
Paint chip on steel frame, should I...


Jul 2, 2001
Hershey, PA
Originally posted by Colin
cover the chip with clear nail polish or something else? I want to ride tomorrow morning, but don't want my new frame to start rusting on me. Thanks. :)
Covering chips on a steel frame is always a good idea. I've been using the Testor's enamel model paint. Nail polish would probably work too.


Is it that big a deal to cover the metal? How long would it take for the rust to damage the bike to the point of making the frame unsafe due to structural failure? My guess would be a few decades - by then, who really cares?

I'd really like to know, if anyone knows - I'm sure the type of steel & environment would have important impacts on the speed of corrosion damage.

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
Originally posted by Old_Dude
Is it that big a deal to cover the metal? How long would it take for the rust to damage the bike to the point of making the frame unsafe due to structural failure? My guess would be a few decades - by then, who really cares?

I'd really like to know, if anyone knows - I'm sure the type of steel & environment would have important impacts on the speed of corrosion damage.

It would actually take a while, since the frame is not standing in water or snow. Its not a bad idea to sand the area and touch it up.


Nov 3, 2001
I live in Surprise, Arizona
As an aircraft mech, we find that corrosion is a planes worst enemy. The problem is once it starts, it is real difficult to stop and keep it stopped. It gets into microscopic pores in the metal so even when cleaned it is still there. Corrosion needs air to complete the chemical reaction so the quicker you get the rust off, and seal the affected area, the better. I don't know about model paint, but nail polish has about zero water in it and is available in many metallic and other finishes.
As to how much damage, I am repaiing an older YZ moto-x bike. The rust ate the frame to near paper thin from the inside out!! It wasn't even noticable from the outside until a pinhole broke through. This was caused from the water holes bieng plugged.

So if you ride steel (or alum), don't plug the water holes, do spray WD-40 liberally into the water holes to coat the untreated metal inside the tubes especially if you live in a humid or coastal enviroment and fix those dings!!


Jun 10, 2002
Originally posted by gtbike
]So if you ride steel (or alum), don't plug the water holes, do spray WD-40 liberally into the water holes to coat the untreated metal inside the tubes especially if you live in a humid or coastal enviroment and fix those dings!!
hmmm...does that really work? like, as well as Frame Saver, or whatever it's called, or is it just kind of a quick temporary fix?