
Please write to NORBA, Help me solve the US National Championships puzzle

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Nov 17, 2005
Boulder, Colorado
Hey everyone, If your not happy with the current US National Championships situation, you can make a difference. I Just wrote to the CEO of Norba Steve Johnson and Board Member Jim Ochowicz providing them with altrinate ideas with a positive note. Help me try to change the minds of NORBA. All negative naysayers need not reply as you will do nothing to help. Thanks, we can make a difference!

sjohnson@usacycling.org, jochowicz@tweisel.com
Dear Steve Johnson and Jim Ochowicz
My name is Brian Buell, NORBA # 218052, I am a Semi Pro Gravity Rider racing for RotecCycles and I will be traveling to many Venues this year including, Mt St Ann Canada, Snowmass, Vermont, US Open ect... These places make for great races becuase of the Vertical Drop, important for DH. Great terrain and a long 3-6 min course that will weed out the men from the boys. Now after presenting this information, it is obvious that Sonoma and the Infinion Raceway is not a proper place to hold a large DH event, let alone the National Championships. A raceway might be a great place for a XC race and mountaincross but holds no place for a world class, supposivly, DH race that will crown the best rider in the nation. This course will not showcase the best overall DH rider but only the best sprinter due to the lack of terrain(rocks, roots, logs ect). This needs to be changed. The possible solution that has been discussed by many is Deer Valley holding the DH NAT Champs the week before Sanoma. This is a great course perfect for a NAT Championship as it is very popular among DH riders of all classes. I was planning on attending Mammoth for the Nats but since this change was made i have absolutely no desire on attending a Nats at Sonoma. I look foreward to riding NORBA every year and esspecially the National Championships but of the look of things this year i am not to stoked about the situation! Please, everyone at NORBA, from a commited rider, listion to the many many people like me trying to make DH mountain bike riding better for all. Thank you for your time and consideration and hopefully this situation can be solved, thoughtfully, rationally and for the better. Gravity racers pay their dues each season and deserve better, much better.

Brian Buell
P.S. I respect all XC racers and appreciate everything they do for the sport yet they cannot dictate where large races like the NAT Champs are held.


boob hater
Jan 24, 2004
And this, ladies and gentlemen, is why NORBA thinks DHers suck.

I mean...by all means...write to Norba and bitch. But please, for the love of jeebus, help us all out and use spellcheck.
Feb 10, 2003
A, A
im confused...was this already sent? hows about some literary type folk draft up a real letter to voice the concerns a little more clearly. Props to Brian for initiative but lets get some proper F U nasty letter to follow type letters coming in.


Feb 25, 2004
Umm all the drama aside here, I think this is the right direction. Yes I do think some grammar and punctuation would help but the point is that everyone needs to write. I respect your point about needed to sound coherent Transcend but bulk also goes along way. There have to be about 1000 people who come through the DH forum regularly and if a 1/3 of them are Norba members and write letters to USA Cycling that will go a long way even if some are not grammaticaly perfect. Good job Brian that is what needs to be done. Everyone! Get in contact with NORBA united we can make a difference.


My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
NateH said:
Umm all the drama aside here, I think this is the right direction. Yes I do think some grammar and punctuation would help but the point is that everyone needs to write. I respect your point about needed to sound coherent Transcend but bulk also goes along way. There have to be about 1000 people who come through the DH forum regularly and if a 1/3 of them are Norba members and write letters to USA Cycling that will go a long way even if some are not grammaticaly perfect. Good job Brian that is what needs to be done. Everyone! Get in contact with NORBA united we can make a difference.
I agree everyone needs to write letters. However, this is a multi million dollar a year organization you are trying to affect change in. You need to act seriously to be taken seriously. Firing off an email that wasn't even spell checked shows you don't care.


