
NSB Chain Rings

Da Peach

Outwitted by a rodent
Jul 2, 2002
North Van
I did something silly and un-cinched my race face cranks with the oneup switch.


It doesn’t get much more “bike industry” than this....

My justification was the cheaper replacement cost of the ring portion, which seems to be critical to keep “fresh” to avoid dropping chains. I also want to try an oval 32, and figured they were a good option to try, and go only-partially-retard.

Worth a look...


Compensating for something
Jan 4, 2013
In hell. Welcome!
If you get the ring, let us know how it works and what the chainline is like. I avoid the RF rings because their chainline sucks. WT, OneUp or MRP are much better in that regards.


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
If you get the ring, let us know how it works and what the chainline is like. I avoid the RF rings because their chainline sucks. WT, OneUp or MRP are much better in that regards.
Will do. I'm not a chainline expect, but don't a lot of these come in boost/nonboost versions?

I always use NSB for derailleur hangers, and they seem to be of high quality..

Same here. Been using the hangers for such a long time. Though some bikes come with pretty decent hangers stock now, there is the odd bike that still comes with those standard cheese grade ones that bend if you look at them wrong.

Having seen what happens when a hanger breaks deep in the bush and also having experienced it, I always pay the price upfront for an extra NSB one and keep it in the hydration pack. Chances are it won't ever be used, but dayummmmmm, when you need, you usually really need it.


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
try it nao in pisgah is a bold call, brotha

Well, Pisgah made me bow down and purchased an $80USD(!!!!) chain ring from Sycamore last year. So, I'm preparing by purchasing another chain ring for this time around. This time I will have MOAR moneys for beer(s). :busted:

Made that purchase the day before coming out to meet you. THANK FUCK. hahaha. Though I have to say, I did make it up most of Black Mountain on a 32 tooth chain ring. :)


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
If you get the ring, let us know how it works and what the chainline is like. I avoid the RF rings because their chainline sucks. WT, OneUp or MRP are much better in that regards.
Seems to work fine on my Transition Scout. Have ridden lots of bouncy chunk over the last few days without a problem. Not sure if chainline, but the chain stays where it it supposed to and I can back pedal.


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
I've ridden just over 150km over the last week with this ring.

It did drop the chain once, to the inside. It was while I was in the lowest gear and just getting on the bike to get moving again. Not sure if it was caused by a bunch of crud and leaves lodged in the ring or something else, but it happened. I noticed today that when I back pedal, the chain will occasionally drop off the biggest cog in the back. Maybe spacing issue?