
No more Big Bear


Sep 6, 2001
Orange County, CA
scottishmark said:
when i read the site i thought exactly the same as Fraser....."he hit a marker, unlucky, your fault" but now i'm wondering what the hell is "re bar"??

By the way, can i sue for hitting a tree last year then?
sorry to say it but over here you can sue anyone for just about anything. That does not mean you'll win though.


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
The rebar at Big Bear, though, is very short stakes coming out of the ground, maybe 6-8", onto which plastic pipes are placed. If you clip the pipe, it'll most likely send the pipe flying instead of taking out the rider.

It's a pretty good system, in that as a rider turns, his body and bike, as they lean over, are more likely to strike the pipe than his pedal or wheel is likely to hit the short piece of rebar sticking out of the ground. Then again, the exposed rebar, once the pipe is gone, is a horrific impaling hazard, especially for a rider following close behind. OSHA sure wouldn't stand for it.

It's not like TBB just uses a 5' peice of rebar sticking out of the ground and ties the tape to it, though.

What do other places use to mark courses, aside from snow fencing?

May 24, 2002
Boulder CO
You guys haven't considered another possibility.

My aunt was walking down a sidewalk in Denver one time in January. She slipped, fell and broke her wrist. The reason she fell was because a local business had turned on a spicket up the street and water had run over the sidewalk in that area and frozen into a solid sheet of ice.

She found there to be no reason to sue anyone, the thought never even crossed her mind BUT the insurance company told her if she wanted coverage she had to...could be a simlar situation....

Insurance company hears a guy hits REBAR (i know its the most commonly used course marker material for the plastic tubes...they dont know that) in a closed course DH race of COURSE they're going to want to point the finger! In case you haven't been following the news insurance companies aren't exactly having a nice time nowadays.


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
There's also the possibility that the insurance company paid out, and the company is actually the party suing Big Bear...correct? I'm not very insurance-savvy.

I think the main thing is that we can all jump to conclusions and it means squat.


Turbo Monkey
May 20, 2002
Somewhere dark, cold & wet....
MikeD said:
What do other places use to mark courses, aside from snow fencing?

well in this country its generally trees and the like so that doesn't really help. Plastic tubing forced into the ground is something i've seen out in france that works well.

Good point that the insurance company might be behind the court case in one way, shape or form


Turbo Monkey
May 21, 2002
Orange, Ca
All I have to say is go check out a DH race in Europe...some of them make TBB look like NASA.
Euro Promoters...ever been sued?


Didnt think so.

There is no difference between a god damn ambulance chasing attorney and a convicted serial killer.

Just when I quit the sport and was gonna be able to go up to BB and just ride for fun, this happens.
Cest La Vie

Velocity Girl

Sep 12, 2001
MikeD said:
The rebar at Big Bear, though, is very short stakes coming out of the ground, maybe 6-8", onto which plastic pipes are placed. If you clip the pipe, it'll most likely send the pipe flying instead of taking out the rider.

It's a pretty good system, in that as a rider turns, his body and bike, as they lean over, are more likely to strike the pipe than his pedal or wheel is likely to hit the short piece of rebar sticking out of the ground. Then again, the exposed rebar, once the pipe is gone, is a horrific impaling hazard, especially for a rider following close behind. OSHA sure wouldn't stand for it.

It's not like TBB just uses a 5' peice of rebar sticking out of the ground and ties the tape to it, though.

What do other places use to mark courses, aside from snow fencing?

Some of our courses do have rebar that's about 1/2 the height of the poles, about 2'. I can see how that, or any rebar, would be a b**ch to land on and could cause some serious damage, but so can alot of things on any dh course.

DH Diva

Jun 12, 2002
What cracks me up is that the courses at Big Bear are traditionally like 8 to 10 feet wide. So this riders inability to stay on course is someone elses fault?? It sucks that the guy got hurt but give me a break. I've clipped my pedal on the rebar markers before. Was it TBB fault?? No it was my fault for not staying on course. If the tape was tied to a tree and he hit a tree would he still be sueing?? Where is the line drawn??

Velocity Girl

Sep 12, 2001
MikeD said:
There's also the possibility that the insurance company paid out, and the company is actually the party suing Big Bear...correct? I'm not very insurance-savvy.

I think the main thing is that we can all jump to conclusions and it means squat.
I do think that is a possibility. All states work differently in regards to insurance. I think there is also the possibility that the insurance company of the injured party might sure the insurance company of the "so called offender" to recoup the costs paid out to their client.


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
DH Diva said:
If the tape was tied to a tree and he hit a tree would he still be sueing?? Where is the line drawn??
I nominate DH Diva to defend TBB in court!!!



Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
They'll be loading XC bikes? Sheesh, what are they going to do, put a gram scale at the bottom and disallow the wearing of armor other than helmets?? How do you tell an XC bike from a DH bike?

Oh, wait, I get it...rental bikes only, I bet. No baggy shorts allowed.

Maybe someplace better than BB will open up to biking. I doubt it.


DH Diva

Jun 12, 2002
MikeD said:
I nominate DH Diva to defend TBB in court!!!

