
ow, my head...


Jun 10, 2002
i was jumping around the other day, coming out of a drainage ditch to a flat surface. after one particular jump i felt a sharp pain in my neck that kinda radiated up to the back left of my head. it went away after a little bit, but today, while doing some work, it came back. does this sound familiar to anyone? any precautions i should take?

i think maybe my fork might've bottomed out, and the shock of the landing went up my arm to my neck...but i'm not sure.
Apr 11, 2003
The Dark Side
I experience this kind of sensation when I'm working too hard - it is a sign that you should maybe take a nap, being extra careful not to sleep on your neck funny. Also, I would take your bike in and get that fork looked at - that could be serious man.

:D :p :D


Jun 10, 2002
pinched nerve, i believe it is...

from a local MTB-ing doc:
"The symptoms you describe are consistent with a pinched nerve. It is possible that with the hard landings you have been doing, you may have cause cervicle vetebra compression and/or cervicle disc herniation. I would recommend an evaluation by an orthopedic doctor and lay off the big drops and off road riding until you get your cervicle spine evaluated. "


Aug 21, 2002
Rochester NY
That's happened to me also.
I went back to my Chiropracter for a few weeks and then I was as right as rain.
Of course when I got there everything else was messed and out of alignment too.:rolleyes:

I'm getting too old for this:( Pretty soon I'm gonna have to stick with strictly xc riding.:eek:
OUCH pinched nerves are horrible!

I was mid upright row when I felt a sensation like "RRRIIIPPP"

I couldn't move my neck - any position hurt. It took a good 3 weeks to go completely away.

If that's what it is, ice it for a few days, then use heat and do some light stretching. If it doesn't get better or seems to get worse, call el doctor!


Jun 10, 2002
well it's been almost 2 weeks and the only time i feel it is when i strain a bit. the pain has lessened a little, but i've got through a **** load of Advil. really don't have the $$ for a chiropractor at the moment. maybe when financial aid comes in, though. thanks for the words...