
permanent diet?


Jun 1, 2002
i recently was talking to someone who works with my sister,and she mentioned she is really 'permenetly dieting'.i think i would go insane if,for the rest of my life i weighed food and checked i had the exact quantity of protein:fat:carbs.does anyone here actually do this?


Jun 1, 2002
yeah i can 'eyeball' most food.but im talking about being restrictive.i eat what i want ,the only restriction i make is that what i eat is very healthy.
Originally posted by azrael
yeah i can 'eyeball' most food.but im talking about being restrictive.i eat what i want ,the only restriction i make is that what i eat is very healthy.
if you are serious about weight training, or training for a sport, the only way to be sure you are getting the proper amount of calories, fat, etc is to write it down - and stick to it.


Jun 1, 2002
yes i understand.right now i eat around 1600-2000 cals a day.i still have some toning up,though i hva e lost nearly all the excess fat...its annoying,bause at 16 i am suposed to have this crazy metabolism,and at 6foot3 i am suposed to require more food,oh well.


Jul 18, 2002
Stillwater, OK
when you get older thou food becomes a very important part of your daily survival, without a balanced diet i wouldn't have the energy to make it through a long day after lifting in the morning, working, then running in the evenings three days and then riding three other days, i would have no energy to watch TV. also eating healthy is one thing and eating right is another. being restrictive is the last thing you want to do because then you have a higher chance of malnuritioning your body. if it is big deal to you, or for your friend, you should really go see a nutritionist not a dietician.


Jun 23, 2002
I hate the word diet. It insinuates deprevation.If you are overweight chances are you have made some bad choices and usually it has something to do with lack of exercise and eating the wrong s**t.Eating is not a sport.It is a means to an end.It is meant to keep you nutrionally alive and not hungry.It is not an activity that one excells at.
Eating 5-6 or even 7 little meals a day to keep your MR going is the ideal way to eat.Keep your proteins, carbs & fats in balance and try to get your nutrition from fresh foods not McDonalds.Buffets are also a bad choice.It encourages you to get your moneys worth.
Exercise-which includes a plethora of choices.People think when you say exercise they are doomed to perform life challenging feats in a gym with rusty weights and steroided hoodlums grunting at them.For me exercise means PLAYING!!! surfing, MTB'g,skiing,hiking in the Hill country,rafting down the Guadalupe,whatever...but it sure as hell isnt boring.
Like MBchick said" sleep, supplements are important.Ephedrine? I'm not sure about.It sounds a little like cocaine junior.You might want to have a double cappucino.
Bottom line-use your head, it's not rocket science.
Oh yeah, washboard abs? genetics man. ab exercises are good because they help stabilize the torso, but they will not necessarly give you a six pack.Thats called advertisement.


Jun 1, 2002
good post,occasionally a post like that is needed to knock up some sense.i think ive now pretty much gotten there,i dont 'train' with a h/r moniter,i just ride alot and do some strenght/stretching to prevent injury.still,cooking is very important in my family,and even though im sixteen i love to preare food.food isnt just a means of staying alive,it can be enjoyed-just not at the expense of more important things.
and with the calorie things,i wouldnt worry about them,they arent always very accurate,and unless your an elite athlete they are kind of over complex.example:im sixteen and moderatly active,according to most cal meters,im suposedto eat up to 3500 cals a day! and with my diet(as in ,'what foods i eat,not an eating plan) that is just too muc food.


Jun 23, 2002
Azrael-Man, when I was 16 I didn't give a s**t what I ate let alone count calories.I burned off everything I ate but I was an active little f**k.Unfourtanetly a lot of kids today don't get a lot of exercise, video games, tv, lounging seem to be highly popular.You obviously are not in that group because you are posting here and I assume you ride a lot.I think its great you sit down with your family to eat, that is healthy in a mental, physical and spiritual sense.You are on a good path and I wouldn't worry about all this high tech dieting...enjoy yourself.....ride on!