
Palestinians terrorists farked up this time.


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
That's pretty nasty. But then, so was last week's rocket bombing. :rolleyes: That Americans were killed shouldn't make one whit of difference in an ideal world -- unfortunately, I fear that it might.


Originally posted by Toshi
That's pretty nasty. But then, so was last week's rocket bombing. :rolleyes: That Americans were killed shouldn't make one whit of difference in an ideal world -- unfortunately, I fear that it might.
In the recent bombing at a movie theatre the Palestinians hurt and killed primarily overseas workers.... no Israelis at all. But then again they have "grievances" so they can kill anybody they want :rolleyes:


Originally posted by Toshi
That's pretty nasty. But then, so was last week's rocket bombing. :rolleyes: That Americans were killed shouldn't make one whit of difference in an ideal world -- unfortunately, I fear that it might.
You're right. It shouldn't matter. We should have sent in the troops before Americans were killed.


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
Originally posted by RideMonkey
In the recent bombing at a movie theatre the Palestinians hurt and killed primarily overseas workers.... no Israelis at all. But then again they have "grievances" so they can kill anybody they want :rolleyes:
I'm not contending that the suicide bombers are the sharpest tools in the shed. :rolleyes:

I would like to point out for the other viewers that I think RM's title is worthy of comment: "Palestinians terrorists farked up this time." Besides the misplaced use of possessive, which we'll ignore in deference to good debate conduct :eek: :D , it's notable because it implies that the Palestinian terrorists have done something completely unprecedented. My point, which indeed is made in the CNN article linked by RM (and not in my usual news source, the BBC, interestingly enough), is that the attack was in retaliation for last week's rocket bombing, in which 14 people were killed, iirc, of whom 13 were civilians.

What is interesting is that this wasn't a suicide bombing this time, but a regular bombing. I don't know what this portends.


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
Originally posted by RideMonkey
We should have sent in the troops before Americans were killed.
To do what? Prop up a regime that's hated by its neighbors? That would be a recipe for disaster, ie more terrorist attacks on _US_ soil. And that is unacceptable.


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
I believe that the United States is still at war, and will retaliate with this group. It seems to me that the old days of sending in troops in droves against a faction of radicals isnt what our govt. is up to. We will probably hear of everything shady our country will do to our enemies in about 20 or so years. Even if we do nothing there will be more terrorist attacks from extremists now, the flood gates have been opened. I don't believe in organized religion, however I am quite aware that we are neck deep in a global holy war. Our country should be compelled to retaliate, It's not a peaceful time right now. The president declared a war on terrorism, If we sing it then we better damn well bring it.


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
Originally posted by Skookum
I believe that the United States is still at war, and will retaliate with this group. It seems to me that the old days of sending in troops in droves against a faction of radicals isnt what our govt. is up to. We will probably hear of everything shady our country will do to our enemies in about 20 or so years. Even if we do nothing there will be more terrorist attacks from extremists now, the flood gates have been opened. I don't believe in organized religion, however I am quite aware that we are neck deep in a global holy war. Our country should be compelled to retaliate, It's not a peaceful time right now. The president declared a war on terrorism, If we sing it then we better damn well bring it.
It's not our war to fight. Getting involved directly would be a very bad idea.


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
The perception and perhaps the truth is we already have been indirectly/directly involved. They've been burning our flag for years. I don't like the idea of throwing anyone from our country or our allies into the fray with these maniacal extremists but arent we beyond the point of no return? I dont believe the strategy of turning the other cheek will work anymore.
Borders were erased from the globe in many people eyes from the tragedy of sept. 11. If someone throws a brick thru your front room window are you to stay in your house and tell them to stop it, and expect them to pay heed?


the artist formerly known as OldDickDynamite
Oct 4, 2001
Austin, TEXAS
both sides are maniacal, both sides are extremists
our media and $$$$ are more slanted to one side of this issue
they burn our flag because we provide the weapons that kill their family members
i am assuming the americans that got killed over there knew that they were in a dangerous place
they were in the wrong place
Hamas was not trying to kill Americans
sucks they got killed
i feel for their families; as well as the families of the Palestinian civilians killed by israel as well as the families of Israeli civilians killed in all this stuff.

