
Newest favorite Whistler run


Turbo Monkey
Jul 4, 2002
Whistler, BC
I had the best run today of my life. I have never had such fun riding, it felt like the bike was just bouncing under me. In the same time I found my favorite connection runs (which is bound to change)

Angry Pirate -> lower angry pirate -> (I have had a **** eating grin on my face for 5 hours, this trail is what I have been looking for) -> Lower Aline -> Heart of Darkness

Just thought I would share. One more day on the mountain and its time to start hike a biking. Just a great almost end to my season.

Cheers to whistler :beer:


Turbo Monkey
Jul 4, 2002
Whistler, BC
'Right' off the lift. First 'right' after that. Technical, steep, mulchy single track. Tonnes of fun. Even a cool log ride at the end of it :) Comes out at the bottom of crab apple hits.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 4, 2002
Whistler, BC
Also it is by far and away the most technical blue on the mountain. Borderline black, very borderline. I found it as technical as lower whistler dh.


Feb 6, 2004
that new trail off of original sin is pretty badass! its right after that root section into the G-out that everyone walks down. I think its called "fatcrobatic" or something like that- going too fast to read it. For what it is, it has some awesome flow and one of the longest log ride linked with bridges on the mountain. that new trail form the garbonzo expressway to the top of the fitzsimons chair lift is pretty tight too!


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
Roasted said:
'Right' off the lift.
off which lift? (i'm trying to get a mental map for saturday :D, heading back for some more punishment)


Turbo Monkey
Jul 4, 2002
Whistler, BC
Fitsimmims (crap I am a little drunk)...rolls down the board walk, turn right, accross the bridge...then another right...and enjoy :D...


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
thanks, i'll look out for it when i'm not up on the garbanzo slip 'n slide...


Turbo Monkey
Jul 4, 2002
Whistler, BC
ChainWhip said:
2nd that on the Angry Pirate... Awesome ping-pongin' down that trail! :thumbs:
Where are the thumbs and beer :(....glad someone else liked it. Everyone I talk to doesn't like it. Damn a-line whores, no sense of singletrack.


Turbo Monkey
Roasted said:
Fitsimmims (crap I am a little drunk)...rolls down the board walk, turn right, accross the bridge...then another right...and enjoy :D...
So......right, right? Riiiiiight:cool:
Thanks for the tip - once I settle in to some kind of groove there, I may have to check that out - or should I just go straight there? I'm so torn.

Good to hear you found yourself on one of those runs. Sometimes you can have a relatively crappy riding season, but that one particular ripper can stick in your head for a long time and erase all the bad stuff...or at least a large percetage of it.;)


Turbo Monkey
Jul 4, 2002
Whistler, BC
Depends on your level but it wouldn't be super hard to start with depending on experience. Personally my warmup run is golden triangle to lower duffman to dirt merchant stepup to whistler single track to ho chi min to heart of darkness. Kind of includes everything but jumping. I more or less avoid easy does it and I do hit b-line to get to crab apple hits now. So many trails and so many choices. Depending on your flavour. haha

I had a good year...good progression and lots of fun and then my gf started riding so she has been influencing me with her addiction. I just miss some of the valley trails I rode and how tech they were. The mountain is soooo fast and flowy, really tech stuff is pretty rare (short, tight, technical and mulchy) but this year has added some great trails like that. Highways with jumps like a-line don't do much for me for some reason.


Turbo Monkey
Right on, Roasted...I'm all for the closer-to-the-ground approach to get my bearings before I do anything vertical. I'm going to take your advice on the start-up run for sure.
The run that warranted this post is one I will have to check out as well before the weekend is done.

p.s. - How's Garbonzo looking?:)


Turbo Monkey
Jul 4, 2002
Whistler, BC
The first run I said is a fun flowy to the ground warmup...

Chainwhip...I have seen so many chainless guys this week it isn't funny. Must be a bad week for breakages. So many runs are fun to ride chainless. One of my best runs to date was without a front brake (5 runs actually)...no really hard trails but definately saw some speed imrpovement that day.

To be honest, haven't been up Garbonzo lately. But with the way schleyer and Angry Pirate look I am willing to be they will be decent. Mud/muck is tacky and not fresh. Trails will likely be really beat in...this might be a good or bad thing depending on what you like.


Turbo Monkey
I like sticky-tack - even light slop will suffice. Especially if it's tracked down pretty good.
Considering this will be my first trip up there - yes, I'm a Whistler virgin:eek: - seeing the tracking will likely help me work lines alot better. Maybe not.
Other than a few tweaks to my front rotor that I'll do trailside tomorrow, my bike is set to jet.
Can't (but have to) wait!!:D


skin cooker for the hive
Dec 6, 2001
Witness relocation housing
Toshi said:
off which lift? (i'm trying to get a mental map for saturday :D, heading back for some more punishment)
I know its location. Ill show ya. :)

I discovered it late. First time down i was so slow... second time i felt the flow better. Real fun run for sure!


skin cooker for the hive
Dec 6, 2001
Witness relocation housing
Roasted said:
Where are the thumbs and beer :(....glad someone else liked it. Everyone I talk to doesn't like it. Damn a-line whores, no sense of singletrack.

I get tired of a-line.... I like it ok from the middle hub, but can do top to bottom runs. I likes the ST also. Maybe if i was a better jumper i'd have a different opinion......