If only I had a law degree. So one other thing I was thinking, if he clipped a pedal on a course marker, once the plain of your bike passes beyond the tape and beyond a marker enough to run into it, isn't the part (in this case the pedal) technically "off course?"

That's a huge reach, but so far from what I've heard this lawsuit is crap.

Jeremy R

Nov 15, 2001
behind you with a snap pop
stiksandstones said:
Dont know if the link had been posted...sorry for a repeat if so.

This is such a f-ing joke
Wow. So it is true.
I will pour my 40 out on a fireroad this weekend in honor of Big Bear.
That's just stupid.
Even if I got jacked at a race, and it was the mountain's fault, there is
no way I could bring myself to sue. I just could not do that to all the other riders. Sad day for sure.


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
DH Diva said:
What cracks me up is that the courses at Big Bear are traditionally like 8 to 10 feet wide. So this riders inability to stay on course is someone elses fault?? It sucks that the guy got hurt but give me a break. I've clipped my pedal on the rebar markers before. Was it TBB fault?? No it was my fault for not staying on course. If the tape was tied to a tree and he hit a tree would he still be sueing?? Where is the line drawn??
i totally agree w/ you, but when you are paralyzed your thinking might change a bit. not saying i agree with it, but i can possibly understand the motive.


MikeD said:
They'll be loading XC bikes? Sheesh, what are they going to do, put a gram scale at the bottom and disallow the wearing of armor other than helmets?? How do you tell an XC bike from a DH bike?

Oh, wait, I get it...rental bikes only, I bet. No baggy shorts allowed.

Maybe someplace better than BB will open up to biking. I doubt it.

Don't be so down. We can still go rip darkside on our hardtails, while Pegboy sits at home in Bellflower. Serves him right. And I look good in lycra.

DH Diva

Jun 12, 2002
narlus said:
i totally agree w/ you, but when you are paralyzed your thinking might change a bit. not saying i agree with it, but i can possibly understand the motive.
I may understand better than you think. I know it's not paralysis, but I broke both my hands last year on a nationals course and one of them is most likely never going to be functional again. It's pretty much a useless lump of flesh and bone. Like I said, it sucks that this guys is so badly hurt, but is it really TBB fault?


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
Rabie said:
Don't be so down. We can still go rip darkside on our hardtails, while Pegboy sits at home in Bellflower. Serves him right. And I look good in lycra.
Maybe they'll let our bikes up if we get them powdercoated in Rootbeer. Then they'll be freeride bikes, not DH bikes... You think Edgy's bike will be let on?

Damn, I'm really glad I didn't succumb to the desire to get a real DH bike this year...it would suck if the nearest chair access was Mammoth. Oh, wait, that's the way it's going to be...grrrrr.



This is not an active account
Sep 18, 2002
Toronto, Canada
If BB dug a pit in the course, covered it with sticks and grass, and lined the inside with razor sharp spikes, then I could see a lawsuit. Otherwise riders should know they assume the risk when participating in a dangerous sport. Major blow to the MTB scene.


Apr 4, 2003
Snow Summit’s

Closure to Downhill Mountain Bike’s
Starting with the 2005 mountain bike season, Snow Summit Mountain Resort in Big Bear Lake, CA. will no longer allow the hosting of Downhill Mountain Bike races, and they will no longer load DH bikes during its summer Sky Chair operation. This is a response to a combination of legal and environmental issues.
Snow Summit is no longer willing to except the liability exposure of DH mountain biking and racing. A major lawsuit has been filed against USA Cycling, Snow Summit, and Team Big Bear on behalf of an injured DH racer. This lawsuit is still pending (it has not been settled nor reached the trial stage).
Along with the liability issue, the US Forest Service has been pressuring Snow Summit and Team Big Bear to address the substantial amount of illegal downhill trails that have developed adjacent to Snow Summit’s permit area, primarily as a result of its Sky Chair operation. Various methods have been used to inhibit the development and use of these trails including, signage, fencing, and ticket revocation. These attempts have proved futile. The combination of liability exposure and environmental concerns have led to this decision.
Snow Summit will be loading XC bikes)., but it has yet to determine whether or not they will build a limited number of trails on its permit area. Other wise XC riders will be able to take advantage of the roads and trails adjacent to the resort.
Team Big Bear will be allowed to host XC and Super D races at Snow Summit. ). These events will be restricted to a limited access to the resort (start/finish areas, and a limited amount of service roads. But we will still have access to the National Forest roads and trails that we have been using for races for years, including “Falline”, “Plantation” and all of the FS roads.
Team Big Bear will continue hosting the scheduled NORBA National Mountain bike race but obviously it will be limited to expanded XC and Super D racing. We are currently planning to sustain most of our calendar events including the Cal State Series, including DH races at other venues which we hope to expand. More information will available on our website www.teambigbear.com as events and venues develop.
NOTE: We here at Team Big Bear are extremely disappointed at the loss of DH racing at Snow Summit, but fully appreciate Snow Summit’s decision in light of our litigious society. We would like to thank Snow Summit for its heartfelt decision that will have dramatic effect on the community of Big Bear Lake, and long ranging ramifications in our mountain bike community. We will continue to work hard to support mountain bike racing, including downhill, and we would also like to those athletes who have supported racing.

