
Old Chain/new rings or New Chain/old rings


Turbo Monkey
Sep 24, 2001
What's the worst combinaison?

To me, it would make sense that there should be no problem using a new chain with old chainrings & cassette. But on the other hand, using a new chainring with an old chain would degrade the new chainring faster.

Am I right or wrong? Thanks!


Jan 21, 2002
Flip you are right and wrong. Using a new ring with an old chain will cause premature wear on the chainring. Using a new chain on old rings and cassette is not a good idea. It depends on how many miles the old chain had on it. If the chain has 500-750mi on it you should be ok. The only real way to check wear is to use a chain checker, the Rolhoff is the best. All drivetrain components wear at the same rate, if you are noticing skipping when climbing or sprinting, you need to replace chain, cassette and rings. In my shop I don't put on a new chain without replacing the cassette as well, and in severe cases the rings too. Hope this helps.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 24, 2001
Thanks Wrenchguru...and Welcome to RM!!

This clarifies a lot. As often, I have been misadvised...but everything is clear now: It is not good to mix the new and old stuff...
