
Pinkbike member webeskankin3, Tim Williams - 2010 Dorado attempted scam

Kanye West

220# bag of hacktastic
Aug 31, 2006
Had an ad up for a 2010 Aluminum Dorado, which aren't shipping yet. Had no pics and no serial number, telling me he would get it drop-shipped straight to me from the factory, apparently through Manitou's Sponsorhouse store. I called him out on it, and his priceless response was:

"I just threw it up there to make some money, working out the kinks as I go."

I had this to say, assuming he could even get the product at all:

"Taking 3 months or more to ship a product is not a "kink". That is mail fraud. I am sure as HELL not sending you over $1000 for you to "work out the kinks"."

Anyhow, he took the ad down. His profile says he is from Norwell, MA and gives no age, but he mentioned that he was at school. Ask for pictures of the actual product, and a serial number if applicable if you have to deal with him. Buyer beware.
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Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
I contacted him too, and while I don't think he was necessarily trying to scam anybody, I do think he was a bit of an idiot to try and pull that off.