Nov 17, 2005
Boulder, Colorado
He dude, I'm an 18 year old Semi Pro racer, Jr X National Champion trying to make a difference, i havn't been riding or involved with NORBA to do much of anything like all those other people on the forums. I don't think many people like me would actually take the time to make somewhat of a difference, instead they would bash NORBA for sucking and being crappy. I'm trying to be part of the 1% of people actually trying to make a difference anyway that i can. I am a dedicated racer, rider and writer, yes writer. I have already been published on Declinemagazine.com and am planning for providing race reports for them later this year. I am persistant, i Created a bike club at my small community college, yeah i go to community college(its cheaper, i ride bikes) just so i could ride in and win the DIV II National Championships. My main goal is to make a difference in the biking world and plan on to continue for amny years to come and will not let jokers like you stand in my productive ways! I'm sorry, this is rediculas of you to critisize me when you don't know what the F is going on!!!


Feb 25, 2004
Come on guys, if you disagree with him just don't talk to him it distracts from what we are all trying to do here.


My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
He dude, I'm an 18 year old Semi Pro racer, Jr X National Champion trying to make a difference, i havn't been riding or involved with NORBA to do much of anything like all those other people on the forums. I don't think many people like me would actually take the time to make somewhat of a difference, instead they would bash NORBA for sucking and being crappy. I'm trying to be part of the 1% of people actually trying to make a difference anyway that i can. I am a dedicated racer, rider and writer, yes writer. I have already been published on Declinemagazine.com and am planning for providing race reports for them later this year. I am persistant, i Created a bike club at my small community college, yeah i go to community college(its cheaper, i ride bikes) just so i could ride in and win the DIV II National Championships. My main goal is to make a difference in the biking world and plan on to continue for amny years to come and will not let jokers like you stand in my productive ways! I'm sorry, this is rediculas of you to critisize me when you don't know what the F is going on!!!
Again, the thought isn't what counts. If you want to be taken seriously, act that way. Firing off an email like that will do nothing to help.

If you read those posts again, you will notice that i criticized the letter, not you. Again, a CEO is simply not going to take that letter seriously. It takes 30 seconds to spell check something. It then takes another few minutes to run it by someone who you know can write an elegant sentence.

NORBA already despises gravity riders. You need to give them a reason to take you seriously. Being coherent is a damn good place to start. When they get a letter that is written well and doesn't hurt the brain to read, they will read it. They will then wonder if what you are saying is true. If they get something that looks like it was fired off by a drunkard, they will simply delete it. It's business, pure and simple.

No offense, but by 18 you should be able to clearly get out your thoughts, especially if you are a writer. If you think you are doing anyone a favour with a letter like that, you are wrong.


Nov 17, 2005
Boulder, Colorado
By the way man, in my high school i recieved a $1000 scholarship and was awarded as the student who made a difference in my school, and guess what man i didn't spell evey frieking world correctly either, its all about the message your trying to deliver. I also am a very kind person who at the moment is somewhat appaled at how your going about things right now. By the way, i recieved this award by just volenterring my time helping and teaching troubled 6th graders kids how to play basketball, tought them my golden rules in life and treated them not as stupid little kids like your doing to me right now, but each as a friend and fellow student and they obviously responded to it becuase they got in trouble less, grades went up and teachers noticed. If you still don't think simple things can't make a big difference then you can just stop participating in this disscusion as you are a cancer that cannot be treated!


My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
Ok you simply don't get it.

If you think your drunken email is going to help, then so be it. I'll prune the posts in this thread and you can see how many other people agree that the letter should probably have a little more time put into it ok?

edit: and just to help, I'll sticky it.


Nov 17, 2005
Boulder, Colorado
Transcend said:
Again, the thought isn't what counts. If you want to be taken seriously, act that way. Firing off an email like that will do nothing to help.

If you read those posts again, you will notice that i criticized the letter, not you. Again, a CEO is simply not going to take that letter seriously. It takes 30 seconds to spell check something. It then takes another few minutes to run it by someone who you know can write an elegant sentence.