Tom Spiegel
Patrick Follett


Born Again Newbie
Sep 5, 2001
Blah Blah and Blah
Ridemonkey said:
Major blow to the MTB scene.
ditto...if lawsuits can get BB closed (in my mind BB is kidda like a historical mountain for DHing) then I fear the worst. What other report will get closed next :(

I'm mad :angry: and sad :( all that the same time...


Apr 29, 2004
Miami, FL
narlus said:
i totally agree w/ you, but when you are paralyzed your thinking might change a bit. not saying i agree with it, but i can possibly understand the motive.
Looking this guy’s web site, he was a very active person. Wake boarding, snow boarding, and mountain biking... maybe it's also the rage he feels inside about never being able to do any of those again. He may be lashing out with the mind set that if he can't do, no one else will!

I feel bad for the guy - There is a LOT of hardware in him for a single level. He's got a plate up front that patients generally complain about because when you swallow, you can feel the plate. That is possible one of the only sensations he has left...

It sucks that BB is gone, and the lawsuit and insurance issues are BS! But we are self defeating group... we do things that will hurt us and break our stuff, and then get mad when it happens. We ride off the approved trails and then get pissed when an area gets shut down. We'll spend thousands of dollars on equipment, but we have no pull in the community b/c no one will put up the $$$ to fight for us. We’ll spend hours building on trails, but rarely show up to land management meeting until it’s too late... if we don’t ALL change out behavior (which only some have), we’re going to have to choose a new sport.


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
They know well enough what people are going to do with 'real' bikes. And any real XC riders will ride up the mtn anyhow. The lift will serve the family/rental crowd only...and I could truly forsee them making it rental-bikes (crappy Warps and such) only, for 'safety reasons.' They can claim they're the only bikes they've personally inspected to reduce liability, and that'll keep any real riders off the mountain.



Aug 15, 2001
Redmond, Washington
narlus said:
you didn't stay in new jersey for that long, eh?
No, the company moved me back to Seattle.... :rolleyes: We were only there for like 2 months... But Velocity Girl and I at least got to ride Diablo. :thumb:


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
Screw it all. Maybe I'll be more of a real mountain biker now anyhow, and ride up all my hills.


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
I'm gonna go with the theory that either the dude's insurance company is suing, or they have told him they will not cover his injuries unless he sues.

A few years ago a boat that I was part owner of was hit by another boat. I wasn't there and I hadn't given permission for my boat to be used. Didn't matter as far as liability goes. One of the people on the boat got injured pretty bad. His insurance company directed him to sue pretty much everyone who could possibly be considered liable. Luckily he was a cool guy and didn't sue me. But his medical bills were only like 20 grand. I bet if they were a couple million, my ass would have been sued.


Turbo Monkey
"Along with the liability issue, the US Forest Service has been pressuring Snow Summit and Team Big Bear to address the substantial amount of illegal downhill trails that have developed adjacent to Snow Summit’s permit area, primarily as a result of its Sky Chair operation. Various methods have been used to inhibit the development and use of these trails including, signage, fencing, and ticket revocation. These attempts have proved futile."


Apparently, it's not only a lawsuit causing the closure of our beloved Snow Summit. :dead:


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
Without the lawsuit, nothing would have changed. The 'illegal trails' have been there for years and not changed much at all.



Turbo Monkey
Feb 4, 2003
NOR CAL, Sac/CoCo County
So I thought that TBB was a big part in the NORBA series, if thats the case are we going to expect seeing paper plates marked with directional arrows attatched to trees to mark future race courses?


Sep 6, 2001
Orange County, CA
So if I paint my Spooky up like a rental do you think they'll notice?
Echo, don't get me started on boat collisions. If you were on the registration you got real lucky.
High performance boating is getting shut down out here right and left for the same reasons. People f'in up and not taking responsibility for their actions. They sue the county/state instead and that screws the rest of us.


Turbo Monkey
MikeD said:
Without the lawsuit, nothing would have changed. The 'illegal trails' have been there for years and not changed much at all.

I guess that's all that needed to happen, a catalyst of sorts... Some guy getting hurt and holding the resort responsible:stosh:

One of my good friends actually broke his back to a more severe degree at a local riding spot. Is he suing the city? Holding anyone responsible whatsoever? Not at all. He did hint to me that his insurance company, as well as his parents wanted to sue, but he insisted that they take no action. He assumed all responsibility for his own actions. He is in, basically, a full body brace and bound to his bed for the moment, but he maintains hope of one day being able to ride a "4-wheeled" MTB.

-I don't know


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
That sucks, especially for the SoCal'ers. Losing any riding spot is terrible, let alone one of the few lift assisted spots.


Curb Hucker said:
Lets see: you are encouraged to ride your bike in the streets in downtown chicago when sidewalks are crowded.
You aren't "encouraged" you know, you are required. It is illegal to ride a bicycle on any sidewalk in Chicago.