
New training regimen


Well, I was thinking about taking up running in order to increase my lung capacity so I don't gasp like a fish outta water when I ride the trails. But I HATE running. Here's what I've decided to do. I rode my bike to the mall this morning around 8:30 before any traffic was there, and rode up and down the ramps of the parking garage. Now that was a lung burner! Not to mention a leg burner too. It was a killer workout.

What I'm thinking about doing is riding the ramps twice a week and power walking on my treadmill twice a week, then ride the trails on the weekend. Does this sound like a good plan? Too much? Not enough? I think it's a good start anyway.

Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
Depends of your time frame. IMO running is the fastest way to increase cardio capacity but it is not the easiest way. Riding ramps should help in the short term but I bet you get bored fast and go looking for different challenges. The important thing is to get out there and feel the burn.
You can do intervals on the road on your mtb. After warming up for a few minutes, ride at a good moderate pace for about 2 mins. Then pick something a good distance down the road and stand up and hammer the crap out of it until you reach your target, then back to the moderate pace for 2-3 minutes, then pick another target and hammer again. You'll know when you've had enough and it doesn't take long. Its a killer excersize for trail stamina where you need those short bursts.