
ok, so what does bronchitis feel like?

dh girlie

Feels like someone kicked you in the chest with steel toed boots and then poured drano mixed with cement down your esophogus...it SUCKS ASS...be prepared for the long haul...takes a while to get rid of...and get to the dr. if you haven't already...you don't want pnemonia...


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
I get those a couple times a year. I like to simply refer to them as upper or lower respiratory infections, depending on which part of my lungs feel like they need a scrubbing.

Just let 'em run the course - your body will take care of it.

Maybe. :D


binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Well, you feel fine for a little while... Then you start to develop a cough..

Then, all of a sudden, your lungs explode out of your chest. Kind of like the scene out of Alien.


Good luck.


Aug 14, 2002
dh girlie said:
Feels like someone kicked you in the chest with steel toed boots and then poured drano mixed with cement down your esophogus...it SUCKS ASS...be prepared for the long haul...takes a while to get rid of...and get to the dr. if you haven't already...you don't want pnemonia...
oh great. and me, as a contractor, without health insurance. fock!

binary visions said:
Well, you feel fine for a little while... Then you start to develop a cough..

Then, all of a sudden, your lungs explode out of your chest. Kind of like the scene out of Alien.


Good luck.
now that's hot!


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
slowSSer said:
oh great. and me, as a contractor, without health insurance. fock!
Just stick it out, man. It's probably viral, anyways. The doc might give you something for the symptoms but tell you "let it run its course".......

You know that the cash prices at clinics really aren't generally too bad, don't ya?



Turbo Monkey
Mar 18, 2002
G14 Classified

I've had it many a times and while I usually take medication, the last time I just couldn't get myself to the doctor. They symptoms in a nutshell, you know what breathing normally is like, with bronchitis, it feels like you're trying to breathe with your hand nearly covering your entire mouth. Plus, the most simple of physical exercise will exhaust the living hell out of you. For example, I couldn't WALK up one flight of stairs without havign to stop and take a break.

Cure: If no medication, buy a humidifier and do the typical cold/flu ordeal. If you're healthy, it should pass within two weeks. If you have a friend with bad asthma, try to get your hands on asmacort (sp?).

Feel better.


Aug 14, 2002
reflux said:

I've had it many a times and while I usually take medication, the last time I just couldn't get myself to the doctor. They symptoms in a nutshell, you know what breathing normally is like, with bronchitis, it feels like you're trying to breathe with your hand nearly covering your entire mouth. Plus, the most simple of physical exercise will exhaust the living hell out of you. For example, I couldn't WALK up one flight of stairs without havign to stop and take a break.

Cure: If no medication, buy a humidifier and do the typical cold/flu ordeal. If you're healthy, it should pass within two weeks. If you have a friend with bad asthma, try to get your hands on asmacort (sp?).

Feel better.

thanks for the info. humidifier online and functioning properly. no exhaustion from walking etc, so it might be a minor case, if there is such a thing.

fiancee is an asthamtic, so ill check with her for that asmacourt stuff.


boob hater
Jan 24, 2004
I had a viral respiratory infection for about 3/4 of the race season last year (unknowingly)...it was the cold that would NEVER GO AWAY.


Turbo Monkey
slowSSer said:
thanks for the info. humidifier online and functioning properly. no exhaustion from walking etc, so it might be a minor case, if there is such a thing.

fiancee is an asthamtic, so ill check with her for that asmacourt stuff.
HEY HEY HEY, be careful w/ your chic's breather. Don't use hers and give your bronchitis to her thru contact transmission.
In my case, just got rid of a very minor case of it, it was w/ anti-biotic and vicodine cough syrup. The anti-biotic was actually for a nasty bug that's been going thru this town (international ski resort = all sorts of nasty bugs). The bronchitis had to run it's course, with the help of the vicodine syrup. I'd suggest you don't eat dairy (produces mucus) and take steaming hot showers (steam did wonders for me). In fact, I'd go and soak in a hot mineral spring every night, even when I was running a temperature. This may or may not have helped at all, but it made my throat feel sooooo much better. If you're coughing a lot, go to the doc as the lower the infection goes, the better chance you'd have of getting pneumonia.


Sep 29, 2004
SC mtns
Pau11y said:
HEY HEY HEY, be careful w/ your chic's breather. Don't use hers and give your bronchitis to her thru contact transmission.
In my case, just got rid of a very minor case of it, it was w/ anti-biotic and vicodine cough syrup. The anti-biotic was actually for a nasty bug that's been going thru this town (international ski resort = all sorts of nasty bugs). The bronchitis had to run it's course, with the help of the vicodine syrup. I'd suggest you don't eat dairy (produces mucus) and take steaming hot showers (steam did wonders for me). In fact, I'd go and soak in a hot mineral spring every night, even when I was running a temperature. This may or may not have helped at all, but it made my throat feel sooooo much better. If you're coughing a lot, go to the doc as the lower the infection goes, the better chance you'd have of getting pneumonia.
And I mean that in the best way. I think this Pau11y is right on. I had bronchitis a few years ago at my busiest time of the year, work wise. I'd stagger out of bed, hang on to the shower nozzle for support, drink my coffee, put on my work boots, do my time, come home and collapse.

My Dr. told me Bronchitis is a secondary infection. Colds are viral, not treatable by antibiotics. Bronchitis is when your respiratory system gets a second infection, like as the result of irritation from a cold. Think of scraping your knee, then getting an infection in the scrape -- same idea.

Going back a few years, we didn't have health insurance and my sig. other got a bad cough that wouldn't go away. We coughed up the bucks to go see a dr at a urgent care clinic, told him the situation, and he loaded us up with a bag full of the appropriate professional samples.

Don't F around with it. You don't want to get worse, you don't want to get pneumonia. Think about the cost of treatment versus lost jobs and days at work.

I sympathize with the no insurance bit. You might look into a plan with a high deductible, just to cover you against major stuff like broken legs.