

scarred, broken and drunk
Mar 31, 2002
crashing at a trail near you...
i'm sure he will.
and in celebration the other uppity ones will destroy their own surroundings in celebration...
maybe even some oppressive whiteys will get beaten simply because of the color of their skin, but of course that wouldn't be a hate crime


The Fresno Kid
Nov 26, 2001
maybe even some oppressive whiteys will get beaten simply because of the color of their skin, but of course that wouldn't be a hate crime
victimized much?

when was the last time you were beaten? it's such a hard burden to bear, being a white christian male.


scarred, broken and drunk
Mar 31, 2002
crashing at a trail near you...
actually, yes i have been jumped, while in high school and they WERE all black.
i was the new kid on the block at a military school and while in a one on one against someone else i was jumped.
have YOU ever been the recipient of black on white violence?


scarred, broken and drunk
Mar 31, 2002
crashing at a trail near you...
no, BV, i can do just fine. i simply wondered if he has always lived in an ivory tower, or been anywhere that he might encounter that.
since you chose to chime in with your typical witty banter, have you?


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
nope, no I have not.

white on white, christian on jew, brit on american, yes. but never black on white. go figure.

I did get beat up by some Mexicans when I was younger, but I was messing around with his sister and he brought friends with him. I totally deserved it, though.


scarred, broken and drunk
Mar 31, 2002
crashing at a trail near you...
nice try.
voted 3rd party.
you're a statistics guy...
i guess you wouldn't admit to the statistical violence of black on white is greater than white on black (particularly the category of rape?)
nope i bet not


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
nice try.
voted 3rd party.
you're a statistics guy...
i guess you wouldn't admit to the statistical violence of black on white is greater than white on black (particularly the category of rape?)
nope i bet not
So you're saying your just a natural douche. Is that grass roots?


Turbo Monkey
Mar 28, 2007
You started a thread for the sole purpose of pointing out blacks rioting. This tells me you would like to call attention to black crime, perhaps you feel marginalized as a member of the white majority and you need to feel better about yourself.

Either way that's pretty fvcking racist.
Last edited:


Turbo Monkey
Mar 28, 2007
wikipedia said:
Racism, by its simplest definition, is the belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race. People with racist beliefs might hate certain groups of people according to their racial groups. In the case of institutional racism, certain racial groups may be denied rights or benefits, or get preferential treatment. Racial discrimination typically points out taxonomic differences between different groups of people, even though anybody can be racialised, independently of their somatic differences. According to the United Nations conventions, there is no distinction between the term racial discrimination and ethnic discrimination.
By starting this thread you are insinuating that black people start riots, and this is textbook racism.

EDIT: Just read the above post... holy crap.


scarred, broken and drunk
Mar 31, 2002
crashing at a trail near you...
By starting this thread you are insinuating that black people start riots, and this is textbook racism.

EDIT: Just read the above post... holy crap.
sure dumb ass drunk college frat boys start riots too. michigan state i believe is famous for them
could you explain to me please where a lot of riots happen?
what starts them?

and while im at it.
imagine the moral outrage if the klan showed up ANYWHERE near a poll (the panther garb was clearly visible in the background by the way)

they are tools too, i dont support them, just offering an example
back to the original post.
does it bother you they were there?
can you answer that?


Nov 4, 2008
wow.... are you all SERIOUSLY defending the actions taking place in that video? you have got to be kidding me. you all are the most blatant white apologists ever... There is no bias at all... considering CNN wont even touch this story, took down my request to put it up on "Ireport." hell, there were news stories about "blacks afraid to vote due to whites with clipboards." Why isnt there "whites afraid to vote due to blacks with NIGHTSTICKS"

There was no racism in the original poster's comment. He backed his claim up with facts and you all continue to not accept them. Imagine if it were two white men, not even dressed up as kkk, with nightsticks. What would happen then. You all are pathetic and I wish I could meet some of you in real life to beat some sense into you.

Speaking of racism, this ENTIRE election is about racism... just not white against black. I talked to three women from work, they are 33-38, this is the FIRST election they have voted in... why? Because they want to vote for a black man. How do I know this? THey told me they were voting for obama, when asked about his views, they had no response other than "That sounds fine with me." If this is not racist, why is it racist when a white man votes for a white man?


scarred, broken and drunk
Mar 31, 2002
crashing at a trail near you...
Just answer me one question.

Is crime a product of skin color or poverty?
the 2nd.
unfortunately the 1st is typically associated with the perpetrator there of.

all i'm asking is that you reflect upon where riots start, who starts them, and why.

in my original post did i make any insinuation to color?
i described them as thugs for interfering with the election process...