
Pirates and Fruads


Turbo Monkey
Jul 12, 2002
THE Palouse
I'm not being judgmental here, believe me that I've done my fair share of not-so-legal things in my life. I'm just trying to understand what drives people to do the type of stuff that's mentioned in De Peach's thread.

It all makes me wonder what people use their computers for that it requires them to pirate software and defraud warranties in order to get the latest and greatest. Is that it? Just to have the best? I suppose the risk vs. reward is good enough to not think twice about downloading software...but still, what kind of software is it people pirate? I can understand MS Office, copying a game from a buddy, is that basically it?

What am I missing?


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
It's not too complicated. People steal software and such for the same reasons people steal other things. They (we) don't want to pay.

Personall, I make distinctions between stealing software and robbing someones house. Are they both stealing? yes. Is one a more heinous crime than the other? Maybe... depends on your own personal value set. I'll have to answer for my own actions someday.

Why do I pirate software? Because I can't afford to spend 1000.00 for Photo Shop. Because by pirating microsoft products I am telling Bill Gates "Eff You!" Is it right? No. Should you or anyone else pass judgment on me or think of yourself as "better" than me? No. I bet you and everyone else (including me) has done things just as bad, if not worse.

As for the Risk Vs. Reward, well with software the risk is very low. Bill Gates in not going to come to your house and check your PC. (He ain't gonna send you money either.)

Would I prefer to pay for all my stuff? Yes. Absolutely.

So there you go...

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
I put software piracy in a seperate category.

The hardware stuff is no different from any other kind of fraud to get what you want. There's no mystery - the guy that makes a bike warrenty claim for "just riding along". The guy that overvalues his stuff by 2 or 3 times when something is stolen/burns. There's no great secret here, people want new stuff and nice stuff and that's one way to get it.

Software crosses a hazy line for me. The hardware is cut and dry - a piece of hardware is manufactured at X cost, and for it to be taken, it has to be physically removed from another person or place.

Software is an impermanent item. Copies can be produced without removing it from another place. The physical cost of the item is almost nothing at all - the development is where the cost is, and I don't think any of these manufacturers have not more than made their development costs back. Not that software piracy is right, but to me it is less of a theft since the item itself doesn't need replacement nor is it an immediate cost to the company.

Not to mention, much of the software that's pirated is pirated by people who would not otherwise be paying for it or having it at all.

Anyway, just some thoughts. As I said, it's not right, but to me, it's more of a gray area than the physical cost associated with theft of or fraud involving hardware.