
Park riders, tune in here for me.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 13, 2005
Charlotte, NC
So today while I was at work, me and another mechanic were talking about tricks like we normally do. (he rides 20, I ride 26) Then I start talking about how I'd like to start stringing together combos, like tuck to e.t., double tire grap to table. Then he says that I'd have to ask this other 20 rider who does e.t's all the time if I wanted to do them... Which struck me as a bit odd, and at first I thought he was joking, but the look on his face was very serious. He proceeded to tell me that park etiquette demands that if someone else is doing a trick a lot, you should ask them if you can do the trick too. Now I have been riding park for a few years, and I have never heard of this little rule. Now granted I understand other rules of etiquette like no snaking and no loitering on boxes, which he seems to think is the same as asking to do a trick that someone else is doing.

His reason for this is that some riders take offense to you being able to do a trick that they cannot or it may seem as though you are showing off, or even trying to steal their style. Even at this point, I was balancing the idea that this may be a joke.

My argument was that millions of riders have done these tricks before, we are not the first, so there is no stealing tricks or stealing styles. Asking to do a trick would be like asking someone if you can go ride your bike how you want to ride your bike. And that if this was an actual rule, then it was made up by riders who didn't want to have see other riders learn faster than them, or do things better than them.

This idea of having to ask others if you can do a trick seems absolutely retarded.

Rant over. Thoughts?

demo 9

Turbo Monkey
Jan 31, 2007
north jersey
If i am told that, i do it more, unless they invented it (and i dont mean an e.t across this box this direction on a tuesday) i could care less


Turbo Monkey
Jun 22, 2007
I'm happy you are leaning towards rejecting this absolutely ridiculous notion.
You might consider hanging with a different crowd if it's possible.
Try to find some people that encourage people to throw down, and not sit around worrying about who did what trick when. That is incredibly LAME.
May 12, 2005
roanoke va
isn't the point of riding with other people to be influenced by their style and pushed by their competition?
i'm stoked to see someone copy a "signature" move of mine, and it motivates me to go bigger next time. i try not to have sig moves in general.
maybe if he INVENTED it... but no, not even then really.


Jun 25, 2007
Idaho Springs, Colorado
I started doing tuck no handed 360's in 1986/87... Never saw anyone do them before so there's a slight possibility I "invented" it. When I see kids throw them at the dj's or skatepark I am stoked. You need to punch that fool in his balls for talking so sideways.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 11, 2005
Winston-Salem NC
I started doing tuck no handed 360's in 1986/87... Never saw anyone do them before so there's a slight possibility I "invented" it. When I see kids throw them at the dj's or skatepark I am stoked. You need to punch that fool in his balls for talking so sideways.
rep for throwing no handed 3's before I was born:thumb:


Turbo Monkey
Nov 17, 2006
. . . . Thoughts?
Not that I care, but I have seen some people get bent or make comments when there's a rider at a park who is acting like there's a contest going on or, an invisible game of B.I.K.E., when everyone else is just having a chill sesh. Maybe that's what your friend is getting at?


Turbo Monkey
Jun 15, 2009
I'm waving. Can you see me now?
Not that I care, but I have seen some people get bent or make comments when there's a rider at a park who is acting like there's a contest going on or, an invisible game of B.I.K.E., when everyone else is just having a chill sesh. Maybe that's what your friend is getting at?
This thread is effing whack. I don't know about others, but when someone is shredding, I am impressed, not jealous. I have never heard someone say "Did that kid just do a fvcking 1 hander over the spine?! I am going to beat him up and go to jail!!!"

demo 9

Turbo Monkey
Jan 31, 2007
north jersey
This thread is effing whack. I don't know about others, but when someone is shredding, I am impressed, not jealous. I have never heard someone say "Did that kid just do a fvcking 1 hander over the spine?! I am going to beat him up and go to jail!!!"
the kettle is hot :weee:


Nov 23, 2005
i dont think its good if a guy is trying a trick (we'll just say a tuck no hander out of a wedge) and either just landed it or has wiped out, and then you go and do the same line with the same trick. that is just douche bag looking. but if the guy comes by you and you chat with him and just say hey that looks good im going to give it a go, i think its acceptable. its not that you need to ask for permission, i think its just "polite" to either A: not totally snake someone's line right after or B: acknoledge him first about it so you dont seem like an asshole who has no creativity.

I dont promote this but it is what i have learned and often experienced over the last few years of riding park


Turbo Monkey
Feb 13, 2005
Charlotte, NC
Yea I agree with that, but thats not what this guy is saying.

I am glad you guys agree with me, I was hoping that this wasn't some rule I had just never heard of. Now all of you move to Charlotte so I can have some smart riders to ride park with.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 13, 2005
Charlotte, NC
You have no idea EoD, this guy however is one of my very good friends, which is why I was so astounded that he was arguing this point of view. But yes, it is safe to say I work with complete retards.


Apr 18, 2008
I would def tell that dude and his rule to shove it.
If you were intentionally trying to show somebody up, as stated, by repeating the exact same thing that someone just did and doing it better than them, then you're just a douche bag in general.
But the idea that you need ANYONE elses permission to perform a trick regardless of who thought of and executed it first, let alone learning it, is hands down the dumbest, most laughable shiz I've ever heard.


Nov 22, 2009
hes trippin
haha. People that get bent on stuff like this are not worth your time anyway. If you can do the trick, do it all the time, "show off". The only reason you do tricks is to have fun, so if you can do it, keep doing it.

Cru Jones

Turbo Monkey
Sep 2, 2006
Hell Track
I get so pissed off when I see someone else riding a bike... don't they know that I invented bike riding??? How dare them have fun doing the same thing that I have fun doing. :rant:


Turbo Monkey
Feb 13, 2005
Charlotte, NC
I get so pissed off when I see someone else riding a bike... don't they know that I invented bike riding??? How dare them have fun doing the same thing that I have fun doing. :rant:
Lmao, I used the same analogy. Then the rest of the day, whenever I'd get the chance I'd be like, "hey dude, you just replaced a tube, do you mind if I replace this one too?"

Needless to say he wasn't very impressed with my mocking.