NORBA already despises gravity riders. You need to give them a reason to take you seriously. Being coherent is a damn good place to start. When they get a letter that is written well and doesn't hurt the brain to read, they will read it. They will then wonder if what you are saying is true. If they get something that looks like it was fired off by a drunkard, they will simply delete it. It's business, pure and simple.

No offense, but by 18 you should be able to clearly get out your thoughts, especially if you are a writer. If you think you are doing anyone a favour with a letter like that, you are wrong.
Thats all i needed to hear the first time instead of your constant vulger comebacks that do not help at all but frustrate people even more. I will consider this next time i attemp anything like this again. Its cool to give friendly suggestions ain't it now! Gosh dang!


Feb 25, 2004
Again, you guys seem to both be trying to get last words. Who cares, both of you obviously care about our sport so lets leave the attention on the message. Everyone Call Norba!!!
Feb 10, 2003
A, A
Transcend said:
If you read those posts again, you will notice that i criticized the letter, not you. Again, a CEO is simply not going to take that letter seriously. It takes 30 seconds to spell check something. It then takes another few minutes to run it by someone who you know can
No offense, but by 18 you should be able to clearly get out your thoughts, especially if you are a writer. If you think you are doing anyone a favour with a letter like that, you are wrong.
haha...you spelled favor wrong...haha...:eviltongu..freaking frenchies..
Feb 10, 2003
A, A
Transcend said:
Actually, it is spelled correctly, as per the roots of the english language. It simply hasn't been americanized.:)
I know...just trying to aid in the pointlessness of the posts this hour....


Nov 17, 2005
Boulder, Colorado
Thanks, i know there are many people out there that will agree with you for obvious reasons that we discussed already, yet if a third of the people care about this issue like i do and participate like I did, then were on the right track and maybe someone will send that perfect letter that will change the world of mountain biking for the better. Also when replying to others oppinions, take the time to be constructive instead of firing off negative reply's, they don't help at all. Like my mother always said, if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all! Call your mom and tell her you love her, eh!


My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
Also, because I cannot sleep, I will show you what a quick draft of an acceptable letter may look like.

Dear sirs,

It has come to my attention that the NORBA National Championships of mountain biking has recently been moved away from Mammoth Mountain, California due to circumstances out of the organizing body's control. The replacement venue selected was recently announced as Infineon Raceway, California.

While an excellent location for Cross Country events, this venue simply lacks the vertical height and terrain necessary for a proper downhill event. The National Championship is supposed to showcase the absolute best in talent, and crown our national champion. The race course at Infineon simply has no way of allowing the very best to shine. There is a distinct lack of vertical (compare 600' at Infineon to the 3000' at Mammoth *accurate #s necessary), a lack of rock gardens and a lack of length.

Various locations have been tossed around in recent discussions as to the best replacement venue to mammoth, with respect to the schedule and venues available. The current consensus is that Park Valley would be the optimum replacement for this event.

Please take this under advisement etc etc

As you can see, it is far from complete and is a quick draft. This is the type of letter that an executive will take seriously. It isn't worth his time or effort to wade through letters that don't sounds professional. This is especially true when he groans as he receives it knowing it is a letter from another gravity racer whining that no one cares about them (even if it is true). You need to grab someone's attention, especially when you are trying to change their mind about something. It is the business world, this is how it is, like it or not.


Nov 17, 2005
Boulder, Colorado
v10"o-PlEaSuRe said:
I know...just trying to aid in the pointlessness of the posts this hour....
I agree this last hour was very pointless, not becuase i wanted it to be. T created a snowball effect creating a hostile chat when all i wanted was a productive message to be acknowledged!


Nov 17, 2005
Boulder, Colorado
Transcend said:
Also, because I cannot sleep, I will show you what a quick draft of an acceptable letter may look like.

