
One of the worst days of my life


Turbo Monkey
Jun 30, 2004
Look on the bright side, if a migraine (yes I know they suck) constitutes one of the 'worst days of your life' you've had a pretty good life.


closer to Periwinkle
Apr 19, 2013
sw ontario canada
Diagnosed with migraine 38 years ago when I was 12.
Have tried just about every drug under the sun.
I don't get an aura before an attack, but during it can look like a hot day - heat rising type of visual disturbance.

What ended up working the best for me.

2x Extra-strenth Advil liquid-gel at first sign washed down with a half a pepsi and a small glass of water. (caffeine and a bit of sugar)
Cool dark room with no noise.

If it progresses
Fiorinal #3 (Aspirin/Codine/Butalbital/Cafine)
2 x gravol - helps to keep the meds down long enough to have some effect before they in-inevitably come back up along with my toenails.
Water - cool but not cold to wash meds down with.

If it keeps progressing - Hospital for a shot of Torodol or Demerol.
Sleep when it finally comes.
Hangover can be a day or two - minor headaches, very tired, fuzzy etc.

Have never found a food trigger. Allergies have been tested multiple times etc etc blah blah

One thing, WEATHER CHANGES - even a couple days in advance of the front coming in.
Thunderstorms in the area but not over my location.
One time in mexico, i got hammered by migraines caused by a hurricane in the gulf that did not effect the local weather other than some bigger surf and a nice cloud line on the horizon.... Would rather the headache be a result of my foolish behavior, cause at least I would have had a good time first.

Start and keep a bit of a migraine diary...
What you eat
caffeine consumption
current weather and weather for the future 3 days
stress levels
exercise levels for the preceding week
sleep levels and patterns
anything out of the ordinary
+ anything else you deem

These things suck - hope it is only a temp relapse, and it is now over.
Good luck

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Oct 17, 2009
Have you checking your blood pressure? Hitting it hard when you are a out of shape could certainly raise your bp causing a migraine like headache.


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
that's what I'm leaning towards (still listening to everybody's advice). I guess my dad got them too until he went on BP meds.


I broke all the rules, but somehow still became mo
Sep 6, 2001
Livin it up in the O.C.
Haha, thanks for the derps of encouragement.

Let's see...I did get a new helmet but it doesn't feel too tight. I have gotten migraines with both my old and gnu helmet.
I don't have any food allergies. My rides are usually around a non-food heavy timepoint, like breakfast or mid morning. I had pancakes one time and eggs/bacon another. I've gotten them totally isolated from food in the past.
I don't believe it's positioning as I've ridden multiple positions on the bike comfortably. Road bike, mountain, etc.
I'm not german.
I do plan on seeing a doctor to make sure it's nottatumah and get some imitrex/malox/vicodin/lobotomy. I've used imitrex in the past but it didn't really work all that well, this was 17 years ago though.

Right now my only guess is that it's from being fat and lazy, and pretending I'm not fat and lazy. It looks like that combo can trigger migraines. I'll probably start trying to build my base level of fitness up with a slow shuffle/yog a few days a week, and see if that translates?
Have you thought about getting your blood pressure taken?
I've had migraines all my life (well since 3rd grade) and I take Imetrex for the little ones and Fiorinol for the major ones. My triggers are mostly sleep related (general lack of or too much booze/hangover) with some smell related ones (burning leaves, hot tar...)

I also started getting exertion related migraines for a while. Mostly when I was lifting, but some when doing cardio. What I found out later was that they were mostly related to elevated blood pressure. When I got my blood pressure under control they went away and now I only get the "regular" ones from drinking, high nitrates/tanins (NO red wine) some hot dogs and the smells mentioned above.

I also had a GF that used to get Org asm related migraines. The bigger the O, the bigger the headache she would get. Of course I was giving her multiple headaches a night bc I'm just like that. ;) Anyway... they were kind of like the workout ones in that there was the endorphin rush followed by a stabbing pain and prolonged migraine. She talked to a Dr and ruled out embolisms and brain bleeding (like a stroke) and he told her these things just come and go some times. Sure enough they "went" and we were able to fully enjoy life again.

Beef Supreme

Turbo Monkey
Oct 29, 2010
Hiding from the stupid
I also had a GF that used to get Org asm related migraines. The bigger the O, the bigger the headache she would get. Of course I was giving her multiple headaches a night bc I'm just like that. ;) Anyway... they were kind of like the workout ones in that there was the endorphin rush followed by a stabbing pain and prolonged migraine. She talked to a Dr and ruled out embolisms and brain bleeding (like a stroke) and he told her these things just come and go some times. Sure enough they "went" and we were able to fully enjoy life again.

Sandwich, I think BB is on to something here. You should have him give you fewer org asms.