
OK PETA, you went WAY to far this time!


Jul 29, 2003
Montgomery county MD
So PETA came to put up an exhibit at my school (Virginia Commonweath University in the Heart of Richmond Virginia....AKA a lot of black people go to my school and live in the surrounding areas)

Not only did they put up their usual offensive pictures, but they put up a picture of a cow hanging, and next to it, A HUGE PICTURE OF A BUNCH OF SLAVES HANGING FROM TREES!!! What the hell are they thinking?!!?! I'm not talking small pictures here, they are 7' tall and probably 15' long.

Well, needless to say, there are a lot of protesters out there, cops, etc. I can't belive they would do somthing like this! Its bad enough they push their hippy ways on us, you don't have to exploit people to do it!


What do I have to do to get you in this car TODAY?
Nov 15, 2002
Charlotte, NC
hmmm... Maybe some pissed of black person (or anyone for that matter) will take this opportunity to kick some PETA arse?

**** I do not condone violence, but holding one of them down and pouring some chocolate milk down their throat, followed by some beef based buillion would be fun


Turbo Monkey
Oct 5, 2004
Rochester N.Y.
your school is allowing them to do this? I thought I had some serious hippies at my school but that is insane. Whatever I guess if they don't want to eat animals thats cool with me, but you aren't going to convert people by starting things like the chicken holocaust or the cow lynching, or whatever hair brain scheme they make up. I think in doing so they are showing a real lack of compassion for true tragedies in human history. I am so mad I am now going to ingest something that came from an animal. good day


Turbo Monkey
May 25, 2005
I'm not sure how many people have ever seen Penn and Teller's show called "Bullsh#t." If you haven't seen this show, it basically takes on some controversial issues and some fun issues to prove that they are, well, bullsh#t.

In one episode they took on PETA, and they proved that the president of PETA was a complete scam artist...


Future Turbo Monkey
Jun 1, 2004
Ballard 4 life.
BigMike said:
So PETA came to put up an exhibit at my school (Virginia Commonweath University in the Heart of Richmond Virginia....AKA a lot of black people go to my school and live in the surrounding areas)

Not only did they put up their usual offensive pictures, but they put up a picture of a cow hanging, and next to it, A HUGE PICTURE OF A BUNCH OF SLAVES HANGING FROM TREES!!! What the hell are they thinking?!!?! I'm not talking small pictures here, they are 7' tall and probably 15' long.

Well, needless to say, there are a lot of protesters out there, cops, etc. I can't belive they would do somthing like this! Its bad enough they push their hippy ways on us, you don't have to exploit people to do it!
what a$$holes. PETA has lost any ounce of social responsiblility or tact. Who let them into your school?


Jan 14, 2005
Floating down the Hudson
I'm all for the better treatment of animals and I even support a local farm that rescues abused farm animals, but I just hate when people push their views so heavily, in almost a violent, forceful way. Go DO something about it. Don't just stand around and complain.


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
bluebug32 said:
I'm all for the better treatment of animals and I even support a local farm that rescues abused farm animals, but I just hate when people push their views so heavily, in almost a violent, forceful way. Go DO something about it. Don't just stand around and complain.
I agree.


Aug 1, 2005
POLICE had to break up an animal rights protest yesterday when schoolchildren in Aberdeen pelted activists with cartons of milk.

Sean Gifford of PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) and an unidentified man in a cow-suit had planned a peaceful protest at the gates of the Grammar School to let pupils know about the claimed hazards in milk.

But they had to be rescued by two female police officers when the teenage pupils launched a violent protest of their own.

About 100 children, shouting "milk for the masses" and carrying banners, surrounded Mr Gifford and his "cow" partner and drenched them both in milk for about ten minutes. The police eventually intervened and escorted the PETA members back to their car.

Mr Gifford said: "I have travelled all over the UK with this protest and I have never seen anything like this before. It must be something to do with children in Aberdeen. I think they just got a bit over-excited. I’m sure they will still go home and think about our message."

Yesterday’s protest was the latest in PETA’s nationwide drive to publicise what it claims are dangers in drinking milk. They have been handing out cards with cartoon pictures of characters suffering from wind, spots and obesity as a result of dairy products.

The cards tell kids to "give cows a break" and "be kind to animals and your butt and your gut" by avoiding milk.

But one pupil, Alan Smith, 16, said: "This is a stupid idea. We should be encouraged to drink milk and I certainly won’t stop drinking milk just because a man has dressed up as a cow outside my school."


Jul 10, 2005
likwid said:
................But they had to be rescued by two female police officers when the teenage pupils launched a violent protest of their own.

About 100 children, shouting "milk for the masses" and carrying banners, surrounded Mr Gifford and his "cow" partner and drenched them both in milk for about ten minutes. The police eventually intervened and escorted the PETA members back to their car...l.


I wish I was Canadian
Sep 8, 2001
Victoria, BC
yeah and we use to give money to them...but when I saw how they spent it I was through....They're run by a bunch of morons who get no respect. The whole shock campaign is so yesterday. They need to focus on education and information. It's 2005 geez get a clue...D


boob hater
Jan 24, 2004
BMXman said:
yeah and we use to give money to them...but when I saw how they spent it I was through....They're run by a bunch of morons who get no respect. The whole shock campaign is so yesterday. They need to focus on education and information. It's 2005 geez get a clue...D
I agree. A lot of their information is factual (ie, health benefits, etc), but they can't seem to deliver it in a way that people will accept. You do NOT compare the mass murder of human beings to chicken slaughter...I'm sorry, you just don't. I knew a guy really into halting vivisection (animal testing), and helped him with some of his work, but it soon became apparent to me that a lot of activists care more about helping animals than they do other human beings. Yes, we are all living creatures and everyone deserves to be treated nice-nice, but I think humanity as a whole has a lot more problems than our animal subserviants. Focus on something more important.