
Non-DH-friendly piercings?


Apr 6, 2004
Santa Cruz
So. Does anyone here ride with/have any problems with/is adamantly against getting any facial or other body piercings? I'm wondering if the idea of something like an eyebrow or lebret piercing getting torn out in a crash or something is a reasonable concern. Or if maybe whatever bacteria is living in my armor/helmet would turn it into a disaster some other way. Any stories?


Jul 27, 2004
Cash-Money said:
i have my ear peirced and its a bitch putting a full face on. i think they eyebrow might be a pair too, but a lebret might be ok. im goign to pierce my toungue this summer i think
"if a girl has a pierced tounge, she will probably suck your ****. if a GUY has a pierced tounge,....he will probably suck your ****"
-Chris Rock
just messing with yas


Sep 25, 2001
I have one in my nipple.

When it is hot and I don't wear a thermo shirt under my dainese, it sometimes keeps hanging in the armor, but it's something you get used off :)


beer and bikes
Feb 6, 2003
Portland, OR
I had my septum pierced for many years, but took it out recently. That could have gotten messy in a crash. Currently I have 4 earings in my left ear and 1 in my right, one on each side being streched to 00 gauge. They can be a hastle when getting my helmet on and off, but I don't notice them once it's on.


Apr 30, 2004
Rocktown, VA
I have my tongue pierced, and I have never had a problem with it riding or other. I did have my nose pierced, but it would never heal, dirt kept getting in it from riding, so I took it out. I also snagged it with the strap of my full face a couple of times, which hurt like a b!tch. Get a tattoo, they only hurt for a while, and you don't have to worry about ripping them off while riding.


Jan 1, 2005
denver, co
nipples take a little effort- bandaids help

if the lebret is getting ripped out in a crash, i would think you'd have bigger concerns, such as the chin. -full face & lebret would work

eyebrow- not sure, depends on helmet and exact positioning of the piercing

just poke a hole in it- if it doesn't work for ya, let it grow over.


Jun 21, 2004
Port Coquitlam, B.C., Canada
I've got a P.A. and I've only banged it a few times on the back of my seat. Not good. Also if it's sitting crooked it will need to be adjusted. Generally it's not an issue.

It did read about one piercing though, a "guiche" (sp?) I think it was called, in that 1" area between your junk and your trunk if you follow. Sell your bike for sure.

Secret Squirrel

There is no Justice!
Dec 21, 2004
Up sh*t creek, without a paddle
I used to wear my earrings under my full face until I bailed extra hard and had the involuntary reaction to remove my helmet as quickly as possible so as to breathe.....fortunately my cartilage peircings stayed in and the lobes were the quick release kind so I only bled marginally from tearing a bigger hole instead of ripping them completely out....

When you first get the piercings, make sure to wear the low profile studs or something, then once you can swap accessories, just swap out the bling-bling ones for the low pro ones...you'll be fine.


beer and bikes
Feb 6, 2003
Portland, OR
EVRAC said:
It did read about one piercing though, a "guiche" (sp?) I think it was called, in that 1" area between your junk and your trunk if you follow. Sell your bike for sure.
That taint even funny! :dead:


Mar 6, 2005
I have had a 10 gauge horseshoe ring in my septum for almost 8 years and have never had any problems with it getting caught on anything other than kleenex when blowing my nose. I also have had 2 12 guage rings in my lower lip for 4 years.

As for the bacteria thing, the worst thing you can do to a fresh piercing is to over clean it. 99% of people who have piercings that get infected isnt because the dont clean it, its because they clean it too much. All you need to do is wash your face normally like you would in the shower. And once a day soak it for 10min in a glass of water mixed with sea salt. Other than that let the body do its thing and heal. Facial piercings take a while to heal, a eyebrow or lip will take 6 months to a year to fully heal so care should be taken during this time not to re-injure it. As for the riding with piercings thing I had never had an issue up until about 2 months ago when....

I was riding some very tight sapling forest single track with my BMX helmet rather than my fullface and somehow a small branch managed to hit me in the face and hook the ring in the right side of my lip. I felt it pull and rather than try to force through it I bailed off the back of my bike and fell flat on my back. It pulled it hard enough to make my lip swell up, but didnt tear luckily, although it may have it it had been a newer piercing. Anyways I totally felt like a jackass and my buddies all got a good laugh out of it in the end. Moral of the story, if your riding with facial peripherals wear a full face, god know what would happen if you actually face planted. :dead:


ridiculously corgi proportioned
Aug 24, 2004
BUCKET said:
Get a tattoo, they only hurt for a while, and you don't have to worry about ripping them off while riding.
Ummm... yeah you do. I needed one touched up after I opened it up during a crash. They can certainly be ripped off...


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
Anything you put in could be a liability in some cirumstance. Small, to be sure, but more than if you didn't have it. Personally, I'd rather not risk it at all. I mean, do you really need one/many? I'd rather not have the potential to become some kind of horror story on the Internet...or less of a potential, anyhow.

But that's just me.



Aug 8, 2003
EVRAC said:
I've got a P.A. and I've only banged it a few times on the back of my seat. Not good. Also if it's sitting crooked it will need to be adjusted. Generally it's not an issue.

It did read about one piercing though, a "guiche" (sp?) I think it was called, in that 1" area between your junk and your trunk if you follow. Sell your bike for sure.

P.A.? Penal apparatus? I have a feeling that's wrong..


Turbo Monkey
Feb 9, 2004
South Seattle
I have an eyebrow and 10ga CB earings, no problems with the full face. I've had them for a good 7 years.
I used to have a labret and a 10ga septum. I didn't have any problems with those either.

Oh yeah, a barbell in the eyebrow is better than a hoop for getting helmets on and off.


May 15, 2004
i used to have 1/2 tunnels in my lobes, i couldnt wear my steel eyelets with a fullface as they were just plain uncomfortable...so i got some kaos silicone eyelets for riding. aside from that the only thing that gave me any trouble was my tragus right after i got it pierced. bounced around in the helmet a bit so i went to a half-lid for a month or so...its fine now though.


Underwater monkey
Mar 9, 2005
My eyebrow's done, I have a Ti barbell. I don't wear rings, that's asking for trouble. I play wearing sunglasses and race DH with goggles, and have never had a problem with either.
I considered doing my nipples, but didn't do it after seeing my friends rip all theirs out either crashing or putting on/taking off their armour. ouch.

Mr. Furious

Jul 23, 2002
Vancouver, BC
BUCKET said:
I have my tongue pierced, and I have never had a problem with it riding or other. I did have my nose pierced, but it would never heal, dirt kept getting in it from riding, so I took it out. I also snagged it with the strap of my full face a couple of times, which hurt like a b!tch. Get a tattoo, they only hurt for a while, and you don't have to worry about ripping them off while riding.
I saw a guy up at Whistler 2 seasons ago.. brand new tat, couldn't have been any older than 3 weeks.... was on his forearm and he was ripping into the entrance to Hornet.

Caught his forearm on a tree and the tinest little bit of a broken branch put a nice gouge right through it...

Go for tats, but keep em covered