
Not too shabby for a 13-year-old


Attention K Mart Shoppers
Jul 19, 2002
New England
What a cute little Republican, he doesn't even believe in the democratic process;

If it weren't for the illegitimate power placed on the head of Sen. Daschle,
I guess it is only legitimate when a Republican is elected. :rolleyes:


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
Is this redundant, or is it repetitive?
Yet, during a recession, there will, inevitably, be unemployment and a loss of jobs. With an abnormally high unemployment rate, there will be a large amount of unemployed.
It's "cute" that he has a column, in any case. :dead:
It's also cute that y'all are taking potshots at a 13-year old.

The kid IS 13 years old. Even counting the mistakes, there are nowhere near as many kids his age who write half as well as he does - or even TAKE an interest in politics, whether on the conservative or liberal side.

But that's what I meant - cool ('cute') that he has a column of his own, and can speak somewhat intelligently for one of his age.


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
His content is worthless, as far as I'm concerned. It's great that he can write and that he has shown an interest, but it's almost a given that his political views mirror that of his parents. So why's he writing the column then? Because it's "cute."
Originally posted by Toshi
His content is worthless, as far as I'm concerned. It's great that he can write and that he has shown an interest, but it's almost a given that his political views mirror that of his parents. So why's he writing the column then? Because it's "cute."
You're absolutely right. However, I didn't put the post up and say "Man, what a political genius this kid is!"


Attention K Mart Shoppers
Jul 19, 2002
New England
His spelling and grammar are good. They should be for a kid of his age, but here is nothing spectacular about his writing.

That site is very partisan for a "news" website. How can a source of journalism be objective when it is obviously very right-wing, and if a news story is not objective how can it be trusted? Reporters should never let partisan politics get in the way of objective journalism.

Damn True

Monkey Pimp
Sep 10, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place.
Originally posted by Tenchiro
His spelling and grammar are good. They should be for a kid of his age, but here is nothing spectacular about his writing.

That site is very partisan for a "news" website. How can a source of journalism be objective when it is obviously very right-wing, and if a news story is not objective how can it be trusted? Reporters should never let partisan politics get in the way of objective journalism.
You apparently do not watch network (ABC,NBC,CBS) news which is monumentally partisan to the left, or Fox which is predominately to the right side of things.

A wise man listens to both sides and forms his own opinion.

El Jefe

Dr. Phil Jefe
Nov 26, 2001
OC in SoCal
Originally posted by Damn True

A wise man listens to both sides and forms his own opinion.
I assume you'd say a wise woman does the same? :p

( I know I know, "man" taken as the generic term meaning "humanity." Just stirring up a little shiznit. ;) )


Attention K Mart Shoppers
Jul 19, 2002
New England
Originally posted by Damn True

You apparently do not watch network (ABC,NBC,CBS) news which is monumentally partisan to the left, or Fox which is predominately to the right side of things.

A wise man listens to both sides and forms his own opinion.
I get almost all of my news from Reuters and the Associated Press webistes, which is where most of the networks get their news from anyway.

Most of them time they seem to provide an honest account of events, but I am still wary and have even gone as far as to local new sites in other countries to see their spin on events. Although that is a 50/50 deal, as alot of governements have a tight reign of the media.
Originally posted by Tenchiro

I get almost all of my news from Reuters and the Associated Press webistes, which is where most of the networks get their news from anyway.
This is also where I get my news. Contrary to popular belief, I was not at that website looking for news; I just heard from a buddy that a 13-year-old kid wrote commentaries. He could be libertarian or democrat or republican or whatever, and it would still be cool just the same. WHAT he writes about never even entered my mind. I didn't care about that...just thought it was cool.


Monkey Turbo
Sep 8, 2001
Feeling the lag
Yeah, but can he bunny-hop?

Personally I think it is more than a little unhealthy that a 13 year-old kid is spouting political platitudes about unemployment and recession. What the hell does he know about the real facts of either? The concerns of the elderly from the mouth of a 13 year old?

From the mouth of babes comes forth wisdom (as a well known wise man once said). Unfortunately there are also cases where from the mouth of adolescents comes forth recycled political claptrap. Using a 13 year old as a mouthpiece to put forward one-sided political views is a cheap stunt.

Sorry, I am not impressed. Grammar and spelling are signs of a good education and an interest in English, what would impress me more is crap composition with original content addressing both sides of an issue.

Anybody here ever see the footage of William Hague (former Tory leader here in the UK) addressing the Conservative Party conference at 16 yrs of age? He came across as a sycophantic little twat.


Jan 18, 2002
Denver, CO
I find it interesting how so many people can make presumptions about this kids political ideas without knowing anything about him.

How do you know where his political ideas come from? Most just assume that someone that young cannot have any knowledge about the world. Obviously someone who can write well, just might know a little more about the world than you think, regardless of their age.

Anyways, most everyones political ideas come from their parents, whether they are 13 years old or 30 years old. We are all made up of the sum and total of all our knowledge and experience, including our exposure to friends and family.


Monkey Turbo
Sep 8, 2001
Feeling the lag
Originally posted by mr_dove
I find it interesting how so many people can make presumptions about this kids political ideas without knowing anything about him.

How do you know where his political ideas come from? Most just assume that someone that young cannot have any knowledge about the world. Obviously someone who can write well, just might know a little more about the world than you think, regardless of their age.

Anyways, most everyones political ideas come from their parents, whether they are 13 years old or 30 years old. We are all made up of the sum and total of all our knowledge and experience, including our exposure to friends and family.
Kinda the same way you made a generalisation about everyone else's ideas.....
Aug 14, 2002
wow thats great, i bet he also has had an amazing childhood. dont hese dickhead parents get it, they shove all this "knoweledge" down their kids throats and they htey get no friends, childhood, and endup being the little idealistic, facist twats our government loves. oh wait the parents are exactly what the children will become