
pedal kicks


Jul 16, 2008
el doraod hills, ca
i can not do a pedal kick if my life depends on it, i was trying them again yesterday and i wheelied basically right on to my ass... idk if its because i have a 32tooth sprocket and am riding a djer (p.3), but i cant kick the pedal forward and then lift the bike up i feel like im doing this totally wrong, and i have been watching the ryan leech videos, but still cant.

any ponters or key facts, or do i just need to buy a trials bike? if so where online can i get them


Sep 30, 2008
A 32T is a huge front cog for this. I ran 22-18 and variations of that ratio were quite common. A smaller front ring will make a world of difference.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 3, 2004
mr.c can you rear wheel hop on your bike?

If you can hop on your rear wheel are do doing this by:
A. Pulling back and then bouncing on the back wheel whith brake locked.
B. Giving the pedals a good 1/4 turn thrust and getting onto the rear wheel?
c. You don't know?

I am a self taught trials rider but it took me a long time to master all the moves. Best advice I have, get your timing down. Lots og pratice and good timing and you should be shooting 8 foots gaps in no time.

SDH Racing

Apr 5, 2006
i can not do a pedal kick if my life depends on it, i was trying them again yesterday and i wheelied basically right on to my ass... idk if its because i have a 32tooth sprocket and am riding a djer (p.3), but i cant kick the pedal forward and then lift the bike up i feel like im doing this totally wrong, and i have been watching the ryan leech videos, but still cant.

any ponters or key facts, or do i just need to buy a trials bike? if so where online can i get them
Geting a trials specific bike will help "leaps and bounds". Mike Stediley is actually a good friend of mine and he told me about this website thats exellent for all your trials needs.


Dont forget to check out the trials sections in the clasified ad's on this site and others lke pinkbike and mtbr.com even craigslist and e bay. Between al those options and the site I mentioned above you'll find something right for you. Webcyclery.com also has a pretty big trials spcific selection.


SDH Racing

Apr 5, 2006
i tried pedal kicking with a 32-15 ratio and it was impossible
Thats actually a great ratio to learn on. If you can kick that set up, a trials ratio set up will be cake all day every day. you'll need hard gears anywhay when roll kicking super large gaps anyways. Using too easy of a gear will make you stall out mid air and mash your cranks or frame on what your tire was aiming for.
Last edited:
Jan 29, 2007
Learn on the bike you are on. If you get a trials spec bike later everything you learned will be easier to do and you will get exponentially better. I started riding trials on a 24" magna!! Pedal Kicking... Make sure you get your RWH's down first. Do you pull up or pedal up to get the wheel in the air? If you pull up, learn how to pedal or surge the front wheel up. Once you learn that pedal kicks will fall into place.