Dear sirs,

It has come to my attention that the NORBA National Championships of mountain biking has recently been moved away from Mammoth Mountain, California due to circumstances out of the organizing body's control. The replacement venue selected was recently announced as Infineon Raceway, California.

While an excellent location for Cross Country events, this venue simply lacks the vertical height and terrain necessary for a proper downhill event. The National Championship is supposed to showcase the absolute best in talent, and crown our national champion. The race course at Infineon simply has no way of allowing the very best to shine. There is a distinct lack of vertical (compare 600' at Infineon to the 3000' at Mammoth *accurate #s necessary), a lack of rock gardens and a lack of length.

Various locations have been tossed around in recent discussions as to the best replacement venue to mammoth, with respect to the schedule and venues available. The current consensus is that Park Valley would be the optimum replacement for this event.

Please take this under advisement etc etc

Thats awesome man, will you help by sending a a similar letter becuase that would be much appreciated! I'm sorry i cannot make it seem as easy as you did but i will try again, k.


Nov 17, 2005
Boulder, Colorado
NateH said:
Again, you guys seem to both be trying to get last words. Who cares, both of you obviously care about our sport so lets leave the attention on the message. Everyone Call Norba!!!
Thanks for your support Nate, i appreciate it very much. Keep up the good work.


Feb 18, 2005
buell's message is good but ceo's dont care about stokage, they need to be taken seriously, if i was a ceo i would consider transcends letter over buells first attempt, but in reality the ceo or usacycling need to be filled in on what a real dh is and how sonoma just isnt qualified for the job, or maybe they did this to try and get rid of riders, its working
Transcend said:
Also, because I cannot sleep, I will show you what a quick draft of an acceptable letter may look like.

Dear sirs,

It has come to my attention that the NORBA National Championships of mountain biking has recently been moved away from Mammoth Mountain, California due to circumstances out of the organizing body's control. The replacement venue selected was recently announced as Infineon Raceway, California.

While an excellent location for Cross Country events, this venue simply lacks the vertical height and terrain necessary for a proper downhill event. The National Championship is supposed to showcase the absolute best in talent, and crown our national champion. The race course at Infineon simply has no way of allowing the very best to shine. There is a distinct lack of vertical (compare 600' at Infineon to the 3000' at Mammoth *accurate #s necessary), a lack of rock gardens and a lack of length.

Various locations have been tossed around in recent discussions as to the best replacement venue to mammoth, with respect to the schedule and venues available. The current consensus is that Park Valley would be the optimum replacement for this event.

Please take this under advisement etc etc
Beside the fact that its Deer Valley not Park valley I agree that the letter you just posted there is good. I agree that Brians original letter and post easily could of gone through a spell check to improve its reading enjoyability. But atleast he stirred up an interest and did more then most all the other complainers. He got you to write a constructive letter of your own, which I hope you sent.


My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on your viewpoint) I am no longer a NORBA member. Therefore, my letter would have little weight in any decision made. Member's letters are what will matter.


My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
SPrider said:
buell's message is good but ceo's dont care about stokage, they need to be taken seriously, if i was a ceo i would consider transcends letter over buells first attempt, but in reality the ceo or usacycling need to be filled in on what a real dh is and how sonoma just isnt qualified for the job, or maybe they did this to try and get rid of riders, its working
The current USAC CEO is a long time USAC director. He knows full well what Downhill is. The difference is, they do not care. They made this clear with this decision. This is why people need to try and be convincing when they write their letters. If they don't, they will simply sound like they are whining and throwing a temper tantrum. They already don't want to hear from you if you are a gravity rider, why help them to make the decision to delete your email an easy one?

edit: your best bet will probably be to delete this thread and create a new one asking people to please participate in a letter writing campaign, along with whom to contact etc.


