
Plattekill race #3 (so asking for some help...again)

So as everyone knows plattekill #3 is comming up this comming weekend. I want to wish everyone racing good luck and hope everything goes smoothly. So yea, i need help (again)....i dont have a ride up to plattekill as of right now, since non of my friends can take me and since my parents are way too busy with my cousins upcomming wedding to drive me up there. Missing this platty race would mean i missed all 3 races this season so far, and obviously i dont want to do that. So if anyone would be as kind as to possibly haul me up there with them and bring me back whenever you're comming back, i would greatly appreciate it (ofcourse i would pay for gas, food, etc). I dont have a rig, since i kinda broke mine a while ago and didnt get a new 1 yet, so you dont have to have room for a bike but just an open seat for a person. I dont care if i have to fit into a little box to get there, but as long as i get there i'm good :thumb: . I'm in the greater philadelphia area (Cherry Hill, NJ...so its kinda a long drive) but if anyone here is going to plattekill from philly or the philly area on race weekend, has an open seat, and is willing to pick up a 16 year old kid, PLEASE PM or email me. Thanks a lot for the help guys, n hope i can still get up there n race (but even if i dont get to race...i just wanna get out to a damn platty race this year!) I posted this exact thread on Hcor.net, but havent gotten any responses yet, and i'm hoping that posting it here might increase my chances of finding someone to help me. Thanks again for looking and the much needed :help: .


Turbo Monkey
Mar 3, 2005
Why do you want to go if you don't have a bike? That seems like a waste of time to me.


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
no help from me, but you can rent some pretty decked out turners from pkill. I did that this weekend, good spec with the 40 and such, but definately not my favorite bike....regardless, i don't know if you can race on them, but you can rent them to ride.

call ahead definately for a race weekend.
yea i kno....thats kinda why i'm trying to find someone from jersey to take me, like directly, so its not so long, but i'll deal with the 7 hour bus trip if i have to...i'll do w/e it takes to get up to platty to witness/even participate in the awesome riding....thanks for the info though....keep em comming...anyone going up to platty from jersey please PM me...thanks a lot
yea i kno....thats kinda why i'm trying to find someone from jersey to take me, like directly, so its not so long, but i'll deal with the 7 hour bus trip if i have to...i'll do w/e it takes to get up to platty to witness/even participate in the awesome riding....thanks for the info though....keep em comming...anyone going up to platty from jersey please PM me...thanks a lot