
Obama Hates White People


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
Glenn Beck is only one bong hit away from a tin foil hat and a straight jacket. It frightens me that anyone takes him seriously. Sometimes I think he's the conservative rebuttal to John Stewart, but then I remember, oh yea, the rights not that smart.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
Glenn Beck is only one bong hit away from a tin foil hat and a straight jacket. It frightens me that anyone takes him seriously. Sometimes I think he's the conservative rebuttal to John Stewart, but then I remember, oh yea, the rights not that smart.
Jon Stewart might be a classic New York, Jewish Liberal; but he is extremely intelligent and rational, and can engage his interviewees and interviewers on several levels.

For example, I saw an interview with Bernard Goldberg and his idiotic "100 People Who Are Screwing Up America", and he ripped him a new one.

Beck is a nimcompoop. Outside of preaching to his choir, he looks like a total fool.

Just look at that interview with The View. A simple statement about who he saw on the train became J'accuse.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Does anyone really like white people? Can't say I do, sure is fun being one though.

White people are like the Yankees if they actually won.