
"No Bikes" Signs taken down by Los Penasquitos Rangers

You read it right: tangible proof that the community efforts coordinated by the Multiuse Trails Coalition and the San Diego MTB Assn. are worth the hours and efforts: the dreaded, yellow "No Bikes" signs were removed from several sections of Los Penasquitos Canyon by Ranger staff yesterday:

--The North Trail
--Little Waimea
--Bridges Trail (singletrack!)
--Sidehill/Lucas (singletrack!)
--Lower Cobbles (singletrack!)

Our work isn't done, and some may miss the "outlaw thrill" of riding the trails the entire community of horsers, hikers and cyclists have been sharing for years, but most of us will savor the importance of legal singletrack being restored at San Diego's Ground Zero for anti-bike legislation.

Ride safe, ride polite, ride often.


Mar 5, 2002
That's awesome!!
I used to ride here as a newbie. I remember collecting crashes from climbing (stall-learning clipless) there.
So the North side is pretty open now? Yay! :)

as the man said, ride polite, cuz this place can have lots of traffic at times...