Born Again Newbie
Sep 5, 2001
Blah Blah and Blah
bibs said:
my favorite is (chainless too) schleyer to lower DH (the fade away jump) to crack addict to hornet to glc...cuase I have not rode a anger pirate.... :) But sounds fun!!
I love schleyer....hate crack addict tho..


Turbo Monkey
Feb 9, 2004
South Seattle
I second "Fatcrobatic" as a sweet new trail. Is is actually off of "In Deep" but you take "Original sin" to "Goat's Gully" to get there. It has a very nice single track flow that many of the trails have lost due to being worn out. The very top of "original sin" was in great shape too. I noticed that it has been down-graded to a single black, but it was still really fun.


Turbo Monkey
oly said:
I get tired of a-line.... I like it ok from the middle hub, but can do top to bottom runs. I likes the ST also. Maybe if i was a better jumper i'd have a different opinion......
I'm finding as my jumping skills progressing - alot as of this year, but still have a way to go - I have not lost the singletrack desires that normally consume me.
I like it all, really...so long as it's well-maintained and has a flow to it.:cool:


skin cooker for the hive
Dec 6, 2001
Witness relocation housing
This should be a great weekend. Ill be wearing my speedmetal jersey so ill be hard to miss. If you see me in line give a shout out. I think we will spend more time up top if conditions are decent.

My past favorite section of trail is the top of LowerDH up to where it hits the trees. The fade away jump is so good (if you can get past the bomb craters), then the straightaway to the rock double into the rock rollers. The tree sectiomn is killer too, but that first part is so fun. A real test of suspension and tire/wheels. Last year that was pinch flat alley for me, but with STANS i have no worries now.
Roasted said:
Depends on your level but it wouldn't be super hard to start with depending on experience..
Yeah I hit that up yesterday on my way down from my adventure on "In DEEP". I've never ridden that trail but I've got to say it's super fun! We rode "In Deep" and all I can say is that with a busted hub and rear wheel wobblin' the whole way down it made it go from a double black D to a triple black D!!! I was going to hit up Fatcrobat but choose to take a left instead with the luck I was having yesterday. Kind of bummed, that upper section has soo much I haven't done but I finally found the hip hit in Ritchey's section on Ride the lightning!

What's that trail right before you drop into "IN Deep" that you hike up a little hill only to start decending big long rock faces? We got down to the second long rock face and my friend busted his rear brake lever, so it was fun climbing back up out of that only to end up on "In Deep" with a wobblin' hub and busted rear brake...Can't wait for next season when I can ride those two trails and Fatcrobat with a solid bike.
oly said:
I get tired of a-line.... I like it ok from the middle hub, but can do top to bottom runs. I likes the ST also. Maybe if i was a better jumper i'd have a different opinion......
A-line with all the chatter bumps really does a number on my hands, I can only do about 4 runs top to bottom and then I"m done so I stick to the upper section or lower singletrack, that's where my hearts at anyhow.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 9, 2004
South Seattle
Yeknomedir said:
Yeah I hit that up yesterday on my way down from my adventure on "In DEEP". I've never ridden that trail but I've got to say it's super fun! We rode "In Deep" and all I can say is that with a busted hub and rear wheel wobblin' the whole way down it made it go from a double black D to a triple black D!!! I was going to hit up Fatcrobat but choose to take a left instead with the luck I was having yesterday. Kind of bummed, that upper section has soo much I haven't done but I finally found the hip hit in Ritchey's section on Ride the lightning!

What's that trail right before you drop into "IN Deep" that you hike up a little hill only to start decending big long rock faces? We got down to the second long rock face and my friend busted his rear brake lever, so it was fun climbing back up out of that only to end up on "In Deep" with a wobblin' hub and busted rear brake...Can't wait for next season when I can ride those two trails and Fatcrobat with a solid bike.
That new trail with the slight hike up is "captain safety"
IMO, hardest trail on the mountain. LONG rock faces that were slick as snot when I "rode" down.
oly said:
I think we will spend more time up top if conditions are decent.
Conditions are superb up top!!! There's a few spots where you get stuck in the mud but for the most part it's the dryest I've seen it but I've only been up there 4 trips this summer. Have fun man, don't forget to check out "IN Deep" to Fatcrobat!!!
buildyourown said:
That new trail with the slight hike up is "captain safety"
IMO, hardest trail on the mountain. LONG rock faces that were slick as snot when I "rode" down.
Yeah I think that's it, man that thing was burly!!! We only got down to the second rock face thats about 30 feet long due to a broken brake lever. But I bet that trail is killer the rest of the way! Double D for sure!


Turbo Monkey
Jul 4, 2002
Whistler, BC
Why do you want dirty american tourist cougars who are looking to cheat on their husbands? I have been meaning to ask you that for a while. I would much rather go for the athletic hot chick who likes me for my brain and my gf for her body...;)

You will enjoy it. IF you don't get work are you planning a trip up here next year?


wannabe curb dropper
Sep 2, 2003
I want to move to BC!!!
Roasted said:
Why do you want dirty american tourist cougars who are looking to cheat on their husbands? I have been meaning to ask you that for a while. I would much rather go for the athletic hot chick who likes me for my brain and my gf for her body...;)

You will enjoy it. IF you don't get work are you planning a trip up here next year?

Hmmm the plan is to have both cougar and the athletic chick at the same time :thumb:

Yes if i dont find a job in SoCal or Vancouver, i ll be definately coming for a trip in Socal and BC