
people and dogs.?.


Nov 28, 2005
We were biking last week at a spot we have been at all winter.There is never anybody around..My friend has been bringing his dog for obvious reasons...well last week it was pretty nice out so we ran into alot of people and before I start getting bashed we already came to the conclusion that we ca'nt do this anymore, no big deal...The folks we ran into though, you would think we had a freakin bear with us or something, holy crap are people that scared of dogs ..????....This dog is about 30lbs....WTF......


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
Was the dog on a leash? If not then you are in the wrong. Period. it does not matter if the dog weighs 20 or 120 pounds.

If the dog was leashed (and under control) then just chalk it up to people being paranoid.


Jan 8, 2002
Naperville, IL
I hear that.

We have a 5 month old Bulldog. He is about 35lbs and people either cross the street to avoid me when I walk him. Or they take 3 steps back and watch me like a hawk until we are gone. You should see Tank walk. he can barely get out of his own way let alone move fast enough to attack someone.

That is is he is so inclined and trust me. He is not inclined to do much unless it's sleep, snore, or fart.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Some people are just freaked out by dogs. Unfortunately the people who freak can often attract their attention. I won't let my dog off the leash anywhere I know other people are around. Me pup is super friendly but he does jump on people who seem afraid of him.

Of course there was this one time I was happy he jumped on someone. Lady who lives down the road walked by and would always call my dog over. I asked her not to as he wasn't allowed to leave the yard and if he did the invisible fence would zap him. Well one day she walked by and didn't see me trimming the bushes. She kept calling my dog over, eventually he got so excited he ran across the property line, planted two paws in here chest and knocked her right on her ass. Her screaming and rolling around on the ground riled him up even more as he slobbered all over her face. I was proud and gave him a treat after dragging him inside.


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
Your dog might be cool and probably most dogs are, but there's always those people who saw something on the news 10 years ago about a redneck with a doberman that eats children, who freak out at the sight of a dog with no leash. Yes they are paranoid asshats and probably their paranoia has little or no justification, but the law is on their side... so you kinda have to deal.


Plastic Santa
Jan 6, 2005
I think it has to do with something about respecting others on the trail. Some sort of common sense mumbo jumbo...



trail builder
Jun 17, 2002
Calgary AB
Y'all have off-leash parks down there? Some riding spots up here are within designated off leash parks...just curious.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
I leave my dog off the leash when I ride. He wont bite anybody. If anybody freaks out cause they're a big pvssy, oh well. If I get a ticket. I'll pay it. **** keeping my dog on a leash all the time.


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
BurlyShirley said:
I leave my dog off the leash when I ride. He wont bite anybody. If anybody freaks out cause they're a big pvssy, oh well. If I get a ticket. I'll pay it. **** keeping my dog on a leash all the time.
I'll be sure to tell my 3 year old that next time she gets knocked down by an unleashed dog.


Turbo Monkey
May 26, 2004
Fortunately almost everyone in boulder loves dogs, we go off-leash all the time. In many places this is allowed. It's really unfortunate people are so lame about it, dogs are not meant to live on a rope.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
DRB said:
I'll be sure to tell my 3 year old that next time she gets knocked down by an unleashed dog.
I would think its more irresponsible to have my 3 year old daughter walking on a mountain bike trail than just about anything...


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
SkaredShtles said:
Do you actually have exclusive mt biker trails down there? Not out here..........
The two trails I ride most actually.

Its not like I leave my dog off in the city park or anything, but its a dog, it deserves to be able to run down a freaking trail. Thats what dogs do.


Turbo Monkey
May 26, 2004
SkaredShtles said:
It's easy - dog approaches off leash, whack dog with large stick.
I wouldnt hesitate to protect myself, my family, or my own dog from an aggresive loose dog. However, if you hit my dog just for walking up to you on a trail, I would probably beat the hell out of you.

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
I like seeing dogs on the trails. They're cute. :)

I fell off my bike once going through a rock garden and a strangers dog ran up to me and started licking my face. :)


Nov 28, 2005
My friend was in the wrong with the dog not beeing on a leash he knows that, as I put in the post [we won't do this again] we were only on the trail two minutes because it leads us to the good trails that most people around here will not bike on..??..my point was how the F... are people afraid of something that small....we were in the same spot on Friday night and ran into a guy with a unleashed 65lb pitbull.now that might be a diff story...??


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
TheInedibleHulk said:
I wouldnt hesitate to protect myself, my family, or my own dog from an aggresive loose dog. However, if you hit my dog just for walking up to you on a trail, I would probably beat the hell out of you.
Key point. No reasonable person is going to cane a dog because it "walked up to them" - but dog owners are amazing in their inability to understand that others might not view their behavior as harmless.

This all becomes a moot point if dog owners would simply keep their dogs on leash.


