
PDS Chatel


Short One Marshmallow
Sep 7, 2006
French Alps
Socket: Sorry about not replying to you, I do remember your message too.

I havn't lived in Switzerland, so Ben would be the best bet to talk to. If you have any questions about France, shoot me another message, I'll make sure to answer this time!

In the meantime, jump onto youtube and do a search for alpinekiwi. Most of those vids on there are shot around this area. It'll give you an idea of what riding is like here.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 1, 2007
Champery, Switzerland
hey buckoW, morgins is my new favorite in PDS!! you make a good job.:thumb::thumb: but i hafe to work for fly this trails...
Thanks. I am loving the trails in Morgins lately.

Hey Socket

It's a tourism spot so there are jobs in English but just a bit less. I started without any French at all and now speak fluently thanks to riding with guys that don't speak any English. I would say there are probably more jobs on the French side for English speakers.

Damo, how'd it go on the WC DH track with your clients? Stuff is pretty rough in Champery right now, eh?


Short One Marshmallow
Sep 7, 2006
French Alps
I had 24 of them. Didn't make it.

The plan was to ride there, then Morgins, Chatel, Pre la Joux, Montriond. With so many of them, I had to scrap most of that. Too many slow buggars.

I took them to Crosets then PLJ and finally Montriond.

Had to pay for me own damn lunch too.

But yeah, I was riding the WC track a week or so ago and it could do with some tidying. Still good though.

Socket: nothing in my PMs...


Oct 30, 2006
south west of England
Hi Damo, this kinda links on to some of the other questions.... I assume your guideing somwhere in the area so some advice would be good. Im gonna be on a gap year about this time next year and ideally I wanna ride/work in morzine or the french or swiss alps area somwhere for the season, idealy as a guide. Just wondering how easy it is to find work as a guide as it seems like an ideal job to me. I dont realy speak any french, but thats somthing id be willing to make the effort to learn, that and apparently its far easier to pick it up when your out there. Also if it makes any difference im from the uk so unless iv got it wrong I wont need a visa. Oh and iv been there a few times so i do know my way around for the most part...

oh and I wanna go out this year iether last minute on the 2nd of august for a week or around the 14th for one or two weeks, Iv heard august is normally the rainy season so if I go later am I more likely to have a wet week or two?

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May 27, 2007
Found out today they have shut the Crossets II lift, which makes getting to the Champery track a bit of a pain. Am I right in thinking the best way is to the road crossing off the Swiss National & down the road over the ridge?

Can anyone confirm the big red lift is running out of Champery? We don't want to get stranded!

Good day out today, it was baking hot!


Turbo Monkey
Mar 1, 2007
Champery, Switzerland
Hey -C-

You can go that way to get down to Champery and the tram is still running. They closed the Crosets 2 lift to build a new high speed 8 man chair. Will be sick and maybe I can get them to make another trail or 2 under the new lift. You can cut out at the middle road of the Swiss nationals track or you can go down to Crosets and ride down the road a couple hundred meters and drop in on a trail to your right. Either way works. If you ask for directions in the Bikeshop under the tram in Champery then they are usually down to give you directions to the local trails. Ask for Lolo at the shop and he will take care of you.