
Newbie from Ohio


Aug 12, 2011

I am new to mountain biking and I picked up a 1993 Gt Rts-2 for $80.00... I have owned it for about a month. I have been upgrading it with newer parts and I had it painted as I hated the bare frame with oxidation. New Crank Set, bottom bracket, seat, Oem Graphics kit, carbon seat post are currently on the way.

Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
Welcome to the Monkey!

My advice to the newbies is to replace nothing you don't have to; the frame is the most important component of the bike. Once you're a little deeper into the sport your direction might change or you'll find the frame doesn't fit you quite right.

In my experience disk brakes and quality fork are the best bang for your upgrade buck - these parts can be moved from frame to frame. Your rear end is not disk compatible but your fork is - a small diameter front disk will improve your performance. I ran front disk on a mid 90s Trek Y-22 for many years.

$80 and a few new parts is a great way to get your feet wet - what type of riding are you intent on?

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