Nov 17, 2005
Boulder, Colorado
Transcend said:
Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on your viewpoint) I am no longer a NORBA member. Therefore, my letter would have little weight in any decision made. Member's letters are what will matter.
Good to know. T, thanks for your insight today, it opened my eyes and hopefully yours as well, you are a very smart person and i would like to see you put your skills to good use next time becuase you are very talented and could help a lot of people! I hope i didn't offend or hurt you in anyway and if we could be friends that sure would be swell, later:)


Turbo Monkey
Sep 24, 2004
wine country
I very much agree with Transend about clean and well written letter. I also give you props for putting forth an effort to write a letter with very good ideas and thoughts, but completing it, would make it that much better. :thumb:

Msisle Dad

Jul 1, 2003
Catonsville, MD
Transcend said:
Also, because I cannot sleep, I will show you what a quick draft of an acceptable letter may look like.

Dear sirs,

It has come to my attention that the NORBA National Championships of mountain biking has recently been moved away from Mammoth Mountain, California due to circumstances out of the organizing body's control. The replacement venue selected was recently announced as Infineon Raceway, California.

While an excellent location for Cross Country events, this venue simply lacks the vertical height and terrain necessary for a proper downhill event. The National Championship is supposed to showcase the absolute best in talent, and crown our national champion. The race course at Infineon simply has no way of allowing the very best to shine. There is a distinct lack of vertical (compare 600' at Infineon to the 3000' at Mammoth *accurate #s necessary), a lack of rock gardens and a lack of length.

Various locations have been tossed around in recent discussions as to the best replacement venue to mammoth, with respect to the schedule and venues available. The current consensus is that Park Valley would be the optimum replacement for this event.

Please take this under advisement etc etc

As you can see, it is far from complete and is a quick draft. This is the type of letter that an executive will take seriously. It isn't worth his time or effort to wade through letters that don't sounds professional. This is especially true when he groans as he receives it knowing it is a letter from another gravity racer whining that no one cares about them (even if it is true). You need to grab someone's attention, especially when you are trying to change their mind about something. It is the business world, this is how it is, like it or not.

Fraser, as a 45 year old "business man", your letter bores me. Brian's passion in his letter (written by an 18 year old) tells me what I would need to know. Typos and all. Cut him some slack. He is 18, taking 100 level classes as a freshman .



Calendar Dominator
Apr 23, 2002
Broomfield, Colorado
Well some constructive criticism from someone who has written many letters to NORBA.

Spell Check. A professional letter read by professionals should be formatted and spell checked in a professional manor.

Otherwise I am always participating in this endeavor. Last year I wrote letters on behalf of riders that were not allowed to participate in the World Championships for no other reason but to not have as many US riders there.

By no means am I intending to be a downer on your plan, just offering some ideas to help it along.

Now I am going back to read the thread…


Mar 31, 2004
This is great people are getting something going,, most ceo's (not sure about norba) don't read there emails or even answer there phone. They rely on there administrative ass. to screen things so the boss can fry bigger fish. Perhaps a lot of emails would help, but a rider/spokesman that could echo the emails would be a plus.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
one important point, one idea:

spell check spell check spell check! I know I'm beating a dead horse, but from a perspective of someone working in a professional environment, if you do not spell check your letter, it will most likely go straight into the garbage, or at the very least, thoroughly laughed at. With spelling and grammar errors, they will be very hard pressed to take you seriously at all.

Also, I think it might be easier to have a small group of 3 or 4 people collaborate on a single letter inclusive of all points that you want made. Then use that letter as the basis of a petition (there are many online ones that you can use, and I think that would be the most effective way to reach the most people). By using a petition you will be more likely to get more responses from more people, as they don't have to write their own letter, just sign their name to a letter/petition that already exists. Then when you get enough signatures, submit the petition to NORBA. If you had along the lines of 1000 (random number outta my a$$) signatures on it, I think they'd find it much harder to ignore.


Turbo Monkey
May 21, 2002
Orange, Ca
Quit wasting your time, Write a letter to the ABA and beg them to create MTB racing...let them know there is money to be made from it...few hundred letters to them will be better than 50,000 to NORBA.