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
ktmsx said:
My friend was in the wrong with the dog not beeing on a leash he knows that, as I put in the post [we won't do this again] we were only on the trail two minutes because it leads us to the good trails that most people around here will not bike on..??..my point was how the F... are people afraid of something that small....we were in the same spot on Friday night and ran into a guy with a unleashed 65lb pitbull.now that might be a diff story...??
Were you looking for discussion and opinions or was everyone just supposed to agree with you? :D


AAAAH! Monkeys stole my math!
Mar 4, 2004
Boston....outside of it....
OMGF and I have two dogs which I can walk/ run with off leash and they'll follow us.

I found out that they are horrid biking dogs.... they run in front of the bike and stop to see if you are following them, so there is no biking and dogs.

and that whole walking vagina thing....... I have a vagina and it does not walk. Neither do my ovaries, my labia, or my clit.

If they did walk, I would tell them to go get me a beer, because it's not like my lazy @ss dogs can get me a beer.



Gang probed by the Golden Banana
Aug 2, 2005
ktmsx didn't say anything about the area having leash rules or laws. It's pretty simple, if there is a rule about it then the dog should be on a leash. If there isn't, then you have to use your common sense. Lots of people around? Use a leash. Not many people around? Then maybe not.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
ktmsx said:
My friend was in the wrong with the dog not beeing on a leash he knows that, as I put in the post [we won't do this again] we were only on the trail two minutes because it leads us to the good trails that most people around here will not bike on..??..my point was how the F... are people afraid of something that small....
Dude - people are afraid of .25oz spiders, 3 pound snakes.......... is it really that much of a stretch to believe that people might be afraid of *any* dog? Except maybe a Yorkie - who the hell could be afraid of one of those? :D
BurlyShirley said:
I leave my dog off the leash when I ride. He wont bite anybody. If anybody freaks out cause they're a big pvssy, oh well. If I get a ticket. I'll pay it. **** keeping my dog on a leash all the time.

Forget the ticket - if someone "claims" your dog bit them, and he/she wasn't on a leash, they'll be quarainteed and if it happens again they'll put the dog down.

SO not worth it.


Gang probed by the Golden Banana
Aug 2, 2005
SkaredShtles said:
Key point. No reasonable person is going to cane a dog because it "walked up to them" - but dog owners are amazing in their inability to understand that others might not view their behavior as harmless.

This all becomes a moot point if dog owners would simply keep their dogs on leash.
It will be a cold day in hell before I put my dog on a leash in a non-park environment (ie the woods). If people are so fragile they can't handle a simple interaction with a dog, they shouldn't be in the woods to begin with.


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
BurlyShirley said:
Its not like I leave my dog off in the city park or anything, but its a dog, it deserves to be able to run down a freaking trail. Thats what dogs do.
they also slobber and sh!t all over the place too. do you pick up the turds, or do you like the soft, squishy feeling of stepping in one?


Turbo Monkey
May 25, 2005
I think that if a dog behaves and is friendly, I don’t see any reason why he or she should be on a leash. It never bothers me when I see a dog off the leash, as long as it’s not trying to attack me.

My Jack Russell loves people, but since he is a Jack Russell he will chase anything that moves, so I keep him on a leash. I


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
This thread is a classic example of why most people suck.

First off most people who care enough about their dog to have it out on a trail in the first place, generally have dogs that arent prone to attacking people. Most dogs that bite people are chained in back yards and bite kids who poke them with sticks, or they escape and are just crazy. Not exactly the same situation.
Secondly, this thread shows that most people suck, because they're so quick to just make a blanket rule while ONLY thinking about themselves. Let's say a dog DID attack you on the trail, it'd get euthanized in not time. Yep, you'd have a scar, but boohoo, put away your freaking inhaler and deal with it sissy. Its not that ALL dogs attacked you ONE did. It's THAT person's responsibility. A dog is NO MORE dangerous than a mountain bike in the wrong person's hands.
Just go out wearing a bear suit all the time if you're that afraid of the world around you. Things happen people...


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
MtnBikerChk said:
Forget the ticket - if someone "claims" your dog bit them, and he/she wasn't on a leash, they'll be quarainteed and if it happens again they'll put the dog down.

SO not worth it.
...this is the exact stuff Im talking about. How ridiculous a law is that, and how was it put into effect?

People live in fear for no reason.


Attention K Mart Shoppers
Jul 19, 2002
New England
I like dogs but alot of people are pussies. I mean I have two chihuahua's and have had multiple adult neighbors that were terrified of them.

We had a next door neighbors that would walk completely around the apartment complex before she would walk past them. Even though it was completely out of her way. Unfortunately her kids played off that too and would freak when they saw them.

If your scared of a >15 lb dog there is no hope for you. :rolleyes:


Nov 28, 2005
Echo said:
Were you looking for discussion and opinions or was everyone just supposed to agree with you? :D
The day everybody agrees with me will be a f...up day....


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
narlus said:
they also slobber and sh!t all over the place too. do you pick up the turds, or do you like the soft, squishy feeling of stepping in one?
I do pick up my dog's crap. I hate people that dont. Ick.