
NHL playoffs...


Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
That was really freakin weak. One of the Devils should have just laid him out.

I wonder what his teammates thought of it, or his coach, or the GM.

I couldn't believe it when I saw it on Versus in between periods the other night. Un friggin believable.

I do think teams need agitator and feisty in your face kind of guys, but Avery is way way over the top. So much so that he is a joke in my eyes.


Feb 13, 2004
looking for classic NE singletrack
Push it forward and see how far a little moron like Avery would/could take it. Why not just let him skate up and put his hands over the goalies eyes? Or slew foot the goalie like in Slap Shot? And while there isn't a cicrle around the goal, it is protected...its called the crease...maybe you have heard of it? Blue ice and such?
The most unfortunate thing about it is that Avery has skills. He is a most excellent agitator already. But he is so self consumed that he HAS to get his name in the news, has to see what he can f@ck with next to get some publicity...
ummm, putting your hand over the goalies eyes would constitute:
a) being in the crease
b) interference
c) roughing the goalie
d) somehow getting his mask off (?)

please, Avery was OUTSIDE of the crease. he wasn't touching or interfering with Brodeur. and he wasn't even trying to get his name in the papers. he was trying to distract the goalie so his team could win. if *distracting* another player is reason enough for CC to come up with a rule, in the middle of the season, well he just has WAY too much time on his hands.

and the b!tching and moaning that's followed "wah wah, he was distracting me, MOM, MAKE HIM STOP!!" kinda makes me feel ashamed for some of the players in the NHL today. Thoresen was playing 4 days after almost losing a testicle. Brodeur's whining about possibly being distracted. which do you want representing what's best, and what's worst of the sport today??

Suck it up, princess, it's playoff hockey.

I can remember in the 94 playoffs Esa Tikkanen blowing kisses to somebody just to tick him off and get him off his game. Then Laperriere yapping at players non-stop to distract them. It's all part of the game... Sometimes it goes to far (racial comments, asking Mario whether his son was dead yet, etc), but I'd hardly put this in that category.


Feb 13, 2004
looking for classic NE singletrack
Did you see the footage of what he was doing?

I've played hockey since I was 4 years old and I've never seen anything so bush league in all my life. It was embarrassing.
see previous post. yes, I saw it, I was watching it live, and was laughing my ass off. and I've seen thousands of dirtier, semi-legal acts that far outweigh this. running the goalie. knocking the stick out of the goalie's hands (see last night's rangers/devils game). tripping the goalie. being run into the crease and just "happening" to fall on top of the goalie, and then punch him a few times when the refs not looking. racial comments. asking mario whether his son was dead yet. spitting. landing on top of someone in your defensive zone, and then holding him down so his team can't re-enter without being offsides. hip-checks aiming for the knees. diving. grabbing someone's stick and falling over trying to get a penalty. clutching your face and rolling around in agony when nobody's stick was within 2 feet of your face. a goalie undoing his strap (intentionally), and then calling the ref over to stop the game so he can get it fixed b/c he wants to give his team a rest. and on and on.

I consider all of these to be far more "bush league" than trying to distract a goalie. If this is the worst you've ever seen, the games you watch (not play, watch) must be very, very tame...

edit: Winnipeg's take on it http://www.winnipegfreepress.com/subscriber/columnists/top3/story/4160648p-4747640c.html


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
Yes, it is playoff hockey, you can say that until June and it wont change a f@cking thing about it being a bush league stunt.
What does playoff hockey mean to you? If it is no holds barred, take no prisoners hockey, where is the fighting? No fighting be3cause you dont want to give the other team the PP.
He is seeking another way to "elevate" his game? Avery is a media whore punk, like Chelios one of those guys you hate in an opposing sweater but love in yours.
His little wave is simply an extrension of his "battle" with Brodeur. It would have been interesting if NY had scored as a result of the wave. Other goalie interference can be sold as coincidental, an oops, but not this. I only wish the Devils still had Scott Stevens, he would have ran Avery out of the barn.
I have also played my whole life, up to Jr Bs and Mens Elites, and have never seen anything this bizarre...he totally should have been run.


Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
see previous post. yes, I saw it, I was watching it live, and was laughing my ass off. and I've seen thousands of dirtier, semi-legal acts that far outweigh this. running the goalie. knocking the stick out of the goalie's hands (see last night's rangers/devils game). tripping the goalie. being run into the crease and just "happening" to fall on top of the goalie, and then punch him a few times when the refs not looking. racial comments. asking mario whether his son was dead yet. spitting. landing on top of someone in your defensive zone, and then holding him down so his team can't re-enter without being offsides. hip-checks aiming for the knees. diving. grabbing someone's stick and falling over trying to get a penalty. clutching your face and rolling around in agony when nobody's stick was within 2 feet of your face. a goalie undoing his strap (intentionally), and then calling the ref over to stop the game so he can get it fixed b/c he wants to give his team a rest. and on and on.

I consider all of these to be far more "bush league" than trying to distract a goalie. If this is the worst you've ever seen, the games you watch (not play, watch) must be very, very tame...

edit: Winnipeg's take on it http://www.winnipegfreepress.com/subscriber/columnists/top3/story/4160648p-4747640c.html
Perhaps it wasn't the most bush league thing I've seen - I'd have to rank Bertuzzi's attack on Moore as more bush leaugue and a few other physical incidents.

But it is the most non-physical bush league thing I've seen to date. I guess this was just more goofy and embarrassing to me as a player more than anything else.

The summation of that Winnepeg article is pretty accurate though. He is an idiot with a plan and he is dangerous. The question is will he be more dangerous to his opponents or will his asshat behavior end up being more dangerous to the Rangers. You can walk a pretty fine line with that type of stuff and it'll be interesting to see, if the Rangers move on, if that type of crap might come back to bite Avery and the Rangers right in the ass when all is said and done.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
I thought it was classless. In a regular season game he would have caught a good beating, but in the playoffs, especially down 0-2, a PP is too valuable (especially if it was a major penalty or a game misconduct).

It's was like when TO ran to the center of Texas Stadium and spike the ball in the center of the Dallas star. Sure, not against the rules, but c'mon... grow up and play the game.

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
It's was like when TO ran to the center of Texas Stadium and spike the ball in the center of the Dallas star. Sure, not against the rules, but c'mon... grow up and play the game.
Or when A-Rod ran past the Blue Jays' shortstop on a popup and shouted "I got it!" Not against the rules, but it's something you just don't do.


Oct 17, 2002
I just saw the Avery video... with enhanced audio.

Sean Avery said:
Hey Brodeur! Brodeur! Brodeur - Your wife sucks pussy! Hey Brodeur she's a dyke! I know, I know! She's a lesbian, a lesbian, a lesbian!


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
But it is the most non-physical bush league thing I've seen to date. I guess this was just more goofy and embarrassing to me as a player more than anything else.

Agreed 110%...I only wish it could have fired up the Devils a bit. They seem a bit sluggish, and I hate the Rangers anyway...


Feb 13, 2004
looking for classic NE singletrack
JohnE said:
What does playoff hockey mean to you? If it is no holds barred, take no prisoners hockey, where is the fighting?
Playoff hockey is doing whatever it takes, within the rules or without getting caught, to win. What do you think last night's slash on Lunqvist was (knocking his stick out of his hands)? A cheap, illegal (but not caught) play that gave the devils the chance to score and get back in the game. Fighting would be up there if it wasn't for that pesky "penalty" thing, so it's far better to goad someone into dropping the gloves, and you skate off laughing while he either a) gets a penalty or b) has to go off and pick up his gloves. Hell, fighting even occurs when it's advantageous, like when you're down by 2-3 goals and there's hardly any time left. You put your goons out to send a message for the next game.

Remember, Avery's antics were followed by a goal (scored by Sean himself), and the Devil's slash on Lunqvist was followed by a goal as well. You might not think that playoff hockey is any different than regular season hockey, but ever since I started watching it in the late 80s, it DEFINITELY is...


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
You only prove my point. The knocking of the goal stick was in passing by the goal, it could be called incidental. That type of thing has been going on forever, and will continue. Avery had his back to the play, with no pretense of even trying to participate in it. I learned on day 2 of hockey to not turn my back on the point, I wish he had caught on in the kidney from his own defenceman.

To me, playoff hockey is accelerated, more intense with every shift mattering more than the last one. Every check is finished, break outs and break ins more methodical, neutral zone paly evenmore important. It is where legends are born, hot streaks get you thru a series only to die hard the next go. It is no place for clownish antics like that crap.
I predict Avery will be in the AHL within 2 years. Probably in the ECHL, riding busses and telling the rookies what $500 transvetite hookers are like.


