride with on a regular and we are actually heading out for a few hours to capt forest a little later today. Were thinking of parking at fall creek and riding some of greenline and some of c-5000.


Oct 11, 2009
Olympia Wa
Looks like there was some building going on for the last poker run/race.

Park in fall creek and head back up the road you just came down. At the intersection at the top of the hill go left. Follow that until you see green line 6 on your right. That is the beginning of the downhill section. There are a lot of berms and about 10 jumps and a few log rides, good times.