Dark Helmet

Mar 18, 2002
So Cal
Originally posted by RideMonkey
http://www.cnn.com/2002/WORLD/meast/07/31/mideast/index.htmlSend in the troops! :angry:
"Hamas said the bomb was in retaliation for last week's Israeli attack in Gaza that killed the commander of Hamas' military wing and 14 others, including nine children."
Are we forgetting the fact that this is much deeper than anyone here can comprehend? Unless you've been there and have lived as a Palestinian or an Israeli, you really have no idea on the amount of anger and hatred that resides between the two. It's sad to see anyone dying, regardless if they're Americans, Israeli's, Palestinians or whom ever. Palestinians are like a wounded dog backed in a corner, they're desperate for recognition and they're willing to do ANYTHING to end the Israeli occupation and stop human right violations committed daily by the Israeli government. If you want a non-biased opinion on what's really going on in the Middle East, don't read U.S based media, listen to Toshi and read foreign media like the BBC or others. The US media will print and show what the US government wants painted. You say we have freedom of speech, I say hogwash!
Americans are so narrow-minded and trigger-happy when it comes to foreign affairs, it really is pretty pathetic.


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
Are you an american? You dont sound trigger happy yourself but you sound eager to excuse the palestinians who are. Narrow minded? Making a blanket statement such as that equates a certain amount of narrow mindedness within the accusor. All media is distorted, whisper a tale around a campfire it will come back to you different. I'm smart enough to know the bias, but when so many Americans are being killed, during this time right now, it's unexcusable.


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
Originally posted by Skookum
I'm smart enough to know the bias, but when so many Americans are being killed, during this time right now, it's unexcusable.
Please define "it" and explain where in the news I can read about "so many Americans ... being killed." I haven't heard of any widespread slaughter of Americans since 9/11. :rolleyes:


the artist formerly known as OldDickDynamite
Oct 4, 2001
Austin, TEXAS
Originally posted by Skookum
It is the death of any american from the result of terrorism. And your right 9/11 was so 5 minutes ago now wasnt it.:rolleyes:
that is a WAR ZONE over there

bit different from 9/11

i know for a fact there are government issued travel alerts; warning US citizens of the dangers of traveling to Israel or any part of the Middle East for that matter.
people who knowingly go to such areas are certainly aware of the potential for such grave and tragic events; unlike the folks who went to work on 9/11, just like any other day in NY.
again, the bombing in israel was a tragic and awful thing
my heart goes out to all of those -- of all races and nationalities-- who have lost loved ones in the fiasco that is the middle east


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
Likewise there has been a couple alerts from our government for terrorist outbreaks here. Nothing has happened since (that we know of) or that can be traced to the same militant religious cultists.
I ask you then are we to percieve a terrorist attack on our soil any different now, that we have been warned by our govt. Yes Pakistan is dangerous, yes the middle east is dangerous. One could say he/she was foolish to be there in the first place. But now to live in America it is dangerous. Are we to discount the signifigance of further death and terror that may happen upon our countrymen in the future now because we now know it is dangerous? Obviously it appears that we have done so on foreign soil.
Certainly sending troops, war, aggression are terrible things. What other choices will make a long lasting real difference. I fear the day if my Brother in law loses his life defending our country overseas, but if that is what it takes to keep my neices and nephew alive from being blown to bits at a shopping mall, well then so be it.
Y'know i dont mind rooting for the underdog myself, only if the underdog in this case has any power he would use it for terror and ignorance, in such a way that would make American foreign policy look pleasant.
By the way don't you think Krispy Kreme is way overratted?


the artist formerly known as OldDickDynamite
Oct 4, 2001
Austin, TEXAS
well, i definitely agree with you on the donut front ;)
and no, i certainly do not discount the significance of these deaths; i just feel that the matter of context, time, place and intent is an important one
one could liken the situation to some of the unintentional civilian deaths that our people caused in Afghanistan

i just wish it all would stop