Well i just an autoreply back from mr johson at usacycling here it is.

Sorry I missed you. I am currently out of the office attending our
Collegiate National Championships. I will return to the office on Tuesday May
15. In the meantime, I will respond to your email as soon as possible.

yeah buddy sure you will.:redhot:


Feb 13, 2004
looking for classic NE singletrack
Dear Steve Johnson and Jim Ochowicz

I (Travis Youman NORBA Lic#293793) am writing this to protest the choice of Infinion Raceway as the choice for the US National Championships for downhill racing. I understand that due to circumstances beyond NORBA’s control (namely the large amount of snow on Mammoth Mtn) an alternate venue had to be chosen, I feel that the decision that you have gone with was done without *any* input from downhillers, and is basically a slap in the face. While the raceway may be a fine choice for XC and even Mtn Cross events, there is virtually NO downhill suitable for a normal race, let alone a National Championship. One and a half minute downhill runs do not constitute downhill, as described by the UCI:

4.3.005 The course should comprise varied terrain sections: narrow and broad tracks,
woodland roads and paths, field paths and rocky tracks. There should be a
mixture of fast and technical sections. There should be little emphasis on
pedalling, but rather the technical skills of the riders should be tested.

4.3.006 The length of the course and the duration of the event are determined as follows:

Minimum Maximum
Course length 1500 m 3500 m
Duration of the event 2 minutes 5 minutes

A race on a course ridable in a shorter time may only be held if it is the subject of
an exemption issued by the UCI mountain bike Commission.

Unfortunately, the natural terrain at Infinion does not constitute a downhill run according to the above definition, and pro times will almost definitely be under the 2min minimum unless long pedaling sections are also included. This needs to be rectified immediately, as NORBA has lost almost all credibility with mountain bikers today, and the choice of venues for the Championships shows just how out of touch and clueless NORBA really is.

Here in the Northeast the number of mountains that allow downhilling is increasing every year, and the overall number of riders and racers is increasing exponentially, yet NORBA’s influence on the area is diminishing rapidly. We have almost a dozen mountains available to ride at (Mountain Creek, Plattekill, Whiteface, Hunter, Gore, Killington, Mt Snow, Jiminy Peak, Attitash and Highland, and I’ve probably missed a few), and monthly series at Plattekill, Mountain Creek and Mt Snow (not to mention other one-time races such as the US Open, Killington’s Beauty and the Beast, Reading’s FR Downhill, and many others). Yet with all of these, the only NORBA sanctioned series is the Plattekill series. These non-NORBA races are able to offer actual pro payouts (the US Open is able to pay over $20,000 in cash, plus an equal amount in prizes to the Amateurs), and are drawing more and more people who are frustrated with NORBA’s handling of downhill racing.

People have felt for several years now that NORBA management is ignoring the needs of mountain bikers, and downhillers in particular. This latest choice for the National Championships only enforces that belief. I know that this letter will probably fall on deaf ears, but I will be pushing local mountains to continue offering non-NORBA races and race-series until NORBA reorganizes its priorities and realizes that it is writing off and downright insulting a large portion of the mountain biking community.

Travis Youman
NORBA Lic#293793 (have applied for renewal as of 05/06/06)


Jun 21, 2002
I posted this on another thread but it fits here:

I just got a call from Justin Rogers, the National Events Director at USA Cycling and here's what he had to say.

The UCI has designated that for a National Championship to be recognized, it must be run by a particular date. I the past, NORBA has largely ignored this rule but they will not get away with it this year. The proper date is July 16th but NORBA received a waiver to run the race on the following weekend (the Mammoth date). When Mammoth fell through, the called every other possible venue but no other venue could take the race on this date. Moving the DH championships to Deer Valley would mean that the UCI would not recognize the US national champion.

Any suggestions? Also, the flaming emails are not really helping - except they may make you feel better.
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