Feb 13, 2004
looking for classic NE singletrack
JohnE said:
You only prove my point. The knocking of the goal stick was in passing by the goal, it could be called incidental.
Ya, but if you were watching the game you know it wasn't. there's literally hundreds of cheap shots that go on in every playoff game, and if you think the playoffs are just fast, open-ice, Euro-style hockey, I'm not sure what game you've been watching... There's clutching, grabbing, late hits, open-ice hits, questionable hits, face washes, stick-through-the-legs, trash-talking, pushing, shoving, working the refs, targeting top players, etc.

JohnE said:
To me, playoff hockey is accelerated, more intense with every shift mattering more than the last one... It is no place for clownish antics like that crap.
We obviously have been watching two totally separate sports then.


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
Or, I and the others simply appreciate and know more about he game than you do...
And I was watching the game in which your hero made an ass of himself...again.

This is the part at which we agree to disagree...


Nam I am
I think it was bizzare , And I bet it won't happen again , because it was such a surprise no one had any idea what to do about it . now Teams will have plan as to what to do if some one does this again. also don't forget there has been some history between Avery and Brodour, wasn't it last season when Brodour lost his helmet and Avery proceded to shot it across the ice ?

also Here is the video of it if you haven't seen it.



filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
no, this is simply the part where I start ignoring you since you can't seem to put together a cohesive argument without resorting to childish name-calling. :disgust:
Thats what I was going to say...you are just like my wife, always have to have the last word...
And FTR, I never called you any names, just your hero, the soon to be AHLer.


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
I think it was bizzare , And I bet it won't happen again , because it was such a surprise no one had any idea what to do about it . now Teams will have plan as to what to do if some one does this again. also don't forget there has been some history between Avery and Brodour, wasn't it last season when Brodour lost his helmet and Avery proceded to shot it across the ice ?

also Here is the video of it if you haven't seen it.

check out 2:15 of that vid...a teammate actually goes over to Avery in what looks like an attempt to tell him to knock it off.


Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
I think it was bizzare , And I bet it won't happen again , because it was such a surprise no one had any idea what to do about it . now Teams will have plan as to what to do if some one does this again. also don't forget there has been some history between Avery and Brodour, wasn't it last season when Brodour lost his helmet and Avery proceded to shot it across the ice ?

also Here is the video of it if you haven't seen it.

Teams won't have to worry because now it is a penalty. Although I doubt anyone other than Avery would have ever tried it anyway. I guess you can call it from here on out the "Avery Rule"


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
Teams won't have to worry because now it is a penalty. Although I doubt anyone other than Avery would have ever tried it anyway. I guess you can call it from here on out the "Avery Rule"
That is why I miss Hextall. He made people pay for being anywhere near the crease.


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
Couple series really hot now. Dallas and Sharks is getting ugly. So is Calgary/SJ. I hope Nashville can pull it off against Detwoit...or at least take them to 7 games.
As much as I hate to say it, Rangers looked strong in shutting off the Devils...Dubinsky is a stud!


Nam I am
Someone tell Splat the Habs moved down the street...
nah , He knows.

he just hates this New BS of the new places have to have these special Names , the Fleet center , TD Bank North Garden ,, It will always be the Boston GArden I don't care how Much Money the F&***ing sponser pay to put there name on the building the Building hten over charge For every thing . and its still the Adams Division!! :rant::rant::rant:


Nam I am
Teams won't have to worry because now it is a penalty. Although I doubt anyone other than Avery would have ever tried it anyway. I guess you can call it from here on out the "Avery Rule"
I think Making a Rule for that is weak. what ever happened to the defenense men clear men out from in front of the crease. if the defense was doing its job they wouldn't have to worry about a fool like avery doing some that childish.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
Equally as weak was Brodeur not shaking Avery's hand after the series last night. I understand why, I know how Avery is viewed throughout the league, but be the bigger man. You don't have to acknowledge him, just hold out your hand and walk down the line.


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
Splat- Agree. The Blackhawks will always play in the Stadium to me...not the United Center. And I will always miss (As sick as it sounds) the atmosphere of the old barns. Teams were intimidated by the thought of the building itself.

Jackson, agree also. Broduer is on his way to the HHOF, he should have been the legend he is and shook the little rats hand.


Mar 25, 2008
Hoboken, NJ
As much as I hate to say it, Rangers looked strong in shutting off the Devils...Dubinsky is a stud!
Yeah but the Devs haven't had luck with the Rangers all season they only took em' on in the last game of regular play. I don't see the Rangers going much further. As for my Devils... Honestly they need to work on their offense. Brodeur's good but they rely on him way too much.

For the record Avery shoulda' been laid out in the crease. (I never chimed in on that)